segunda-feira, 7 de abril de 2008

Journal of Virtual Worlds Research - Announcement and Call for Papers

fonte: Lista do Conselho da ABCiber

Segue o anúncio da criação de um novo periódico online,
o Journal of Virtual Worlds Research (
Trata-se de uma publicação multidisciplinar
com abrangência internacional. A seleção dos
artigos é baseada em pareceres anônimos.

Ao final da mensagem encontram-se 4 chamadas
de artigos, com prazos
finais em 15 de junho, 15 de Agosto,
30 de Setembro e 15 de Dezembro.

The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research
( is a online,
open access, peer-reviewed, transdisciplinary,
academic journal, which
engages established and emerging scholars
from anywhere in the world.
The journal builds upon the
open journal model promoted by the Soros
Foundation, which has open access
to quality academic knowledge as its
central tenant. There is no need
to register to read articles, there are
no fees to subscribe to the content,
and there are no publication fees
requested from authors.
The journal is operated on the
Open Journal Systems software platform
developed by the Public Knowledge Project
at Simon Frasier University in
Vancouver, Canada (,
and is hosted by the
Advanced Communications Laboratory (ACTlab)
in the Department of Radio, TV
& Film at the University of Texas at Austin (USA).
The journal has an editorial board and
associate editors from around
the world, including:

Editorial Board:
Steve Jones (UIC), Jorge Peña (UT-Austin),
Allucquere Rosanne Stone
(ACTlab / UTAustin), Joseph Straubhaar (UT-Austin),
Natalie Wood (St.
Joseph’s U.)

Founding Editors:
Jeremiah Spence (UT-Austin),
Joseph Lopez (ACTlab / UT-Austin)

Founding Associate Editors:
Suely Fragoso (Unisinos), Joe Sanchez (UTAustin),
Amanda Salomon (Swinburn U. of Tech),
Henry Segerman (UT-Austin), Yesha Sivan (Shenkar
College), Stephanie Smith (NASA),
Caja Thimm (U. of Bonn)

The journal is currently preparing
its inaugural edition on the theme
of "Virtual Worlds Research:
Past, Present & Future" and currently has
promised contributions from: Yesha Sivan (Isreal);
Stephanie Smith
(US/NASA); Steve Jones (US - UIC);
Beatrice Bittarello (Italy); Michael
Benedikt (US/UT-Austin); Bruce Damer (US);
Howard Reingold (US); Allucquere
Rosanne Stone (US/UT-Austin),
Randall Farmer (US), Chip Morningstar
(US), and Frank Taney (US). We hope to have
the first edition published
online in late June 2008.

The JVWR currently has four (4)
open calls for papers:

Open Calls for Papers:
1st edition’s theme: “Virtual Worlds Research:
Past, Present &
Due date: June 1, 2008

2nd edition’s theme: “Social identity
and Consumer Behavior in
Virtual Worlds” Due date: August 15, 2008

3rd edition’s theme: “Cultures of Virtual Worlds” Due date:
September 30, 2008

4th edition’s theme: “Pedagogy, Education
and Innovation in Virtual
Worlds” Due December 15, 2008

Authors and reviewers can register
directly on the website at:

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