quarta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2007

Mestrado, Doutorado e Pós-doutrado no Canadá

Para conhecimento e divulgação.

Vejam o site para links:
(via http://www.spaceandculture.org/)

Postdoc, MA, Ph.D. Postgrad Student Funding Opportunities

The University of Alberta is currently accepting applications for
competitive graduate awards at the Masters, Doctorate and
Postdoctorate levels of research.

Among Canada’s most prestigious research awards, Izaak Walton Killam

Memorial Postdoctoral Fellowships are open to qualified candidates,
both domestic and international, who do not currently hold a postdoc
or faculty position. Applicants are encouraged to write directly to
the head of a relevant department, and applications are accepted from
December through January, with some awards decisions made as early as
mid January. Killam Postdocs have significant value and are tenable
for 2 years.

The University of Alberta is a major centre of research and features a

collegial cultural studies scene, as well as one of the best
libraries, archives and data repositories (including GIS) in Canada. I

am particularly interested in working with students or postdoctoral
researchers on any aspect of social space, urban culture or design.
Because we have no geography department, I work mostly in the
Departments of Sociology and Art and Design but am also involved in
the City Region Studies Centre. The Department of Sociology hosts
interdisciplinary graduate students, and I am also involved in
supervision in Education, and the Department of Modern Languages and
Cultural Studies.

Areas of current interest at the University of Alberta’s Intermedia
Research Studio align with those of the Space and Culture Reading
Group and this blog, but also include areas being written up
(including fieldwork on syncretism, race and communication in Salvador

Bahia Brazil) and upcoming areas at many scales from Arctic
sovereignty and the Northwest Passage, to airport design, to the
social aspects of nanotechnology and the material culture of Canada’s

National Institute for Nanotechnology.

International experts currently on sabbatical in 2007-08 include Prof.

Andre Lemos (Facom, UFBA) and Prof. Vince Miller (Canterbury).

Please circulate this announcement widely. You can contact individual
departments for more detail and if you are interested in working with
me, please visit my homepage and contact me directly (rshields at
ualberta dot ca).

- Rob Shields

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