Por Rosa Dalla Costa
A parceria Intercom-Fnac Curitiba (PR) continuará ativa em 2010, e o primeiro Café está marcado para o próximo dia 10 de março, às 19h30, na Fnac do Park Shopping Barigui. Para falar sobre o tema Interatividade no telejornalismo local estarão presentes duas jornalistas da RPC, Mira Graçano e Cristina Graeml, e o jornalista da TV Educativa e professor da UFPR, Elson Faxina.
Os profissionais, com vasta experiência em telejornalismo local, contarão suas experiências sobre as transformações do telejornalismo local, principalmente a partir da utilização das Novas Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação, que têm possibilitado uma interação cada vez maior com o telespectador. Essa participação tem mudado o conteúdo dos telejornais? A interatividade cada vez mais evidente nas edições do dia a dia tem contribuído para uma maior participação democrática? Há diferenças nesta interatividade nas emissoras públicas e privadas?
O Café Intercom-Fnac começa o calendário 2010 em Curitiba com força total e convida profissionais, professores e alunos de comunicação, além de interessados em comunicação de um modo geral, a fazer parte desse debate.
quinta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2010
Classificados nos prêmios estudantis terão colóquio acadêmico no Congresso da Intercom
Por Rosa Dalla Costa
Os Prêmios Estudantis da Intercom (Vera Giangrande, Francisco Morel e Freitas Nobre) terão uma novidade a partir de 2010. Os três primeiros colocados de cada um desses prêmios vão participar de um Colóquio Acadêmico no dia 1º de setembro, o primeiro dia do XXXIII Congresso Nacional da Intercom, a ser realizado em Caxias do Sul (RS).
No Colóquio, os autores dos trabalhos classificados apresentarão seus trabalhos diante de um júri composto por cinco professores, que apontarão – após a apresentação oral dos trabalhos – os primeiros, segundos e terceiros lugares de cada prêmio. A idéia do Colóquio é a de possibilitar uma aproximação entre os trabalhos classificados de iniciação científica, mestrado e doutorado, bem como uma troca de experiências e um debate acadêmico entre eles e o júri presente. Essa prática, aliás, foi iniciada nos primeiros anos dos prêmios da Intercom e será retomada a partir de 2010.
Os Prêmios Estudantis da Intercom visam incentivar e valorizar a produção científica na área da comunicação desde a graduação até o doutorado. Os melhores trabalhos apresentados nos Grupos de Trabalho são enviados a um júri com representantes de todas as regiões do país. Dessa avaliação dos trabalhos escritos saem três classificados em cada um dos prêmios, que devem então apresentar oralmente os trabalhos no Colóquio Acadêmico para um novo júri.
No Congresso da Intercom de 2009 foram classificados onze trabalhos para o Prêmio Vera Giangrande, vinte e quatro para o Francisco Morel e vinte para o Freitas Nobre. Nos meses de outubro, novembro e dezembro do ano passado esses textos foram lidos e avaliados por um júri formado pelos professores e sócios da Intercom Moacir Barbosa de Sousa, Maria Ataíde Malcher, Maria Helena Weber, Mônica Fort, Jorge Karam, Victor Gentilli, Maria Érica de Oliveira, Thalita Sasse, Ana Lúcia Enne, Maria do Socorro Veloso, Janaína Jordão, Luiza Elayne Correa Azevedo, Marco Roxo e Zeca Marques.
Os três trabalhos classificados em cada um dos prêmios são os seguintes:
Vera Giangrande
- O que você está fazendo? Um estudo da socialidade no twitter, de Filipe Speck, Nani Rios (UFSC)
- Flash Mobs, Movimentos que transcendem o Ciberespaço: uma ferramenta alternativa de comunicação, de Everton Bohn Kist (Unifra)
-Propaganda Política na Sociedade de Consumidores: o mercado eleitoral na disputa pela prefeitura de Juiz de Fora em 2008, de Mário Braga Magalhães Hubner Vieira (UFJF)
Francisco Morel
- A barreira Estético-Produtiva no Cinema Brasileiro, de Bruno Bueno Pinto Leites (Unisinos)
- Telenovela e mediações culturais na conformação da identidade feminina, de Lirian Sifuentes (UFSM)
- Por uma estética fotográfica do instante, de Gabriela Pereira de Freitas (UnB)
Freitas Nobre
- A programação do rádio brasileiro do campo público: um resgate da Segunda fase histórica dos anos 40 ao início dos anos 70, de Valei Regina Mousquer Zuculoto (UFSC)
- Fanfics: A interação entre Leitura, Escrita e Tecnologias da Informação, de Sérgio Luiz Alves da Rocha (UERJ)
- Fotografia e tempo: vertigem e paradoxo, de Cláudia Gilmar Linhares Sanz (UFF)
Os demais trabalhos classificados receberão um certificado de menção honrosa dos respectivos prêmios, a ser enviado por email na ocasião do Congresso.
Mais informações sobre os prêmios e os resultados podem ser obtidas com a Diretora Cultural da Intercom, Profa. Rosa Dalla Costa, por meio do endereço rmdcosta@uol.com.br.
Revista Iniciacom é relançada com trabalhos indicados ao Prêmio Vera Giangrande
Após uma interrupção de três anos, a Intercom volta a publicar a Iniciacom – Revista Brasileira de Iniciação Científica em Comunicação Social, publicação eletrônica destinada a trabalhos oriundos de pesquisas desenvolvidas nos cursos de graduação em Comunicação Social de todo o país.
A nova edição da Revista Iniciacom – Vol. 2, nº 1 (2010) – pode ser acessada no endereço abaixo e traz uma seleção dos trabalhos apresentados no Intercom Jr., por ocasião do XXXII Congresso Nacional da INTERCOM, realizado na Universidade Positivo (Curitiba – PR) em 2009. Trata-se dos artigos indicados à fase final do Prêmio Vera Giangrande, que homenageia aquela que foi pioneira no cargo de ombudsman no Brasil.
A Revista Iniciacom foi lançada em março de 2006. Nesse mesmo ano, então sob a coordenação dos professores Robson Bastos e Fernando Almeida, lançou-se o número 2 da revista, que, entretanto, teve suas atividades interrompidas nos períodos seguintes.
As próximas edições passarão a ser elaboradas a partir da seleção de trabalhos recebidos em fluxo contínuo. O periódico manterá a periodicidade semestral e aceitará artigos, dossiês, resenhas e entrevistas. As colaborações devem serFonte: Jornal da Intercom
Applications are invited for 4 mobility scholarships (3-year PhD scholarship) at the Graduate School of Humanities, Faculty of Humanities, Aarhus University, Denmark. These scholarships are available as of 1 September 2010 for at period of up to three years (5+3). Candidates who are awarded the scholarship must commence their PhD programme on 1 September 2010.
The PhD scholarship will be financed by the Danish Council for Independent Research under the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation.
Mobility scholarships may be awarded to candidates with qualifying degrees from educational institutions outside Denmark or from Danish educational institutions other than the institution awarding the scholarships. Graduates of Aarhus University are therefore not eligible to apply.
Two scholarships are available for studies in the subject areas covered by the ICT, Communication, Media Studies and JournalismPhD programme, and two scholarships are available for studies in the subject areas covered by the Anthropological and Archaeological Studies PhD programme.
Deadline for applications: 15 March 2010 at 12 noon.
Read more at: http://www.phd.humaniora.au.dk/en/scholarships/vacant/f10_mobil_uk
Best wishes,
Niels Brügger
The PhD scholarship will be financed by the Danish Council for Independent Research under the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation.
Mobility scholarships may be awarded to candidates with qualifying degrees from educational institutions outside Denmark or from Danish educational institutions other than the institution awarding the scholarships. Graduates of Aarhus University are therefore not eligible to apply.
Two scholarships are available for studies in the subject areas covered by the ICT, Communication, Media Studies and JournalismPhD programme, and two scholarships are available for studies in the subject areas covered by the Anthropological and Archaeological Studies PhD programme.
Deadline for applications: 15 March 2010 at 12 noon.
Read more at: http://www.phd.humaniora.au.dk/en/scholarships/vacant/f10_mobil_uk
Best wishes,
Niels Brügger
CFP for Academic Mindtrek Conference 2010, Oct 6-8, Tampere, Finland
Academic MindTrek 2010: Call for Papers, Tutorials and Workshops
6th - 8th October, 2010, Tampere, Finland
The MindTrek Association hosts MindTrek as a yearly conference, and the Academic MindTrek conference has been a part of this unique set of events, comprising competitions, world famous keynote speakers, plenary sessions, media festivals, and workshops since 1997. It is a meeting place where experts and thinkers present results from their latest work regarding the development of Internet, interactive media, and the information society.
September 6th is the main Academic day, featuring the following themes: 1) Social Media, 2) Ambient and Ubiquitous Media, 3) Digital Games, 4) Open Source, 5)
Media Business, Media Production and Media Management.
Submission Deadlines
- 23rd Apr: Deadline for long papers, workshops and tutorial proposals (6-8 pages)
- 21st May: submission of short papers, poster presentations and tool demonstrations (3-4 pages)
- 30th July: paper submission deadline for workshops
- 1st August: Camera ready papers and copyright forms
- 15th May: notification for workshops & tutorials
- 28th May: notification of acceptance/rejection for long papers
- 24th June: notification of short papers and posters
- 6th-8th October 2010: MindTrek academic conference
6th - 8th October, 2010, Tampere, Finland
The MindTrek Association hosts MindTrek as a yearly conference, and the Academic MindTrek conference has been a part of this unique set of events, comprising competitions, world famous keynote speakers, plenary sessions, media festivals, and workshops since 1997. It is a meeting place where experts and thinkers present results from their latest work regarding the development of Internet, interactive media, and the information society.
September 6th is the main Academic day, featuring the following themes: 1) Social Media, 2) Ambient and Ubiquitous Media, 3) Digital Games, 4) Open Source, 5)
Media Business, Media Production and Media Management.
Submission Deadlines
- 23rd Apr: Deadline for long papers, workshops and tutorial proposals (6-8 pages)
- 21st May: submission of short papers, poster presentations and tool demonstrations (3-4 pages)
- 30th July: paper submission deadline for workshops
- 1st August: Camera ready papers and copyright forms
- 15th May: notification for workshops & tutorials
- 28th May: notification of acceptance/rejection for long papers
- 24th June: notification of short papers and posters
- 6th-8th October 2010: MindTrek academic conference
CFP - Colóquio França-Brasil
Chamada de Trabalhos
X Colóquio França-Brasil de Ciências da Comunicação
Data: 21 a 26 de junho de 2010
Locais: ISCC - Institut des sciences de la communication du CNRS (Paris) e Université de Bourgogne (Dijon)
Estão abertas as inscrições para o X Colóquio França-Brasil de Ciências da Comunicação, que será realizado entre os dias 21 e 26 de junho de 2010, em Paris e Dijon, na França.
O primeiro colóquio reunindo pesquisadores brasileiros e franceses na área de Comunicação ocorreu em 1992, em São Bernardo do Campo; desde então, as reuniões bilaterais têm sido realizadas alternadamente nos dois países. O último colóquio ocorreu em 2009, como pré-evento do Congresso da INTERCOM em Curitiba.
Os principais objetivos do X Colóquio França-Brasil são:
- Divulgar a produção científica e profissional da área nos dois países, aprofundando relações bilaterais de estudos em desenvolvimento e futuros;
- Propiciar debates sobre temas de interesse comunicacional no Brasil e na França;
- Permitir a troca de experiência acadêmico-profissional entre pesquisadores e profissionais dos dois países;
- Incentivar a realização de estudos comparados neste campo do conhecimento;
- Estimular o intercâmbio entre instituições acadêmicas e profissionais dos dois países;
- Criar laços de cooperação entre pesquisadores e profissionais brasileiros e franceses, no contexto dos protocolos firmados entre a INTERCOM e a SFSIC e a INTERCOM e o ISCC.
Normas para o envio das comunicações:
- Todo o material deverá ser enviado em formato PDF para o e-mail international@intercom.org.br .
- Os artigos devem ser inéditos.
- Os artigos devem ser escritos em português e/ou em francês.
- Os artigos devem ter entre 20 e 30 mil caracteres, incluindo espaços, notas e referências bibliográficas, formatados em corpo 12, fonte Times New Roman, espaço 1,5.
- Os autores devem fazer resumos em português e em francês (100 a 150 palavras) com cinco palavras-chaves.
- Envio de resumos (em português e francês): 28 de março
- Resultado dos aceites: 11 de abril
- Envio de texto completo (em português e/ou francês): 16 de maio
Obs.: O não envio do texto completo exclui a participação do pesquisador no evento.
Société Française des Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication - SFSIC
Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação - INTERCOM
Institut des sciences de la communication du CNRS (ISCC)
Coordenação Internacional:
Odile Riondet (Diretora de Relações Internacionais de SFSIC)
Edgard Rebouças (Diretor de Relações Internacionais da INTERCOM)
Michel Durampart (Responsável pelos acordos nacionais e internacionais do ISCC)
Coordenação do X Colóquio França-Brasil:
Nicole d’Almeida (Celsa, Sorbonne / SFSIC)
Rosa Maria Dalla Costa (UFPR / INTERCOM)
Comitê Científico – Brasil:
Zélia Leal Adghirni (UnB)
Laan Mendes Barros (Casper Líbero)
Linda Bulik (Unimar)
Rosa Dalla Costa (UFPR)
Heloiza Matos (Casper Líbero)
Edgard Rebouças (UFES)
Maiores informações:
Favor entrar em contato com a Diretoria de Relações Internacionais da INTERCOM pelo e-mail international@intercom.org.br .
I Colóquio Brasil-China de Ciências da Comunicação
Data: 12 e 13 de maio de 2010 (Pré-evento do INTERCOM Sudeste)
Local: Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (Vitória)
Estão abertas as inscrições para o I Colóquio Brasil-China de Ciências da Comunicação, que será realizado nos dias 12 e 13 de maio de 2010, em Vitória, como atividade pré-evento do XV Congresso de Ciências da Comunicação na Região Sudeste.
Seguindo a tendência do governo brasileiro e da conjuntura internacional, a INTERCOM começou a ampliar contatos com entidades dos países do chamado BRIC. Dentro desta política, em 2007, a INTERCOM recebeu um convite da Embaixada da China do Brasil para que um grupo de pesquisadores e profissionais brasileiros visitasse aquele país e conhecesse melhor sua realidade comunicacional. Como fruto desta experiência, foi publicado em agosto de 2008 o livro Caleidoscópio Chinês: comunicação, educação e turismo na Nova China.
Dando continuidade ao estreitamento das relações entre os dois países no campo da comunicação este I Colóquio dará a oportunidade para que pesquisadores e profissionais reforcem os interesses pelas duas realidades, tendo como foco os estudos e práticas do jornalismo nos dois países.
Normas para o envio das comunicações:
Local: Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (Vitória)
Estão abertas as inscrições para o I Colóquio Brasil-China de Ciências da Comunicação, que será realizado nos dias 12 e 13 de maio de 2010, em Vitória, como atividade pré-evento do XV Congresso de Ciências da Comunicação na Região Sudeste.
Seguindo a tendência do governo brasileiro e da conjuntura internacional, a INTERCOM começou a ampliar contatos com entidades dos países do chamado BRIC. Dentro desta política, em 2007, a INTERCOM recebeu um convite da Embaixada da China do Brasil para que um grupo de pesquisadores e profissionais brasileiros visitasse aquele país e conhecesse melhor sua realidade comunicacional. Como fruto desta experiência, foi publicado em agosto de 2008 o livro Caleidoscópio Chinês: comunicação, educação e turismo na Nova China.
Dando continuidade ao estreitamento das relações entre os dois países no campo da comunicação este I Colóquio dará a oportunidade para que pesquisadores e profissionais reforcem os interesses pelas duas realidades, tendo como foco os estudos e práticas do jornalismo nos dois países.
Normas para o envio das comunicações:
- Todo o material deverá ser enviado em formato PDF para o e-mail international@intercom.org.br .
- Os artigos devem ser inéditos.
- Os artigos devem ser escritos em português e/ou em mandarim.
- Os artigos devem ter entre 20 e 30 mil caracteres, incluindo espaços, notas e referências bibliográficas, formatados em corpo 12, fonte Times New Roman, espaço 1,5.
- Os autores devem fazer resumos em português e em inglês (100 a 150 palavras) com cinco palavras-chaves.
- Envio de resumos (em português e inglês): 28 de março
- Resultado dos aceites: 11 de abril
- Envio de texto completo (em português e/ou mandarim): 7 de maio
Obs.: O não envio do texto completo exclui a participação do pesquisador no evento.
Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação – INTERCOM
中新美迪国际传媒研究中心 / China Media Culture Centre (CMCC)
Maiores informações:
Favor entrar em contato com a Diretoria de Relações Internacionais da INTERCOM pelo e-mail international@intercom.org.br .
segunda-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2010
Jornalismo e ambiente
“Jornalismo e ambiente: análise de investigações realizadas no Brasil e em Portugal”, de Antonio Teixeira de Barros (Brasil) e Jorge Pedro Sousa (Portugal), traz os resultados da pesquisa pós-doutoral de Antonio de Barros na Universidade Fernando Pessoa, no Porto (Portugal). Em pauta a formação do campo do jornalismo ambiental no Brasil e em Portugal, relacionando "de forma sistemática, diacrônica e relacional, a partir da interação sócio-histórica", cinco atores envolvidos na cobertura de imprensa sobre ambiente nos dois países: a comunidade científica, o Estado, os movimentos sociais, os partidos políticos verdes e as organizações ambientalistas não-governamentais. Encomendas são aceitas por meio da editora da Universidade, pelo e-mail agata@ufp.edu.pt ou site.
(Reges Schwaab)
Fonte: blog Diagrama
Third CFP on Education and Information/Communications Technologies (Extension of Deadlines)
We would like to inform you about a new set of deadlines and, consequently, to submit a paper/abstract in the area of "Education and Information/Communications Technologies" (or other area) included in The 14th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2010 (http://www.2010iiisconferences.org/wmsci) to be held on June 29-July 2, 2010 in Orlando, Florida, USA.
The new deadlines are the following:
Papers/Abstracts Submissions and Invited Sessions Proposals: March 10th, 2010
Authors Notifications: May 5th, 2010
Camera-ready, full papers: May 26th, 2010
You can also submit your abstract-paper to another area or any of the following conjoined and/or collocated events:
The SUMMER 4th International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management: KGCM 2010 (www.2010iiisconferences.org/kgcm)
The 3rd, International Symposium on Academic Globalization: AG 2010 (www.2010iiisconferences.org/ag)
The 2nd International Symposium on Peer Reviewing: ISPR 2010 (www.2010iiisconferences.org/ispr)
Participants in any conference can attend the sessions of other collocated conferences, and will receive electronic proceedings, in a CD, which includes the papers presented at all conferences and symposia
Submissions for Face-to-Face or for Virtual Participation are both accepted. Both kinds of submissions will have the same reviewing process and the accepted papers will be included in the same proceedings.
Pre-Conference and Post-conference Virtual sessions (via electronic forums) will be held for each session included in the conference program, so that sessions papers can be read before the conference, and authors presenting at the same session can interact during one week before and after the conference. Authors can also participate in peer-to-peer reviewing in virtual sessions.
All Submitted papers/abstracts will go through three reviewing processes: (1) double-blind (at least three reviewers), (2) non-blind, and (3) participative peer reviews. These three kinds of review will support the selection process of those papers/abstracts that will be accepted for their presentation at the conference, as well as those to be selected for their publication in JSCI Journal.
Authors of accepted papers who registered in the conference can have access to the evaluations and possible feedback provided by the reviewers who recommended the acceptance of their papers/abstracts, so they can accordingly improve the final version of their papers. Non-registered authors will not have access to the reviews of their respective submissions.
Registration fees of an effective invited session organizer will be waived according to the policy described in the web page (click on 'Invited Session', then on 'Benefits for the Organizers of Invited Sessions'), where you can get information about the ten benefits for an invited session organizer. For Invited Sessions Proposals, please visit the conference web site, or directly to www.2010iiisconferences.org/wmsci/organizer.asp
Authors of the best 10%-20% of the papers presented at the conference (included those virtually presented) will be invited to adapt their papers for their publication in the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics.
Best regards,
Conference Organizing Committee
The new deadlines are the following:
Papers/Abstracts Submissions and Invited Sessions Proposals: March 10th, 2010
Authors Notifications: May 5th, 2010
Camera-ready, full papers: May 26th, 2010
You can also submit your abstract-paper to another area or any of the following conjoined and/or collocated events:
The SUMMER 4th International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management: KGCM 2010 (www.2010iiisconferences.org/kgcm)
The 3rd, International Symposium on Academic Globalization: AG 2010 (www.2010iiisconferences.org/ag)
The 2nd International Symposium on Peer Reviewing: ISPR 2010 (www.2010iiisconferences.org/ispr)
Participants in any conference can attend the sessions of other collocated conferences, and will receive electronic proceedings, in a CD, which includes the papers presented at all conferences and symposia
Submissions for Face-to-Face or for Virtual Participation are both accepted. Both kinds of submissions will have the same reviewing process and the accepted papers will be included in the same proceedings.
Pre-Conference and Post-conference Virtual sessions (via electronic forums) will be held for each session included in the conference program, so that sessions papers can be read before the conference, and authors presenting at the same session can interact during one week before and after the conference. Authors can also participate in peer-to-peer reviewing in virtual sessions.
All Submitted papers/abstracts will go through three reviewing processes: (1) double-blind (at least three reviewers), (2) non-blind, and (3) participative peer reviews. These three kinds of review will support the selection process of those papers/abstracts that will be accepted for their presentation at the conference, as well as those to be selected for their publication in JSCI Journal.
Authors of accepted papers who registered in the conference can have access to the evaluations and possible feedback provided by the reviewers who recommended the acceptance of their papers/abstracts, so they can accordingly improve the final version of their papers. Non-registered authors will not have access to the reviews of their respective submissions.
Registration fees of an effective invited session organizer will be waived according to the policy described in the web page (click on 'Invited Session', then on 'Benefits for the Organizers of Invited Sessions'), where you can get information about the ten benefits for an invited session organizer. For Invited Sessions Proposals, please visit the conference web site, or directly to www.2010iiisconferences.org/wmsci/organizer.asp
Authors of the best 10%-20% of the papers presented at the conference (included those virtually presented) will be invited to adapt their papers for their publication in the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics.
Best regards,
Conference Organizing Committee
sábado, 20 de fevereiro de 2010
EASST Conference 2010, European Association for the Study of Science
and Technology
'Practicing Science and Technology, Performing the Social,'
University of Trento, Italy, 2-4 September 2010. Abstract submission
deadline: 15 March 2010.
The Digital Game industry has become one of the fastest growing,
innovative and globalised industries in advanced Western economies and
Digital Games have become a key cultural artefact and leisure practice
in contemporary societies. Developing out of the American military
industrial and academic complex in the 1970s the study of Digital
Games design and play is the study of a range of sociotechnical
practices and the negotiations between a range of human and non-human
actors operating within systems of rules. The complexity of these
relationships brings forth a series of questions that can be
investigated using Science and Technology Studies approaches. However,
to date games studies, with few exceptions, have failed to adopt STS
approaches and the STS community has largely ignored this area of
This track seeks to develop the relationship between the game studies
community and the STS community. Several research questions can be
used to guide this: What STS theories can be used to understand
Digital Games as sociotechnical phenomenon? Is the concept of practice
and the practice-based approach useful to investigate Digital Games?
Is there a relationship between power as inscribed and imposed by
artefacts and the technical dimensions of Digital Games? What rules
are inscribed into Digital Games technologies and what social worlds
do these rules describe? What contribution can the study of Digital
Games make to the STS discipline at large? And what contribution can
an STS approach make to game studies? Can we foresee an after-method
approach for Digital Games?
We invite papers that tackle the sociotechnical dimensions of Digital
Games and address some of the questions outlined above. Contributions
might include (but are not restricted to):
• Digital Games as material semiotic artefacts
• Digital Games as sociotechnical assemblages
• The mess of digital games
• Innovation in game design as actor-networking and social shaping
• Digital Game design and/or play as performance and practice
• Disruptive sociotechnical users’ practices (e.g. hacking, modding)
• The scripting of gendered gaming practices
• Governance and regulation of gaming practices
Abstracts of no more than 500 words should be sent by email (following
website instructions:
http://events.unitn.it/en/easst010/abstract-submission) by 2010 March
15th. Please include also a preliminary references list (up to 4).
Contact for inquiries: stefano.depaoli@nuim.ie
Aphra Kerr is a lecturer in the Department of Sociology at the
National University of Ireland Maynooth. Her research focuses on the
regulation, production and consumption of digital media and in
particular of digital games; she established and runs the industry and
community website. (www.gamedevelopers.ie)
Helen W. Kennedy is Deputy Head in the Department of Culture, Media
and Drama at the University of the West of England (UWE) in the UK.
She has been researching and writing about games since 1993 and
co-founded and chaired (from 2004 – 2009) the Play Research Group at
Jennifer Jenson is Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Technology in
the Faculty of Education at York University. Her research interests
include gender and gameplay and the design and development of digital
games for education.
Stefano De Paoli is postdoctoral researcher at the Department of
Sociology at the National University of Ireland Maynooth. Stefano has
worked in STS since 2004 and recently his research interest has
embraced Massive Multiplayer Online Games
EASST Conference 2010, European Association for the Study of Science
and Technology
'Practicing Science and Technology, Performing the Social,'
University of Trento, Italy, 2-4 September 2010. Abstract submission
deadline: 15 March 2010.
The Digital Game industry has become one of the fastest growing,
innovative and globalised industries in advanced Western economies and
Digital Games have become a key cultural artefact and leisure practice
in contemporary societies. Developing out of the American military
industrial and academic complex in the 1970s the study of Digital
Games design and play is the study of a range of sociotechnical
practices and the negotiations between a range of human and non-human
actors operating within systems of rules. The complexity of these
relationships brings forth a series of questions that can be
investigated using Science and Technology Studies approaches. However,
to date games studies, with few exceptions, have failed to adopt STS
approaches and the STS community has largely ignored this area of
This track seeks to develop the relationship between the game studies
community and the STS community. Several research questions can be
used to guide this: What STS theories can be used to understand
Digital Games as sociotechnical phenomenon? Is the concept of practice
and the practice-based approach useful to investigate Digital Games?
Is there a relationship between power as inscribed and imposed by
artefacts and the technical dimensions of Digital Games? What rules
are inscribed into Digital Games technologies and what social worlds
do these rules describe? What contribution can the study of Digital
Games make to the STS discipline at large? And what contribution can
an STS approach make to game studies? Can we foresee an after-method
approach for Digital Games?
We invite papers that tackle the sociotechnical dimensions of Digital
Games and address some of the questions outlined above. Contributions
might include (but are not restricted to):
• Digital Games as material semiotic artefacts
• Digital Games as sociotechnical assemblages
• The mess of digital games
• Innovation in game design as actor-networking and social shaping
• Digital Game design and/or play as performance and practice
• Disruptive sociotechnical users’ practices (e.g. hacking, modding)
• The scripting of gendered gaming practices
• Governance and regulation of gaming practices
Abstracts of no more than 500 words should be sent by email (following
website instructions:
http://events.unitn.it/en/easst010/abstract-submission) by 2010 March
15th. Please include also a preliminary references list (up to 4).
Contact for inquiries: stefano.depaoli@nuim.ie
Aphra Kerr is a lecturer in the Department of Sociology at the
National University of Ireland Maynooth. Her research focuses on the
regulation, production and consumption of digital media and in
particular of digital games; she established and runs the industry and
community website. (www.gamedevelopers.ie)
Helen W. Kennedy is Deputy Head in the Department of Culture, Media
and Drama at the University of the West of England (UWE) in the UK.
She has been researching and writing about games since 1993 and
co-founded and chaired (from 2004 – 2009) the Play Research Group at
Jennifer Jenson is Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Technology in
the Faculty of Education at York University. Her research interests
include gender and gameplay and the design and development of digital
games for education.
Stefano De Paoli is postdoctoral researcher at the Department of
Sociology at the National University of Ireland Maynooth. Stefano has
worked in STS since 2004 and recently his research interest has
embraced Massive Multiplayer Online Games
sexta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2010
Call for Papers for Edited Book on
Editors: Pauline Hope Cheong, Peter Fischer-Nielsen, Stefan Gelfgren and
Charles Ess
Background and Rationale
This book brings together, for the first time in five years, a collection of
key articles in the area of religion and the Internet, particularly as new
media relates to church, mission and interfaith dialogue. In light of the
increasing mediation of everyday life in many parts of the world, this book
approaches online religion with a fresh perspective, to account for
contemporary developments in media and spirituality, with implications for
faith and other civic organizations.
Arguably, as institutionalized religions and movements rush to leverage the
Web to improve their reach, religious communication on the Internet takes an
increasingly significant role alongside more traditional venues for such
discourse. It may be, however, that religious use associated with new media
problematizes established faith rituals, and religious community building in
both its conception and operationalization. Changes in the Church can also
be conceived as intertwined with a range of other forms of social and
political developments, such that new media acts as an agent and practice to
challenge and transform the influence and authority of the Church.
Furthermore, as ³new² media is a moving target, there may be past concepts
that are more able to explain the nature of church life (such as evangelical
mission and systematic theology) or new concepts that are being developed
that are better able to address the diversity and complexity of contemporary
social and religious life (such as the ideas of social networking, viral
marketing and church branding).
This edited collection aims to address and inform such issues and debates by
offering new empirical, theoretical, and theological insights into how
religious life continues to transform and be transformed by these new
communication technologies. Current contributors, together with the
editors, include Knut Lundby, Heidi Campbell, Mark Johns and Jørgen
We hereby invite proposals for additional chapters (particularly in the
historical and theological sections as explained below) that will complement
and expand upon these contributions.
Section 1: Theoretical Approaches
This section maps the range of theoretical perspectives on religion and new
media. A number of different theories have proven useful for researchers and
scholars but new media also challenge our theoretical frameworks and
categories. How far do current theories ³work² in helping us research and
understand the complex interactions between religious life and new media
and how far are new theoretical understandings needed? And: what might
these new theoretical understandings ³look like² i.e., are new theoretical
frameworks and categories available that have yet to be fully explored by
scholars and researchers that can be argued to be potentially fruitful?
Section II: Historical Perspectives
This section discusses the presence and significance of historical
perspectives in church and new media research. Transformations in
communication media are deeply interwoven with the history and theology of
Christianity. In light of this history, how do churches respond to the
continued expansion of contemporary communication media? For example, given
the close correlations between distinctive forms and modalities of
communication including the broad categories of orality, literacy, print,
and the secondary orality/literacy of electronic media and conceptions of
self, community, and institutional authority, what does this history suggest
regarding the possible implications and challenges of contemporary shifts
towards new media?
Section III: Empirical Investigations
This section reports on the empirical research studies that investigate
emerging media and social media practices related to the Church. Disciplines
represented include but are not restricted to: sociology of religion,
ethnography and online ethnography, linguistics, and the social sciences and
humanities more broadly as represented within the field of computer-mediated
communication. Contributions may focus on, but not restricted to,
contemporary uses (successful and not so successful) of new media in the
life of religious communities (local, national, international). Guiding
questions for such research and studies include: Do the possibilities and
affordances of new media lead to genuinely new and demonstrable impacts on
the life of congregations? What factors appear to accompany whether or not
a given community or institution embraces or resists specific media? What
factors are at work in both successes and failures for faith believers and
organizations to adopt and adapt to new media? How does religiously related
new media use interact or affect the offline practices of established
religious organizations?
Section IV: Theological Reflections
The last section of the book provides theological reflections on the
Internet, to forward the development of a theology of the Internet which is
a budding field of research. Although practical perspectives and guidelines
for Internet use have been published, a more thorough theological analysis
of new media is missing. The need for theological clarification is apparent
since web-enabled applications challenge churches with a number of difficult
Submission Details
Please submit a 500-700 word abstract (including important and initial
references) to the editors as an email attachment to
<churchnewmedia@yahoo.com> no later than April 15, 2010. Authors of accepted
abstracts will be notified by May 31, 2010, and will then be invited to
submit a full paper to the editors. Final manuscripts should be no more than
6,500 words, including notes and references, prepared in APA style.
Important Dates:
April 15, 2010 Deadline for abstract submission
May 31, 2010 Announcement of results and full paper invitations
August 31, 2010 Submission of full papers
Inquiries should be addressed to:
Pauline Hope Cheong
Associate Professor of Communication
Hugh Downs School of Human Communication
P.O. Box 871205, Stauffer Hall 462 Tempe, AZ 85287-1205
Arizona State University
Editors: Pauline Hope Cheong, Peter Fischer-Nielsen, Stefan Gelfgren and
Charles Ess
Background and Rationale
This book brings together, for the first time in five years, a collection of
key articles in the area of religion and the Internet, particularly as new
media relates to church, mission and interfaith dialogue. In light of the
increasing mediation of everyday life in many parts of the world, this book
approaches online religion with a fresh perspective, to account for
contemporary developments in media and spirituality, with implications for
faith and other civic organizations.
Arguably, as institutionalized religions and movements rush to leverage the
Web to improve their reach, religious communication on the Internet takes an
increasingly significant role alongside more traditional venues for such
discourse. It may be, however, that religious use associated with new media
problematizes established faith rituals, and religious community building in
both its conception and operationalization. Changes in the Church can also
be conceived as intertwined with a range of other forms of social and
political developments, such that new media acts as an agent and practice to
challenge and transform the influence and authority of the Church.
Furthermore, as ³new² media is a moving target, there may be past concepts
that are more able to explain the nature of church life (such as evangelical
mission and systematic theology) or new concepts that are being developed
that are better able to address the diversity and complexity of contemporary
social and religious life (such as the ideas of social networking, viral
marketing and church branding).
This edited collection aims to address and inform such issues and debates by
offering new empirical, theoretical, and theological insights into how
religious life continues to transform and be transformed by these new
communication technologies. Current contributors, together with the
editors, include Knut Lundby, Heidi Campbell, Mark Johns and Jørgen
We hereby invite proposals for additional chapters (particularly in the
historical and theological sections as explained below) that will complement
and expand upon these contributions.
Section 1: Theoretical Approaches
This section maps the range of theoretical perspectives on religion and new
media. A number of different theories have proven useful for researchers and
scholars but new media also challenge our theoretical frameworks and
categories. How far do current theories ³work² in helping us research and
understand the complex interactions between religious life and new media
and how far are new theoretical understandings needed? And: what might
these new theoretical understandings ³look like² i.e., are new theoretical
frameworks and categories available that have yet to be fully explored by
scholars and researchers that can be argued to be potentially fruitful?
Section II: Historical Perspectives
This section discusses the presence and significance of historical
perspectives in church and new media research. Transformations in
communication media are deeply interwoven with the history and theology of
Christianity. In light of this history, how do churches respond to the
continued expansion of contemporary communication media? For example, given
the close correlations between distinctive forms and modalities of
communication including the broad categories of orality, literacy, print,
and the secondary orality/literacy of electronic media and conceptions of
self, community, and institutional authority, what does this history suggest
regarding the possible implications and challenges of contemporary shifts
towards new media?
Section III: Empirical Investigations
This section reports on the empirical research studies that investigate
emerging media and social media practices related to the Church. Disciplines
represented include but are not restricted to: sociology of religion,
ethnography and online ethnography, linguistics, and the social sciences and
humanities more broadly as represented within the field of computer-mediated
communication. Contributions may focus on, but not restricted to,
contemporary uses (successful and not so successful) of new media in the
life of religious communities (local, national, international). Guiding
questions for such research and studies include: Do the possibilities and
affordances of new media lead to genuinely new and demonstrable impacts on
the life of congregations? What factors appear to accompany whether or not
a given community or institution embraces or resists specific media? What
factors are at work in both successes and failures for faith believers and
organizations to adopt and adapt to new media? How does religiously related
new media use interact or affect the offline practices of established
religious organizations?
Section IV: Theological Reflections
The last section of the book provides theological reflections on the
Internet, to forward the development of a theology of the Internet which is
a budding field of research. Although practical perspectives and guidelines
for Internet use have been published, a more thorough theological analysis
of new media is missing. The need for theological clarification is apparent
since web-enabled applications challenge churches with a number of difficult
Submission Details
Please submit a 500-700 word abstract (including important and initial
references) to the editors as an email attachment to
<churchnewmedia@yahoo.com> no later than April 15, 2010. Authors of accepted
abstracts will be notified by May 31, 2010, and will then be invited to
submit a full paper to the editors. Final manuscripts should be no more than
6,500 words, including notes and references, prepared in APA style.
Important Dates:
April 15, 2010 Deadline for abstract submission
May 31, 2010 Announcement of results and full paper invitations
August 31, 2010 Submission of full papers
Inquiries should be addressed to:
Pauline Hope Cheong
Associate Professor of Communication
Hugh Downs School of Human Communication
P.O. Box 871205, Stauffer Hall 462 Tempe, AZ 85287-1205
Arizona State University
quarta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2010
Anunciamos a publicação do número 7 da "Doc On-line. Revista digital de cinema documentário" com o tema "Documentário e Ética". Aproveitamos para convidá-los(as) a navegar pelas suas diversas seções
através do endereço: http://www.doc.ubi.pt
Também estamos recebendo material para o próximo número da revista,
cujo tema é "Documentário Social e Político", até o dia 31 de maio
através do endereço: http://www.doc.ubi.pt
Também estamos recebendo material para o próximo número da revista,
cujo tema é "Documentário Social e Político", até o dia 31 de maio
segunda-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2010
INTERIN 8 e chamada artigos INTERIN 9
Caros pesquisadores:
A Interin, revista eletrônica do Mestrado e Doutorado em Comunicação e Linguagens da UTP, está com chamada de artigos para sua 9a. edição. O Dossiê Temático será: Estudos Culturais. Data limite: 14 de maio de 2010.
A 8a. edição está no site www.utp.br/interin e conta com a seguinte composição:
Dossiê Temático: Mídia, Ciência e Saúde
1. Consumo, cidadania e direito à saúde: a imprensa e o cidadão quando o assunto é o risco sanitário
Ana Paula Ferrari e Dione Oliveira Moura
2. Turbinando cérebros, construindo corpos: sobre mídia, biotecnologias e eficácia
Ieda Tucherman e Ericson Saint Clair
3. Ciência como critério de verdade no imaginário das representações midiáticas
Lavina Madeira Ribeiro
Artigos Livres:
1. A ferramenta blog no processo de produção científica: uma experiência positiva
Ana Lucia de Medeiros Batista e Antonio Marcos Nogueira da Costa
2. A representação da globalização nos filmes Dot.com e Babel
Denize Correa Araujo
3. Degenerescência e Revirão: convergênca útil para o campo da Comunicação?
Francisco José Paoliello Pimenta e Potiguara Mendes da Silveira Jr.
4. Imaginários em crise: Agnès Varda, feminismo e o pós 1968
Mauricio Caleiro
5. A(s) lógica(s) de The Truman Show: a construção de um complexo percurso narrativo multimidiático em abismo
Tiago Madalozzo
Redação publicitária: a arte da concisão e da sedução
Tiago Eloy Zaidan
Texto Lúdico:
Dione Oliveira Moura
A Interin, revista eletrônica do Mestrado e Doutorado em Comunicação e Linguagens da UTP, está com chamada de artigos para sua 9a. edição. O Dossiê Temático será: Estudos Culturais. Data limite: 14 de maio de 2010.
A 8a. edição está no site www.utp.br/interin e conta com a seguinte composição:
Dossiê Temático: Mídia, Ciência e Saúde
1. Consumo, cidadania e direito à saúde: a imprensa e o cidadão quando o assunto é o risco sanitário
Ana Paula Ferrari e Dione Oliveira Moura
2. Turbinando cérebros, construindo corpos: sobre mídia, biotecnologias e eficácia
Ieda Tucherman e Ericson Saint Clair
3. Ciência como critério de verdade no imaginário das representações midiáticas
Lavina Madeira Ribeiro
Artigos Livres:
1. A ferramenta blog no processo de produção científica: uma experiência positiva
Ana Lucia de Medeiros Batista e Antonio Marcos Nogueira da Costa
2. A representação da globalização nos filmes Dot.com e Babel
Denize Correa Araujo
3. Degenerescência e Revirão: convergênca útil para o campo da Comunicação?
Francisco José Paoliello Pimenta e Potiguara Mendes da Silveira Jr.
4. Imaginários em crise: Agnès Varda, feminismo e o pós 1968
Mauricio Caleiro
5. A(s) lógica(s) de The Truman Show: a construção de um complexo percurso narrativo multimidiático em abismo
Tiago Madalozzo
Redação publicitária: a arte da concisão e da sedução
Tiago Eloy Zaidan
Texto Lúdico:
Dione Oliveira Moura
Deadline Extended CFP: IWIPS Growing Global Design Communities - London 2010
9th International Workshop of Internationalisation of Products and Systems
London, England, 7 - 10 July 2010
to be held in Thames Valley University.
IWIPS 2010 committee is seeking submissions on the topics of localization and globalization, with an emphasis on this year's theme: Growing Global Design Communities. The objective of the 2010 theme is to focus on the impact of international design teams on the design, evaluation, and development of products and systems. IWIPS invites several types of submissions, including papers, case studies, research-in-progress and tutorials. All submissions are due 15 March 2010. Accepted submissions (except tutorials) will be published in the IWIPS 2010 proceedings.
Suggested Topics for Submissions
As the world's economy recovers from the downturn, the need increases for effective, efficient, and socially responsible strategies for supporting global design communities. Strategies that address both business and human issues are of great importance. Topics of interest for IWIPS 2010 include, but are not limited to the following:
Cross-cultural issues in IT design
User centric strategies for economic and community development IT projects
Revised models for global IT off-shoring, outsourcing and distributed resources
Sociotechnical design and evaluation frameworks
Methods for software localization / globalization
Designing for trust
Dealing with intercultural issues in participatory design
The impact of Social Networks and other CMC tools across cultural boundaries
Interactions between culture and user-centred design
Managing geographically dispersed multicultural design communities
Localising usability evaluation and requirements gathering techniques
Submission Types
Papers - Papers are formal reports of completed research, organized on a modified APA model. The length of the paper should be no more than 10 pages in the proceedings format.
Case Studies - Case studies are structured descriptions of the lessons learned in applied design, evaluation, or development of products or systems within industry. The length of case studies should be between 4 to 8 pages in the proceedings format.
Research-in-Progress - Research-in-Progress briefs should provide a description of the background, procedures and methodology, anticipated results, and preliminary findings (if any) of ongoing research or applied product design, evaluation or development. The length of the Research-in-Progress brief should be 6 to 10 pages in the proceedings format. (Graduate students are encouraged to submit a brief based on their theses or dissertations.)
Tutorials - A tutorial is a comprehensive delivery, in an interactive and applied style of a core set of internationalisation or localisation skills methodologies or procedures. Tutorials should be interactive and applied in the nature of their delivery. Initial proposals should be 3 to 5 pages in length and do not have to be submitted in the proceedings format. The final submission will be between 15 to 30 pages, in the proceedings format, due on 15th of April 2010.
Important Dates
Papers, case studies, and research-in-progress briefs
Submission deadline 15 March 2010
Notification to authors 1 April 2010
Camera ready copies of papers 15 April 2010
Initial proposal 15 March 2010
Final submissions 15 April 2010
More info on http://www.iwips2010.org/calls.html
London, England, 7 - 10 July 2010
to be held in Thames Valley University.
IWIPS 2010 committee is seeking submissions on the topics of localization and globalization, with an emphasis on this year's theme: Growing Global Design Communities. The objective of the 2010 theme is to focus on the impact of international design teams on the design, evaluation, and development of products and systems. IWIPS invites several types of submissions, including papers, case studies, research-in-progress and tutorials. All submissions are due 15 March 2010. Accepted submissions (except tutorials) will be published in the IWIPS 2010 proceedings.
Suggested Topics for Submissions
As the world's economy recovers from the downturn, the need increases for effective, efficient, and socially responsible strategies for supporting global design communities. Strategies that address both business and human issues are of great importance. Topics of interest for IWIPS 2010 include, but are not limited to the following:
Cross-cultural issues in IT design
User centric strategies for economic and community development IT projects
Revised models for global IT off-shoring, outsourcing and distributed resources
Sociotechnical design and evaluation frameworks
Methods for software localization / globalization
Designing for trust
Dealing with intercultural issues in participatory design
The impact of Social Networks and other CMC tools across cultural boundaries
Interactions between culture and user-centred design
Managing geographically dispersed multicultural design communities
Localising usability evaluation and requirements gathering techniques
Submission Types
Papers - Papers are formal reports of completed research, organized on a modified APA model. The length of the paper should be no more than 10 pages in the proceedings format.
Case Studies - Case studies are structured descriptions of the lessons learned in applied design, evaluation, or development of products or systems within industry. The length of case studies should be between 4 to 8 pages in the proceedings format.
Research-in-Progress - Research-in-Progress briefs should provide a description of the background, procedures and methodology, anticipated results, and preliminary findings (if any) of ongoing research or applied product design, evaluation or development. The length of the Research-in-Progress brief should be 6 to 10 pages in the proceedings format. (Graduate students are encouraged to submit a brief based on their theses or dissertations.)
Tutorials - A tutorial is a comprehensive delivery, in an interactive and applied style of a core set of internationalisation or localisation skills methodologies or procedures. Tutorials should be interactive and applied in the nature of their delivery. Initial proposals should be 3 to 5 pages in length and do not have to be submitted in the proceedings format. The final submission will be between 15 to 30 pages, in the proceedings format, due on 15th of April 2010.
Important Dates
Papers, case studies, and research-in-progress briefs
Submission deadline 15 March 2010
Notification to authors 1 April 2010
Camera ready copies of papers 15 April 2010
Initial proposal 15 March 2010
Final submissions 15 April 2010
More info on http://www.iwips2010.org/calls.html
2nd CFP: M/C Journal 'ambient' Issue
> M/C - Media and Culture
> http://www.media-culture.org.au/
> is calling for contributors to the 'ambient' issue of
> M/C Journal
> http://journal.media-culture.org.au/
> M/C Journal is looking for new contributors. Founded in 1998, M/C is a
> crossover journal between the popular and the academic, and a blind- and
> peer-reviewed journal. Our Website at http://journal.media-culture.org.au/
> provides open access to all past issues.
> To find out how and in what format to contribute your work, visit
> http://journal.media-culture.org.au/index.php/mcjournal/about/submissions.
> Call for Papers: 'ambient'
> Edited by Luke Jaaniste
> Ambience is all around us. Wherever we are. Conditioned as we are as
> being-in-the-world, we are always surrounded. A surrounding that affords
> meaningful pathways and places of action and thought, that is intelligently
> geared up with us. The fundamental surroundings might be the earth itself,
> upon which multiple worlds, spaces, zones, nets, webs, districts, precincts
> and the like occupy our lives, as we occupy them.
> Ambience can be contrasted with salience. What is salient is what is of
> immediate interest and attention. Before us right now, taken up. Hopefully,
> dear reader, these words you are reading have particular salience for you.
> Right now. But when something is taken up in our field of attention and
> action, there is so much that remains, always already there, in the
> background, in the periphery, in the ether, in the air. So when Brian Eno
> famously coined the term 'ambient music' in the 1970s - and triggered off a
> whole raft of terms like ambient video, ambient art, ambient architecture,
> ambient tv, ambient media, ambient marketing, ambient journalism, ambient
> computing, ambient screens, ambient poetics and ambient literature - he was
> doing something a little odd. Making ambience salient. In his music and in
> his discourse about it.
> Ambience has been palpably in place, since the dawn of time, but as way of
> talking about the world is helps gear us towards the all-around and how so
> much of being human is conditioned and affected by our surrounds, in a age
> when place and place-making has changed in dramatic ways, locally and
> globally. In this issue, we ask: what ideas and interaction take place in
> ambience?
> Please send a 100-word abstract to the editors at
> ambient@journal.media-culture.org.au. Articles of 3,000 words in length
> should be submitted online at http://journal.media-culture.org.au/ and
> should be prepared in accordance with the M/C Journal style guidelines,
> available at
> http://journal.media-culture.org.au/index.php/mcjournal/about/submissions.
> Article deadline: 5 Mar. 2010
> Issue release date: 5 May 2010
> M/C Journal was founded (as "M/C - A Journal of Media and Culture") in 1998
> as a place of public intellectualism analysing and critiquing the meeting of
> media and culture. Contributors are directed to past issues of M/C Journal
> for examples of style and content, and to the submissions page for
> comprehensive article submission guidelines. M/C Journal articles are blind
> peer-reviewed.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Further M/C Journal issues scheduled for 2010/11:
> 'ambient': article deadline 5 Mar. 2010, release date 5 May 2010
> 'deaf': article deadline 30 Apr. 2010, release date 30 June 2010
> 'waste': article deadline 25 June 2010, release date 25 Aug. 2010
> 'pig': article deadline 20 Aug. 2010, release date 20 Oct. 2010
> 'coalition': article deadline 15 Oct. 2010, release date 15 Dec. 2010
> 'doubt': article deadline 21 Jan. 2011, release date 23 Mar. 2011
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> M/C - Media and Culture is located at <http://www.media-culture.org.au/>.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> M/C Journal is online at <http://journal.media-culture.org.au/>.
> All past issues of M/C Journal on various topics are available there.
> M/C - Media and Culture
> http://www.media-culture.org.au/
> is calling for contributors to the 'ambient' issue of
> M/C Journal
> http://journal.media-culture.org.au/
> M/C Journal is looking for new contributors. Founded in 1998, M/C is a
> crossover journal between the popular and the academic, and a blind- and
> peer-reviewed journal. Our Website at http://journal.media-culture.org.au/
> provides open access to all past issues.
> To find out how and in what format to contribute your work, visit
> http://journal.media-culture.org.au/index.php/mcjournal/about/submissions.
> Call for Papers: 'ambient'
> Edited by Luke Jaaniste
> Ambience is all around us. Wherever we are. Conditioned as we are as
> being-in-the-world, we are always surrounded. A surrounding that affords
> meaningful pathways and places of action and thought, that is intelligently
> geared up with us. The fundamental surroundings might be the earth itself,
> upon which multiple worlds, spaces, zones, nets, webs, districts, precincts
> and the like occupy our lives, as we occupy them.
> Ambience can be contrasted with salience. What is salient is what is of
> immediate interest and attention. Before us right now, taken up. Hopefully,
> dear reader, these words you are reading have particular salience for you.
> Right now. But when something is taken up in our field of attention and
> action, there is so much that remains, always already there, in the
> background, in the periphery, in the ether, in the air. So when Brian Eno
> famously coined the term 'ambient music' in the 1970s - and triggered off a
> whole raft of terms like ambient video, ambient art, ambient architecture,
> ambient tv, ambient media, ambient marketing, ambient journalism, ambient
> computing, ambient screens, ambient poetics and ambient literature - he was
> doing something a little odd. Making ambience salient. In his music and in
> his discourse about it.
> Ambience has been palpably in place, since the dawn of time, but as way of
> talking about the world is helps gear us towards the all-around and how so
> much of being human is conditioned and affected by our surrounds, in a age
> when place and place-making has changed in dramatic ways, locally and
> globally. In this issue, we ask: what ideas and interaction take place in
> ambience?
> Please send a 100-word abstract to the editors at
> ambient@journal.media-culture.org.au. Articles of 3,000 words in length
> should be submitted online at http://journal.media-culture.org.au/ and
> should be prepared in accordance with the M/C Journal style guidelines,
> available at
> http://journal.media-culture.org.au/index.php/mcjournal/about/submissions.
> Article deadline: 5 Mar. 2010
> Issue release date: 5 May 2010
> M/C Journal was founded (as "M/C - A Journal of Media and Culture") in 1998
> as a place of public intellectualism analysing and critiquing the meeting of
> media and culture. Contributors are directed to past issues of M/C Journal
> for examples of style and content, and to the submissions page for
> comprehensive article submission guidelines. M/C Journal articles are blind
> peer-reviewed.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Further M/C Journal issues scheduled for 2010/11:
> 'ambient': article deadline 5 Mar. 2010, release date 5 May 2010
> 'deaf': article deadline 30 Apr. 2010, release date 30 June 2010
> 'waste': article deadline 25 June 2010, release date 25 Aug. 2010
> 'pig': article deadline 20 Aug. 2010, release date 20 Oct. 2010
> 'coalition': article deadline 15 Oct. 2010, release date 15 Dec. 2010
> 'doubt': article deadline 21 Jan. 2011, release date 23 Mar. 2011
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> M/C - Media and Culture is located at <http://www.media-culture.org.au/>.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> M/C Journal is online at <http://journal.media-culture.org.au/>.
> All past issues of M/C Journal on various topics are available there.
quarta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2010
O número 18 de Galaxia está no site, com o tema Pesquisas em jornalismo.
Entrem em http://revistas.pucsp.br/galaxia
Entrem em http://revistas.pucsp.br/galaxia
Lumina: Revista do PPGCOM/ UFJF
Está no ar o sexto número de LUMINA, revista do PPGCOM / Universidade
Federal de Juiz de Fora
com o seguinte Sumário:
> Artigos Internacionais
- Talking Objects of Denys Arcand
Renira Rampazzo Gambarato
> Artigos Nacionais
- O virtual fotográfico: técnica, corpo e imagem na contemporaneidade
Antonio Pacca Fatorelli
- Protagonismos de gênero nos estudos de cinema e televisão no País
Tania Siqueira Montoro
- Videotexto e Jornalismo nos novos meios: a promessa da linguagem
Raquel Ritter Longhi
- Circo eleitoral nas eleições municipais de Fortaleza em 2008: o
esvaziamento do horário eleitoral gratuito no rádio como espaço de
interlocução política
Márcia Vidal Nunes, Isabelle Azevedo
- O Dia da Desforra: a trajetória do spaghetti western na cultura midiática
Rodrigo Carreiro
- Três fases do humor: a subjetividade moderna, pós-moderna e
Marcio Acselrad, Katiuska Macedo Facó
- Divulgação Científica em questão: um estudo de caso acerca dos processos
Juliano Maurício de Carvalho, Érica Masiero Nering, Mateus Yuri Passos
- A cidade e o hip-hop no cinema periférico
Gustavo Souza
- Representações de celebridades na cena midiática contemporânea: a
narrativa biográfica de Diego Alemão em Por trás da fama
Paula Guimarães Simões
- Sinalizadores para uma Análise Global dos Processos Jornalísticos
Vilso Junior Chierentin Santi
- O Cinema e os Cinemas: diálogos entre estética e tecnologia
Claudia Guimarães
- O cinema sai da rua para o último piso: sociabilidades, exibição e
espectação cinematográficas no espaço urbano da Tijuca
Talitha Gomes Ferraz
- De conto de fadas a conto de fatos: a telenovela e suas relações com a
Danubia Andrade
> Seção Especial
- Ficção e fabulação em minisséries brasileiras: tempo e memória da nação
Carol Espírito Santo Ferreira
- Cinema como prática cultural: uma análise dos modos de endereçamento no
filme Cão sem dono
Mariana Souto
- Entre o explícito e o implícito: proposta para a análise de enquadramentos
da mídia
Ana Carolina Soares Costa Vimieiro, Marcela Dantas
Federal de Juiz de Fora
com o seguinte Sumário:
> Artigos Internacionais
- Talking Objects of Denys Arcand
Renira Rampazzo Gambarato
> Artigos Nacionais
- O virtual fotográfico: técnica, corpo e imagem na contemporaneidade
Antonio Pacca Fatorelli
- Protagonismos de gênero nos estudos de cinema e televisão no País
Tania Siqueira Montoro
- Videotexto e Jornalismo nos novos meios: a promessa da linguagem
Raquel Ritter Longhi
- Circo eleitoral nas eleições municipais de Fortaleza em 2008: o
esvaziamento do horário eleitoral gratuito no rádio como espaço de
interlocução política
Márcia Vidal Nunes, Isabelle Azevedo
- O Dia da Desforra: a trajetória do spaghetti western na cultura midiática
Rodrigo Carreiro
- Três fases do humor: a subjetividade moderna, pós-moderna e
Marcio Acselrad, Katiuska Macedo Facó
- Divulgação Científica em questão: um estudo de caso acerca dos processos
Juliano Maurício de Carvalho, Érica Masiero Nering, Mateus Yuri Passos
- A cidade e o hip-hop no cinema periférico
Gustavo Souza
- Representações de celebridades na cena midiática contemporânea: a
narrativa biográfica de Diego Alemão em Por trás da fama
Paula Guimarães Simões
- Sinalizadores para uma Análise Global dos Processos Jornalísticos
Vilso Junior Chierentin Santi
- O Cinema e os Cinemas: diálogos entre estética e tecnologia
Claudia Guimarães
- O cinema sai da rua para o último piso: sociabilidades, exibição e
espectação cinematográficas no espaço urbano da Tijuca
Talitha Gomes Ferraz
- De conto de fadas a conto de fatos: a telenovela e suas relações com a
Danubia Andrade
> Seção Especial
- Ficção e fabulação em minisséries brasileiras: tempo e memória da nação
Carol Espírito Santo Ferreira
- Cinema como prática cultural: uma análise dos modos de endereçamento no
filme Cão sem dono
Mariana Souto
- Entre o explícito e o implícito: proposta para a análise de enquadramentos
da mídia
Ana Carolina Soares Costa Vimieiro, Marcela Dantas
terça-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2010
Critical Point of View: Wikipedia Research Conference (Amsterdam, March 26/27)
Critical Point of View: Second international conference of the CPOV Wikipedia Research Initiative
Date: 26-27 March 2010
Location: OBA (Public Library Amsterdam, next to Amsterdam central station), Oosterdokskade 143, Amsterdam
Organized by the Institute of Network Cultures Amsterdam, in cooperation with the Centre for Internet and Society in Bangalore, India.
Website: www.networkcultures.org/cpov
Discussion List: http://p10.alfaservers.com/mailman/listinfo/cpov_listcultures.org
Wikipedia is at the brink of becoming the de facto global reference of dynamic knowledge. The heated debates over its accuracy, anonymity, trust, vandalism and expertise only seem to fuel further growth of Wikipedia and its user base. Apart from leaving its modern counterparts Britannica and Encarta in the dust, such scale and breadth places Wikipedia on par with such historical milestones as Pliny the Elder's Naturalis Historia, the Ming Dynasty's Wen-hsien ta-ch' eng, and the key work of French Enlightenment, the Encyclopédie. The multilingual Wikipedia as digital collaborative and fluid knowledge production platform might be said to be the most visible and successful example of the migration of FLOSS (Free/Libre/Open Source Software) principles into mainstream culture. However, such celebration should contain critical insights, informed by the changing realities of the Internet at large and the Wikipedia project in particular.
The CPOV Research Initiative was founded from the urge to stimulate critical Wikipedia research: quantitative and qualitative research that could benefit both the wide user-base and the active Wikipedia community itself. On top of this, Wikipedia offers critical insights into the contemporary status of knowledge, its organizing principles, function, and impact; its production styles, mechanisms for conflict resolution and power (re-)constitution. The overarching research agenda is at once a philosophical, epistemological and theoretical investigation of knowledge artifacts, cultural production and social relations, and an empirical investigation of the specific phenomenon of the Wikipedia.
Conference Themes: Wiki Theory, Encyclopedia Histories, Wiki Art, Wikipedia Analytics, Designing Debate and Global Issues and Outlooks.
Confirmed speakers: Florian Cramer (DE/NL), Andrew Famiglietti (UK), Stuart Geiger (USA), Hendrik-Jan Grievink (NL), Charles van den Heuvel (NL), Jeanette Hofmann (DE), Athina Karatzogianni (UK), Scott Kildall (USA), Patrick Lichty (USA), Hans Varghese Mathews (IN), Teemu Mikkonen (FI), Mayo Fuster Morell (IT), Mathieu O'Neil (AU), Felipe Ortega (ES), Dan O'Sullivan (UK), Joseph Reagle (USA), Ramón Reichert (AU), Richard Rogers (USA/NL), Alan Shapiro (USA/DE), Maja van der Velden (NL/NO), Gérard Wormser (FR).
Editorial team: Sabine Niederer and Geert Lovink (Amsterdam), Nishant Shah and Sunil Abraham (Bangalore), Johanna Niesyto (Siegen), Nathaniel Tkacz (Melbourne). Project manager CPOV Amsterdam: Margreet Riphagen. Research intern: Juliana Brunello. Production intern: Serena Westra.
The CPOV conference in Amsterdam will be the second conference of the CPOV Wikipedia Research Initiative. The launch of the initiative took place in Bangalore India, with the conference WikiWars in January 2010. After the first two events, the CPOV organization will work on producing a reader, to be launched early 2011. For more information or submitting a reader contribution: http://networkcultures.org/wpmu/cpov/reader/.
Buy your ticket online at: http://networkcultures.org/wpmu/cpov/practical-info/tickets/ (with iDeal), or register by sending an email to: info (at) networkcultures.org. One day ticket: €25, students and OBA members: €12,50. Full conference pass (2 days): €40, students and OBA members: €25.
More info: www.networkcultures.org/cpov. Contact: info (at) networkcultures.org, phone: +3120 5951866
Date: 26-27 March 2010
Location: OBA (Public Library Amsterdam, next to Amsterdam central station), Oosterdokskade 143, Amsterdam
Organized by the Institute of Network Cultures Amsterdam, in cooperation with the Centre for Internet and Society in Bangalore, India.
Website: www.networkcultures.org/cpov
Discussion List: http://p10.alfaservers.com/mailman/listinfo/cpov_listcultures.org
Wikipedia is at the brink of becoming the de facto global reference of dynamic knowledge. The heated debates over its accuracy, anonymity, trust, vandalism and expertise only seem to fuel further growth of Wikipedia and its user base. Apart from leaving its modern counterparts Britannica and Encarta in the dust, such scale and breadth places Wikipedia on par with such historical milestones as Pliny the Elder's Naturalis Historia, the Ming Dynasty's Wen-hsien ta-ch' eng, and the key work of French Enlightenment, the Encyclopédie. The multilingual Wikipedia as digital collaborative and fluid knowledge production platform might be said to be the most visible and successful example of the migration of FLOSS (Free/Libre/Open Source Software) principles into mainstream culture. However, such celebration should contain critical insights, informed by the changing realities of the Internet at large and the Wikipedia project in particular.
The CPOV Research Initiative was founded from the urge to stimulate critical Wikipedia research: quantitative and qualitative research that could benefit both the wide user-base and the active Wikipedia community itself. On top of this, Wikipedia offers critical insights into the contemporary status of knowledge, its organizing principles, function, and impact; its production styles, mechanisms for conflict resolution and power (re-)constitution. The overarching research agenda is at once a philosophical, epistemological and theoretical investigation of knowledge artifacts, cultural production and social relations, and an empirical investigation of the specific phenomenon of the Wikipedia.
Conference Themes: Wiki Theory, Encyclopedia Histories, Wiki Art, Wikipedia Analytics, Designing Debate and Global Issues and Outlooks.
Confirmed speakers: Florian Cramer (DE/NL), Andrew Famiglietti (UK), Stuart Geiger (USA), Hendrik-Jan Grievink (NL), Charles van den Heuvel (NL), Jeanette Hofmann (DE), Athina Karatzogianni (UK), Scott Kildall (USA), Patrick Lichty (USA), Hans Varghese Mathews (IN), Teemu Mikkonen (FI), Mayo Fuster Morell (IT), Mathieu O'Neil (AU), Felipe Ortega (ES), Dan O'Sullivan (UK), Joseph Reagle (USA), Ramón Reichert (AU), Richard Rogers (USA/NL), Alan Shapiro (USA/DE), Maja van der Velden (NL/NO), Gérard Wormser (FR).
Editorial team: Sabine Niederer and Geert Lovink (Amsterdam), Nishant Shah and Sunil Abraham (Bangalore), Johanna Niesyto (Siegen), Nathaniel Tkacz (Melbourne). Project manager CPOV Amsterdam: Margreet Riphagen. Research intern: Juliana Brunello. Production intern: Serena Westra.
The CPOV conference in Amsterdam will be the second conference of the CPOV Wikipedia Research Initiative. The launch of the initiative took place in Bangalore India, with the conference WikiWars in January 2010. After the first two events, the CPOV organization will work on producing a reader, to be launched early 2011. For more information or submitting a reader contribution: http://networkcultures.org/wpmu/cpov/reader/.
Buy your ticket online at: http://networkcultures.org/wpmu/cpov/practical-info/tickets/ (with iDeal), or register by sending an email to: info (at) networkcultures.org. One day ticket: €25, students and OBA members: €12,50. Full conference pass (2 days): €40, students and OBA members: €25.
More info: www.networkcultures.org/cpov. Contact: info (at) networkcultures.org, phone: +3120 5951866
Appel à publication « industries créatives
Appel à publication : « Industries créatives »
revue tic&société (http://www.ticetsociete.org)
La tentation est de plus en plus forte de regrouper des activités très hétéroclites sous une catégorie unique, celle des industries créatives. La référence à la « créativité » s'est imposée comme une ressource centrale dans les discours et les projets de nombre d'instances : institutions internationales, nationales ou locales, groupements d'acteurs économiques, agences de conseils, etc. Des consultants et des universitaires cherchent à établir une conjonction structurante entre activités artistiques, production de biens culturels industriels et publicité, architecture, tourisme, design, mode, voire gastronomie. La créativité est perçue comme une ressource industrielle et collective pouvant être transformée en ressource économique et la création se voit attribuer un rôle central dans la production et la valorisation de divers biens et services.
Plus précisément, il est suggéré que des contenus culturels et informationnels sont associés à des produits ou supports dont l'objet principal n'est pas d'offrir des produits culturels ou informationnels. Ensuite, les modes et logiques de fonctionnement propres aux industries culturelles sont présentés comme devant s'étendre à des activités non culturelles mais qui incorporent la création dans leurs procès de création, production, diffusion et valorisation. Enfin, des politiques publiques nationales, régionales et locales sont développées ou envisagées. Elles incluent les industries culturelles, voire éducatives, dans cet ensemble plus vaste que constituent les industries créatives.
À l'occasion de l'affirmation de la notion d'industries créatives, nous proposons aux contributeurs et contributrices de nous envoyer une proposition qui prenne place à l'intérieur ou au carrefour des axes de réflexion suivants tout en tenant compte de l'importance de situer leur analyse dans le cadre des rapports entre les technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) et la société qui constitue la raison d'être de notre revue.
Nous sommes plus spécifiquement intéressés par les travaux qui mettront l'accent sur les modalités de production, reproduction, diffusion, promotion et valorisation des produits créatifs. La notion d'industries créatives porte-t-elle en elle des formes de rationalisation de la création ? Quel rôle joue la création participative dans l'affirmation de la notion d'industries créatives ? Quelle est la singularité du régime de la créativité ainsi proposée ?
Nous nous intéressons aussi aux liens entre ce label et les problématiques plus anciennes consacrées à la notion d'industries culturelles. Dans quelle mesure est-il possible de faire des liens au niveau du processus de création entre des activités jusqu'alors analysées de façon distincte ? Les spécificités des industries culturelles sont-elles généralisables à l'ensemble des industries créatives ou perdent-elles certaines de leurs spécificités avec ce nouveau cadre analytique ?
En complément, il sera possible de s'interroger :
*sur la généalogie de la notion d'industries créatives. Qui sont les acteurs sociaux qui portent cette notion ? Quels contenus cette notion véhicule-t-elle ? À qui est-elle susceptible de profiter ?
* sur les conséquences potentielles de ces changements sur les politiques publiques mises en place, dont les dispositifs favorisant la diversité culturelle. Les industries culturelles risquent-elles de perdre une partie de leur spécificité, en particulier dans les politiques publiques, locales et nationales ? La question des échanges culturels internationaux, et des règles qui les encadrent, se trouve-t-elle posée en des termes nouveaux ? Par ailleurs, un nouveau partage entre marché et intervention publique ne tend-t-il pas à s'instaurer ?
tic&société accueille des contributions interdisciplinaires et internationales proposant une perspective théorique, une enquête de terrain ou réunissant ces deux approches. La priorité sera donnée aux articles qui répondent à l'un des objectifs proposés ci-dessus ou qui les recoupent. Les contributeurs sont invités à soumettre leurs textes en français, voire en anglais ou en espagnol (mais dans ce cas accompagnés d'un résumé de 3000 caractères en français, en anglais et en espagnol). Les textes doivent faire environ 40000 caractères espaces compris. Les auteurs sont invités à respecter les consignes concernant la mise en forme du manuscrit (consignes disponibles sur le site de la revue, voir la rubrique « Consignes aux auteurs »). Les manuscrits feront l'objet de deux évaluations selon la procédure de lecture à l'aveugle. Les contributions en anglais et espagnol seront évaluées puis traduites en français dans la mesure du possible.
Les textes doivent être envoyés par courriel au plus tard le 30 avril 2010 à l'attention de Philippe Bouquillion ou de Yolande Combès, coordonnateurs de ce numéro thématique « Industries créatives » : p.bouquillion@free.fr ou yolande.combes@wanadoo.fr
Il est aussi possible de proposer des textes hors-thème. Nous nous réservons toutefois le droit, soit de les diffuser dans la rubrique « Varia », soit de les conserver pour un prochain numéro thématique. Merci, dans ce cas, d'envoyer les textes à l'adresse suivante : comite-editorial@ticetsociete.org
Philippe Bouquillion
Professeur des Universités
Université de Paris 8 Vincennes à Saint Denis
Yolande Combès
Professeure des Universités
Université de Paris 13 Nord Villetaneuse
revue tic&société (http://www.ticetsociete.org)
La tentation est de plus en plus forte de regrouper des activités très hétéroclites sous une catégorie unique, celle des industries créatives. La référence à la « créativité » s'est imposée comme une ressource centrale dans les discours et les projets de nombre d'instances : institutions internationales, nationales ou locales, groupements d'acteurs économiques, agences de conseils, etc. Des consultants et des universitaires cherchent à établir une conjonction structurante entre activités artistiques, production de biens culturels industriels et publicité, architecture, tourisme, design, mode, voire gastronomie. La créativité est perçue comme une ressource industrielle et collective pouvant être transformée en ressource économique et la création se voit attribuer un rôle central dans la production et la valorisation de divers biens et services.
Plus précisément, il est suggéré que des contenus culturels et informationnels sont associés à des produits ou supports dont l'objet principal n'est pas d'offrir des produits culturels ou informationnels. Ensuite, les modes et logiques de fonctionnement propres aux industries culturelles sont présentés comme devant s'étendre à des activités non culturelles mais qui incorporent la création dans leurs procès de création, production, diffusion et valorisation. Enfin, des politiques publiques nationales, régionales et locales sont développées ou envisagées. Elles incluent les industries culturelles, voire éducatives, dans cet ensemble plus vaste que constituent les industries créatives.
À l'occasion de l'affirmation de la notion d'industries créatives, nous proposons aux contributeurs et contributrices de nous envoyer une proposition qui prenne place à l'intérieur ou au carrefour des axes de réflexion suivants tout en tenant compte de l'importance de situer leur analyse dans le cadre des rapports entre les technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) et la société qui constitue la raison d'être de notre revue.
Nous sommes plus spécifiquement intéressés par les travaux qui mettront l'accent sur les modalités de production, reproduction, diffusion, promotion et valorisation des produits créatifs. La notion d'industries créatives porte-t-elle en elle des formes de rationalisation de la création ? Quel rôle joue la création participative dans l'affirmation de la notion d'industries créatives ? Quelle est la singularité du régime de la créativité ainsi proposée ?
Nous nous intéressons aussi aux liens entre ce label et les problématiques plus anciennes consacrées à la notion d'industries culturelles. Dans quelle mesure est-il possible de faire des liens au niveau du processus de création entre des activités jusqu'alors analysées de façon distincte ? Les spécificités des industries culturelles sont-elles généralisables à l'ensemble des industries créatives ou perdent-elles certaines de leurs spécificités avec ce nouveau cadre analytique ?
En complément, il sera possible de s'interroger :
*sur la généalogie de la notion d'industries créatives. Qui sont les acteurs sociaux qui portent cette notion ? Quels contenus cette notion véhicule-t-elle ? À qui est-elle susceptible de profiter ?
* sur les conséquences potentielles de ces changements sur les politiques publiques mises en place, dont les dispositifs favorisant la diversité culturelle. Les industries culturelles risquent-elles de perdre une partie de leur spécificité, en particulier dans les politiques publiques, locales et nationales ? La question des échanges culturels internationaux, et des règles qui les encadrent, se trouve-t-elle posée en des termes nouveaux ? Par ailleurs, un nouveau partage entre marché et intervention publique ne tend-t-il pas à s'instaurer ?
tic&société accueille des contributions interdisciplinaires et internationales proposant une perspective théorique, une enquête de terrain ou réunissant ces deux approches. La priorité sera donnée aux articles qui répondent à l'un des objectifs proposés ci-dessus ou qui les recoupent. Les contributeurs sont invités à soumettre leurs textes en français, voire en anglais ou en espagnol (mais dans ce cas accompagnés d'un résumé de 3000 caractères en français, en anglais et en espagnol). Les textes doivent faire environ 40000 caractères espaces compris. Les auteurs sont invités à respecter les consignes concernant la mise en forme du manuscrit (consignes disponibles sur le site de la revue, voir la rubrique « Consignes aux auteurs »). Les manuscrits feront l'objet de deux évaluations selon la procédure de lecture à l'aveugle. Les contributions en anglais et espagnol seront évaluées puis traduites en français dans la mesure du possible.
Les textes doivent être envoyés par courriel au plus tard le 30 avril 2010 à l'attention de Philippe Bouquillion ou de Yolande Combès, coordonnateurs de ce numéro thématique « Industries créatives » : p.bouquillion@free.fr ou yolande.combes@wanadoo.fr
Il est aussi possible de proposer des textes hors-thème. Nous nous réservons toutefois le droit, soit de les diffuser dans la rubrique « Varia », soit de les conserver pour un prochain numéro thématique. Merci, dans ce cas, d'envoyer les textes à l'adresse suivante : comite-editorial@ticetsociete.org
Philippe Bouquillion
Professeur des Universités
Université de Paris 8 Vincennes à Saint Denis
Yolande Combès
Professeure des Universités
Université de Paris 13 Nord Villetaneuse
Extended CFP MEA Convention June 10-13, 2010 University of Maine
Extended Call for Papers
Media Ecology Association
11th Annual Convention
June 10-13, 2010
University of Maine, Orono
Media Ecology and Natural Environments
The subject of media ecology was formed with two biological metaphors in
mind, Neil Postman wrote in "The Humanism of Media Ecology" (2000). In
biology, a medium is a substance within which a culture grows. Change
"substance" to "technology" and media ecology defines medium as a
technology within which a culture grows, forming its politics, social
organization, and ways of thinking. In biology, ecology is the study of
what constitutes a balanced and healthy natural environment. Media
ecology refers to ways that cultures maintain a healthy symbolic balance
to help keep our natural world in order. Media ecology seeks to make us
more aware that we live in two different environments. We live in both
the natural environment of air, water, animals, and plants, and the
media environment of language, images, symbols, and technologies that
shape us.
The 11th Annual Convention of the Media Ecology Association
<http://www.media-ecology.org> invites papers, panels, creative
projects, and other proposals exploring all facets of media ecology and
those that focus on the convention theme, examining the connections
between the two ecologies, one of culture and communication, the other
of nature and the physical sciences. Convention submissions are welcome
that draw on a wide variety of perspectives in environmental studies in
the sciences and communication, from issues such as climate change,
biodiversity, acid rain, and wildlife ecology. How do media ecology and
natural ecology intersect? How do ecologists in humanities, social
sciences, and natural sciences create dialogue with each other? Can
scholarship bring artists, communication researchers, and scientists
together? What is the relationship between primary natural and virtual
media realities? What is the history of environmental thought?
Electronic submissions of abstracts, full papers, and panel proposals
are preferred and should be sent by March 1 to Paul Grosswiler
<paulg@maine.edu>, Chair, Department of Communication and Journalism,
420 Dunn Hall, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04460. A maximum of two
submissions per author will be accepted. Authors who wish their papers
to be considered for the Top Paper or Top Student Paper award must
indicate that on their submissions. All submissions will be acknowledged.
The convention will be sponsored by the Vice President for Research, the
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and the Department of
Communication and Journalism at the University of Maine. Campus housing
will be available. Tours of Maine's natural environments will be offered.
Media Ecology Association
11th Annual Convention
June 10-13, 2010
University of Maine, Orono
Media Ecology and Natural Environments
The subject of media ecology was formed with two biological metaphors in
mind, Neil Postman wrote in "The Humanism of Media Ecology" (2000). In
biology, a medium is a substance within which a culture grows. Change
"substance" to "technology" and media ecology defines medium as a
technology within which a culture grows, forming its politics, social
organization, and ways of thinking. In biology, ecology is the study of
what constitutes a balanced and healthy natural environment. Media
ecology refers to ways that cultures maintain a healthy symbolic balance
to help keep our natural world in order. Media ecology seeks to make us
more aware that we live in two different environments. We live in both
the natural environment of air, water, animals, and plants, and the
media environment of language, images, symbols, and technologies that
shape us.
The 11th Annual Convention of the Media Ecology Association
<http://www.media-ecology.org> invites papers, panels, creative
projects, and other proposals exploring all facets of media ecology and
those that focus on the convention theme, examining the connections
between the two ecologies, one of culture and communication, the other
of nature and the physical sciences. Convention submissions are welcome
that draw on a wide variety of perspectives in environmental studies in
the sciences and communication, from issues such as climate change,
biodiversity, acid rain, and wildlife ecology. How do media ecology and
natural ecology intersect? How do ecologists in humanities, social
sciences, and natural sciences create dialogue with each other? Can
scholarship bring artists, communication researchers, and scientists
together? What is the relationship between primary natural and virtual
media realities? What is the history of environmental thought?
Electronic submissions of abstracts, full papers, and panel proposals
are preferred and should be sent by March 1 to Paul Grosswiler
<paulg@maine.edu>, Chair, Department of Communication and Journalism,
420 Dunn Hall, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04460. A maximum of two
submissions per author will be accepted. Authors who wish their papers
to be considered for the Top Paper or Top Student Paper award must
indicate that on their submissions. All submissions will be acknowledged.
The convention will be sponsored by the Vice President for Research, the
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and the Department of
Communication and Journalism at the University of Maine. Campus housing
will be available. Tours of Maine's natural environments will be offered.
UKZN Student magazine - Subtext 2010
Centre for Communication, Media and Society
> University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban
> Summer 2010 issue of SubText:
> http://ccms.ukzn.ac.za/images/Subtext/subtext_summer_2010_email2.pdf
> This magazine reports on activities and research being done by CCMS staff and students. It is written by graduate students, some of which was presented at the 2009 conference.
> Articles may be reproduced with acknowledgement. Please liaise with the managing editor
> Keyan G. Tomaselli
> Senior Professor
> Director: Centre for Communication, Media and Society
> Academic Coordinator: Culture, Communication and Media Studies (CCMS)
> Room G006a
> Memorial Tower Building
> Howard College Campus
> Mazisi Kunene Rd
> University of KwaZulu-Natal
> Durban 4041, South Africa
> http://ccms.ukzn.ac.za ( http://ccms.ukzn.ac.za/ )
> e-mail: tomasell@ukzn.ac.za
> University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban
> Summer 2010 issue of SubText:
> http://ccms.ukzn.ac.za/images/Subtext/subtext_summer_2010_email2.pdf
> This magazine reports on activities and research being done by CCMS staff and students. It is written by graduate students, some of which was presented at the 2009 conference.
> Articles may be reproduced with acknowledgement. Please liaise with the managing editor
> Keyan G. Tomaselli
> Senior Professor
> Director: Centre for Communication, Media and Society
> Academic Coordinator: Culture, Communication and Media Studies (CCMS)
> Room G006a
> Memorial Tower Building
> Howard College Campus
> Mazisi Kunene Rd
> University of KwaZulu-Natal
> Durban 4041, South Africa
> http://ccms.ukzn.ac.za ( http://ccms.ukzn.ac.za/ )
> e-mail: tomasell@ukzn.ac.za
Memória da imprensa
Há décadas a historiografia contemporânea tem incorporado a imprensa como fonte fundamental para se compreender momentos históricos e a atuação de protagonistas. Mas a fragilidade e as limitações do papel impresso, especialmente seu acesso, representam dificuldades aos pesquisadores.
Com o objetivo de ampliar o acesso a jornais e revistas do século 19 e início do século 20 no Brasil, o Arquivo Público do Estado de São Paulo acaba de lançar o site Memória da Imprensa, uma seleção de periódicos digitalizados do acervo da instituição.
O serviço reúne por enquanto 14 títulos de jornais e revistas de época, que permitem acompanhar a trajetória da imprensa paulista e brasileira a partir da seleção de exemplares de 1854 a 1981.
Jornais e revistas que já estão em formato digital.Parte do acervo já digitalizado ajuda a reconstituir momentos importantes dos mais de 200 anos de história da imprensa no Brasil. Pesquisadores já podem acessar desde publicações que marcaram época, como a revista A Cigarra (1914-1975) e o jornal Última Hora (1951-1971), até títulos menos conhecidos, como o jornal sindical Notícias Gráficas (1945-1964) e o anarquista La Barricata (1912-1913).
O Memória da Imprensa já soma mais de 1.670 páginas de jornais. O Arquivo Público do Estado de São Paulo é um dos maiores arquivos públicos brasileiros. Sua hemeroteca tem cerca de 1,2 mil títulos e 32 mil exemplares de revistas e mais de 200 títulos de jornais.
Já estão disponíveis no site as revistas O Malho (1902-1954), Panóplia (1901-1935), Anauê! (1935), Vida Moderna (1907-1925) e Escrita (1975-1988), além dos jornais Lanterna (1901-1935), Acção (1936), Germinal (1902-1913) e Correio Paulistano (1854-1963), este último o primeiro diário da província de São Paulo.
Para acessar a página e mais informações: www.arquivoestado.sp.gov.br/memoria
Fonte: Agência Fapesp
Com o objetivo de ampliar o acesso a jornais e revistas do século 19 e início do século 20 no Brasil, o Arquivo Público do Estado de São Paulo acaba de lançar o site Memória da Imprensa, uma seleção de periódicos digitalizados do acervo da instituição.
O serviço reúne por enquanto 14 títulos de jornais e revistas de época, que permitem acompanhar a trajetória da imprensa paulista e brasileira a partir da seleção de exemplares de 1854 a 1981.
Jornais e revistas que já estão em formato digital.Parte do acervo já digitalizado ajuda a reconstituir momentos importantes dos mais de 200 anos de história da imprensa no Brasil. Pesquisadores já podem acessar desde publicações que marcaram época, como a revista A Cigarra (1914-1975) e o jornal Última Hora (1951-1971), até títulos menos conhecidos, como o jornal sindical Notícias Gráficas (1945-1964) e o anarquista La Barricata (1912-1913).
O Memória da Imprensa já soma mais de 1.670 páginas de jornais. O Arquivo Público do Estado de São Paulo é um dos maiores arquivos públicos brasileiros. Sua hemeroteca tem cerca de 1,2 mil títulos e 32 mil exemplares de revistas e mais de 200 títulos de jornais.
Já estão disponíveis no site as revistas O Malho (1902-1954), Panóplia (1901-1935), Anauê! (1935), Vida Moderna (1907-1925) e Escrita (1975-1988), além dos jornais Lanterna (1901-1935), Acção (1936), Germinal (1902-1913) e Correio Paulistano (1854-1963), este último o primeiro diário da província de São Paulo.
Para acessar a página e mais informações: www.arquivoestado.sp.gov.br/memoria
Fonte: Agência Fapesp
terça-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2010
Chamada da revista Ciberlegenda
fonte: Blog do PPGCOM ESPM
Está aberta a chamada para a seleção de textos a serem publicados na Revista Ciberlegenda, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação da Universidade Federal Fluminense (PPGCOM-UFF). Os trabalhos selecionados serão publicados na edição de maio de 2010.
Este próximo número estará dedicado às relações entre realidade e ficção nas manifestações midiáticas, especialmente na produção contemporânea.
A Revista então aguarda artigos e resenhas que abordem algumas das múltiplas arestas dessa questão, compreendida num sentido amplo e aberto a diversas contribuições.
Os textos deverão ser enviados até o dia 25 de março, através do site da Ciberlegenda, de acordo com o modelo de formatação e as diretrizes para autores, que também se encontram no site da revista (http://www.uff.br/ciberlegenda/ojs/index.php/revista/about).
Está aberta a chamada para a seleção de textos a serem publicados na Revista Ciberlegenda, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação da Universidade Federal Fluminense (PPGCOM-UFF). Os trabalhos selecionados serão publicados na edição de maio de 2010.
Este próximo número estará dedicado às relações entre realidade e ficção nas manifestações midiáticas, especialmente na produção contemporânea.
A Revista então aguarda artigos e resenhas que abordem algumas das múltiplas arestas dessa questão, compreendida num sentido amplo e aberto a diversas contribuições.
Os textos deverão ser enviados até o dia 25 de março, através do site da Ciberlegenda, de acordo com o modelo de formatação e as diretrizes para autores, que também se encontram no site da revista (http://www.uff.br/ciberlegenda/ojs/index.php/revista/about).
Critical Point of View: Wikipedia Research Conference (Amsterdam, March 26/27)
Critical Point of View: Second international conference of the CPOV Wikipedia Research Initiative
Date: 26-27 March 2010
Location: OBA (Public Library Amsterdam, next to Amsterdam central station), Oosterdokskade 143, Amsterdam
Organized by the Institute of Network Cultures Amsterdam, in cooperation with the Centre for Internet and Society in Bangalore, India.
Website: www.networkcultures.org/cpov
Discussion List: http://p10.alfaservers.com/mailman/listinfo/cpov_listcultures.org
Wikipedia is at the brink of becoming the de facto global reference of dynamic knowledge. The heated debates over its accuracy, anonymity, trust, vandalism and expertise only seem to fuel further growth of Wikipedia and its user base. Apart from leaving its modern counterparts Britannica and Encarta in the dust, such scale and breadth places Wikipedia on par with such historical milestones as Pliny the Elder's Naturalis Historia, the Ming Dynasty's Wen-hsien ta-ch' eng, and the key work of French Enlightenment, the Encyclopédie. The multilingual Wikipedia as digital collaborative and fluid knowledge production platform might be said to be the most visible and successful example of the migration of FLOSS (Free/Libre/Open Source Software) principles into mainstream culture. However, such celebration should contain critical insights, informed by the changing realities of the Internet at large and the Wikipedia project in particular.
The CPOV Research Initiative was founded from the urge to stimulate critical Wikipedia research: quantitative and qualitative research that could benefit both the wide user-base and the active Wikipedia community itself. On top of this, Wikipedia offers critical insights into the contemporary status of knowledge, its organizing principles, function, and impact; its production styles, mechanisms for conflict resolution and power (re-)constitution. The overarching research agenda is at once a philosophical, epistemological and theoretical investigation of knowledge artifacts, cultural production and social relations, and an empirical investigation of the specific phenomenon of the Wikipedia.
Conference Themes: Wiki Theory, Encyclopedia Histories, Wiki Art, Wikipedia Analytics, Designing Debate and Global Issues and Outlooks.
Confirmed speakers: Florian Cramer (DE/NL), Andrew Famiglietti (UK), Stuart Geiger (USA), Hendrik-Jan Grievink (NL), Charles van den Heuvel (NL), Jeanette Hofmann (DE), Athina Karatzogianni (UK), Scott Kildall (USA), Patrick Lichty (USA), Hans Varghese Mathews (IN), Teemu Mikkonen (FI), Mayo Fuster Morell (IT), Mathieu O'Neil (AU), Felipe Ortega (ES), Dan O'Sullivan (UK), Joseph Reagle (USA), Ramón Reichert (AU), Richard Rogers (USA/NL), Alan Shapiro (USA/DE), Maja van der Velden (NL/NO), Gérard Wormser (FR).
Editorial team: Sabine Niederer and Geert Lovink (Amsterdam), Nishant Shah and Sunil Abraham (Bangalore), Johanna Niesyto (Siegen), Nathaniel Tkacz (Melbourne). Project manager CPOV Amsterdam: Margreet Riphagen. Research intern: Juliana Brunello. Production intern: Serena Westra.
The CPOV conference in Amsterdam will be the second conference of the CPOV Wikipedia Research Initiative. The launch of the initiative took place in Bangalore India, with the conference WikiWars in January 2010. After the first two events, the CPOV organization will work on producing a reader, to be launched early 2011. For more information or submitting a reader contribution: http://networkcultures.org/wpmu/cpov/reader/.
Buy your ticket online at: http://networkcultures.org/wpmu/cpov/practical-info/tickets/ (with iDeal), or register by sending an email to: info (at) networkcultures.org. One day ticket: €25, students and OBA members: €12,50. Full conference pass (2 days): €40, students and OBA members: €25.
More info: www.networkcultures.org/cpov. Contact: info (at) networkcultures.org, phone: +3120 5951866
Date: 26-27 March 2010
Location: OBA (Public Library Amsterdam, next to Amsterdam central station), Oosterdokskade 143, Amsterdam
Organized by the Institute of Network Cultures Amsterdam, in cooperation with the Centre for Internet and Society in Bangalore, India.
Website: www.networkcultures.org/cpov
Discussion List: http://p10.alfaservers.com/mailman/listinfo/cpov_listcultures.org
Wikipedia is at the brink of becoming the de facto global reference of dynamic knowledge. The heated debates over its accuracy, anonymity, trust, vandalism and expertise only seem to fuel further growth of Wikipedia and its user base. Apart from leaving its modern counterparts Britannica and Encarta in the dust, such scale and breadth places Wikipedia on par with such historical milestones as Pliny the Elder's Naturalis Historia, the Ming Dynasty's Wen-hsien ta-ch' eng, and the key work of French Enlightenment, the Encyclopédie. The multilingual Wikipedia as digital collaborative and fluid knowledge production platform might be said to be the most visible and successful example of the migration of FLOSS (Free/Libre/Open Source Software) principles into mainstream culture. However, such celebration should contain critical insights, informed by the changing realities of the Internet at large and the Wikipedia project in particular.
The CPOV Research Initiative was founded from the urge to stimulate critical Wikipedia research: quantitative and qualitative research that could benefit both the wide user-base and the active Wikipedia community itself. On top of this, Wikipedia offers critical insights into the contemporary status of knowledge, its organizing principles, function, and impact; its production styles, mechanisms for conflict resolution and power (re-)constitution. The overarching research agenda is at once a philosophical, epistemological and theoretical investigation of knowledge artifacts, cultural production and social relations, and an empirical investigation of the specific phenomenon of the Wikipedia.
Conference Themes: Wiki Theory, Encyclopedia Histories, Wiki Art, Wikipedia Analytics, Designing Debate and Global Issues and Outlooks.
Confirmed speakers: Florian Cramer (DE/NL), Andrew Famiglietti (UK), Stuart Geiger (USA), Hendrik-Jan Grievink (NL), Charles van den Heuvel (NL), Jeanette Hofmann (DE), Athina Karatzogianni (UK), Scott Kildall (USA), Patrick Lichty (USA), Hans Varghese Mathews (IN), Teemu Mikkonen (FI), Mayo Fuster Morell (IT), Mathieu O'Neil (AU), Felipe Ortega (ES), Dan O'Sullivan (UK), Joseph Reagle (USA), Ramón Reichert (AU), Richard Rogers (USA/NL), Alan Shapiro (USA/DE), Maja van der Velden (NL/NO), Gérard Wormser (FR).
Editorial team: Sabine Niederer and Geert Lovink (Amsterdam), Nishant Shah and Sunil Abraham (Bangalore), Johanna Niesyto (Siegen), Nathaniel Tkacz (Melbourne). Project manager CPOV Amsterdam: Margreet Riphagen. Research intern: Juliana Brunello. Production intern: Serena Westra.
The CPOV conference in Amsterdam will be the second conference of the CPOV Wikipedia Research Initiative. The launch of the initiative took place in Bangalore India, with the conference WikiWars in January 2010. After the first two events, the CPOV organization will work on producing a reader, to be launched early 2011. For more information or submitting a reader contribution: http://networkcultures.org/wpmu/cpov/reader/.
Buy your ticket online at: http://networkcultures.org/wpmu/cpov/practical-info/tickets/ (with iDeal), or register by sending an email to: info (at) networkcultures.org. One day ticket: €25, students and OBA members: €12,50. Full conference pass (2 days): €40, students and OBA members: €25.
More info: www.networkcultures.org/cpov. Contact: info (at) networkcultures.org, phone: +3120 5951866
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