sexta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2008

Call for short papers from graduate students for Rocky Mountain Communication Review

Forum: "New Media, New Relations"

Rocky Mountain Communication Review

Guest forum editor: Daren C. Brabham,
University of Utah

Rocky Mountain Communication Review (RMCR)
seeks short papers(approximately 1500 words)
that address the ways in which
new media technologies
are changing how we work, solve problems,
make friends, tell stories,
and make progress in our world.
The focus of this forum is on the role
new media play in re-structuring, re-making,
and re-imagining our
world. In other words, how exactly
have new media changed our world? What
are the implications for these changes?
What are the most pressing
questions and agendas for research
regarding these changes?

For the purposes of this forum,
new media include both digital mass
communication technologies (e.g., the Web)
as well as personal digital
media (e.g., cell phones,
digital music players). Submissions can be
empirical, rhetorical, or theoretical.

Possible topics may include:

* how new media are changing the nature
of specific industries and
professions (e.g., journalism,
stock photography);

* how social networking sites
are changing the ways we make friends,
fall in love, and make professional connections;

* how personal digital media
script our daily rituals and needs;

* how new media enable
democratic participation;

* how new media change/challenge aspects
of our identities (e.g., along
lines of race, class, gender, sexuality,
(dis)ability, nationality);

* how new media technologies enhance,
fragment, or otherwise change the
way we tell stories and entertain;

* how new media technologies change
the ways we teach and learn; and

* how new media technologies
affect social movements and activism.

RMCR is a peer-reviewed, online communication journal
by and for graduate students, published by
the University of Utah. Authors MUST be
currently enrolled in a graduate program
to be eligible for publication in
the journal. All submissions
undergo blind, peer-review by at least
two graduate students.
RMCR is an up-and-coming journal
in its fourth
volume, and the journal was recently
added to the EBSCO database. For
more information about the journal:

Please send inquiries, proposals, and papers to Daren Brabham at by June 1, 2008.

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