quinta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2008

Digital Content Creation: Creativity, Competence, Critique

Digital Content Creation:
Creativity, Competence, Critique

The second international DREAM conference
18-20 September 2008
University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark

In knowledge-based societies, competence formation
through education is key, and the formative role played
by digital communication is widely acknowledged.
However, one of the major challenges today
is the mismatch between the digital resources
nurtured by users in and outside
of formal educational contexts.
Not least young people's rapid take-up
of social software such as weblogs
and wikis, online chat clients and
virtual world applications serve to
challenge existing forms of communication
for learning, since these
innovations allow and assume
users' own creation, sharing and editing
of content.

Conference goals
This conference will present and discuss
the most advanced and
exciting research on digital
content creation, its socio-culturalcontexts
and educational consequences.
A major aim of the conference is to
bring together an international forum
of scholars from a range of
disciplines including media and ICT studies,
education, psychology,
anthropology, sociology and cultural studies -
and to promote dialogue
within and across research traditions.
We also aim to develop dialogue between
researchers, educators and producers
of new learning resources.

Conference themes
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

* Digital content creation: creative processes
and textual reappropriations
* Competence formation through digital
content creation: personal
voice or commercial coercion?
* Institutional ramifications of digital content
creation for learning
* Studying digital content creation:
the challenge of new

Papers are encouraged from researchers
with interests in any of these
specific themes as well as the
general issues of the conference.

If you would like to present a paper,
please submit a 400 word
abstract with an indication of
which of the above themes you will
address. Abstracts must include
the title of your paper along with
author name(s), affiliation,
and contact details (postal address,
telephone, fax and email address).
Abstracts (format: pdf, doc, rtf)
should be submitted to mail@dream.dk

After the conference, authors are invited
to submit revised versions of
their papers from which contributions
will be selected for a peer-reviewed v
olume focusing on the main themes of the conference.

Important dates
15 April 2008 deadline for submission of abstracts
1 June 2008 notification of authors
1 July 2008 deadline for early registration
1 August 2008 deadline for submission of final papers

Keynote speakers
Keynote speakers will include professor
David Buckingham (London Knowledge Lab,
University of London), professor John Hartley
(Creative Industries Faculty,
Queensland University of Technology),
professor Angela McFarlane (
Graduate School af Education,
University of Bristol),
professor Roger Säljö (Department of
Education, University of Gothenburg),
and professor Ellen Seiter
(School of Cinematic Arts,
University of Southern California

Pre-Conference: One-day ph.d. course
The research conference is preceded
by an intensive ph.d. course 17
September 2008, offering a venue for young scholars
within relevant conference areas to meet
with some of the main conference speakers
and to make project presentations and discussions.

Conference language
The conference language is English.

Stay informed
Please visit the conference website for full scientific and social
programme, registration form and keynote abstracts:

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