terça-feira, 1 de junho de 2010

Electronic Media & Visual Arts (EVA), Berlin 2010 November 10-12

Electronic Media & Visual Arts (EVA), Berlin 2010
November 10-12


Cross-media communication, multimodal interaction and mobile
web-technologies allow for interrelated access to the digital heritage
beyond the institutional limits of traditional museums, libraries and
archives. This is challenging traditional concepts of precisely
separated institutions. Large digital repositories, represented in a
kind of "splendid isolation" of single memory institutions, have to open
access to the more coherent and broader context of a globalized culture.

The 17th Berlin EVA conference offers a discussion forum of new media
applications. It brings together the memory institutions with
researchers of the information and communication technologies, IT -
specialists and the public administration sector. Results of research
and development will be presented with a strong reference to their
usage. A particular "students' day" refers to innovative positions from
the academic educational sector. As a member of the international EVA
Network this event offers opportunities for international

Conference Languages: German & English


Kulturforum Potsdamer Platz
Matthäikirchplatz 8
10785 Berlin

Key aspects will be:
- Culture & technology: future trends & perspectives
- Social Software, Semantic Web and Multimodal Interaction
- Documentation and heritage restoration: media strategies for museums,
   libraries and archives
- E-Commerce and digital markets
- International Co-operation, Europeana and Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek

Suggested topics:
- Hypermedia: interactive narration and scenery
- "Acoustic Turn"? Audio-visual effects and sound-design
- Optical reproduction systems and 3D-scanning
- Find an image: Content Based Image Retrieval
- E-Learning und Web-based Collaboration


Papers: Offers of papers on the conference topics are invited.
Time allowed is 20 minutes incl. 5 minutes discussion.

Workshops: Workshops on special topics can be offered. The duration
(experience has shown 2 to 4 hours) is to be arranged individually.

Exhibition: Presentations for the accompanying exhibition on
November 11, 2010 can be registered for an exhibition fee of 60 Euro.

The abstracts should not exceed 2 pages. Please include the following
information in your paper:
- Title of the Paper
- Authors / Institutions
- Speaker or Stand Staff with complete address, phone and email
- Information whether a Paper, a Tutorial / Seminar / Workshop or an
   Exhibition Stand shall be given


The accepted speakers and exhibitors will be asked for a manuscript or a
presentation slide for the conference proceedings in advance:

June 25, 2010 Submission of papers
August 15, 2010 Information about acceptance of papers
October 02, 2010 Sending of manuscripts for the conference proceedings


SMB State Museums of Berlin
GFaI Society for the Promotion of Applied Computer Science, Berlin

Chair: Dr. Andreas Bienert, SMB State Museums of Berlin


Kerstin Geißler, GFaI
Volmerstraße 3
12489 Berlin, GERMANY

Phone: +49 (0) 30 - 814 563 - 564
Fax: +49 (0) 30 - 814 563 - 577
E-Mail: geissler@gfai.de

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