quinta-feira, 6 de maio de 2010

PhD studentship UK based: Social Life of Methods (including digital data)

The Department of Sociology invites applications for a University-funded
PhD studentship for three years commencing October 2010.

The Social Life of Methods (SLOM) is an interdisciplinary programme of
research based in the ESRC Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change
(CRESC). Using theoretical ideas from science and technology studies
(STS), anthropology, political economy and cultural sociology, SLOM
analyses research methods, not simply as benign ‘tools’, but as
performative agents of the social and of different kinds of social and
cultural change

Applicants are particularly welcome from students who wish to pursue
research in any of the following broadly-defined areas:

Methods as Devices, Objects or Technologies
Visual Methods
Methodological Challenges of Digital Data
Methods and Social Transformation/Change

For informal enquiries contact Dr Mark Banks m.o.banks@open.ac.uk. More
specific details about research in the Faculty and Department can be
found on the Faculty’s website: http://www.open.ac.uk/socialsciences and
the CRESC website; www.cresc.ac.uk.

For detailed information and how to apply go to
www3.open.ac.uk/employment and http://www.open.ac.uk/socialsciences/phd,
or  email socsci-phd-applications@open.ac.uk quoting the reference
number RD/MB/05. Closing date: 5pm on 27th May 2010, interviews will be
held in Milton Keynes in mid June 2010.

Further particulars are available in large print, disk or audiotape
(minicom 01908 654901).

We promote diversity in employment and welcome applications from all
sections of the community.

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an
exempt charity in England & Wales, and a charity registered in Scotland
(SC 038302).

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