sexta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2007

Transnational Sexualities PostDoc at Duke University

The Program in Women's Studies at Duke University is offering two
residential postdoctoral fellowships for the 2008-09 academic year to
scholars engaged in the transnational study of sexuality. We are
particularly interested in projects that reorganize received geographic
conceptions of sexuality by investigating alternative circuits, zones,
regions. We welcome empirical, textual, and theoretical projects from a
variety of fields and periods. Topics might include South-South links,
transitional regions, critical area studies, post-socialist contexts,
European or non-European empires, or emerging spaces of erotic
that cross or evade national borders. The intent of the postdoctoral
for 2008-2009 is to foster conversations among Women's Studies, the
in Sexuality Studies, and allied fields at Duke. Proposals should
be interdisciplinary and reflect familiarity with feminist theory,
studies, and critical race and postcolonial theories.

Postdoctoral fellows will be included in a faculty-graduate seminar on
themes and are expected to be in residence at the Women's Studies
for the academic year. Fellows will teach one course related to their

The fellowship includes a stipend, health insurance, office space, and
clerical support. Applicants should be no more than five years past the
and should have the PhD in hand by May 2008. Applications received by
November 28, 2007 will be guaranteed consideration. Send C.V., 5-page
project proposal, writing sample (25 pages), 1-page course proposal
(undergraduate), and 3 letters of recommendation to: Ranjana Khanna,
Director, Women's Studies, Box 90760, 210 East Duke Building, Durham
. Our program information is available at
is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

Ara Wilson
Duke University
Tel 919.684.9179
FAX: 919.684.4652

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