Television Image and Political Space in the Light of the Romanian Revolution
Lecture, Budapest, the 7th of April, 1990 (24’30’’)
On technical images, chance, consciousness and the individual
Interview by Miklós Peternák in München, the 17th of October 1991 (38’)
On religion, memory and synthetic image
Interview by László Beke and Miklós Peternák in Budapest, the 7th of April 1990 (13’30’’)
On writing, complexity and the technical revolutions
Interview by Miklós Peternák in Osnabrück, European Media Art Festival, September 1988 (10’30’’)
(With a booklet in English language.)
escrevo para divulgar o lançamento do DVD "We Shall Survive in the Memory of Others", produzido pela Universität der Künste Berlin e pela Fundação C3 de Cultura e Comunicação de Budapeste. O DVD reúne algumas das últimas entrevistas e palestras que Flusser deu antes de falecer, e contém legendas em várias línguas, inclusive português. Fiz a tradução para o português e César Baio, doutorando da PUCSP, foi responsável pela revisão. Informações sobre o DVD, que certamente constitui material de pesquisa do maior interesse para pesquisadores da obra de Flusser, podem ser encontradas em http://flusserdvd. en.html. Quem quiser adquirir o DVD pode comprá-lo através da livraria Walther König, no seguinte endereço online: http://www.buchhand lung-walther-
Vilém FlusserTelevision Image and Political Space in the Light of the Romanian Revolution
Lecture, Budapest, the 7th of April, 1990 (24’30’’)
On technical images, chance, consciousness and the individual
Interview by Miklós Peternák in München, the 17th of October 1991 (38’)
On religion, memory and synthetic image
Interview by László Beke and Miklós Peternák in Budapest, the 7th of April 1990 (13’30’’)
On writing, complexity and the technical revolutions
Interview by Miklós Peternák in Osnabrück, European Media Art Festival, September 1988 (10’30’’)
(With a booklet in English language.)
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