quinta-feira, 3 de abril de 2008

EDem2008 - Conference for E-Democracy

Fonte: Lista da Aoir


We are hosting the international
EDem 2008 Conference 29-30. September
2008 at the Danube University Krems, Austria.
It would be nice to meet
some of you personally and receive
interesting papers concerning any
aspects related to E-Democracy!
If you know anybody who may also be
interested in participating or attending,
please forward this call!

EDem2008 - Conference for E-Democracy
29-30 September 2008
Danube University Krems, Austria
*To what extent can E-Democracy support
and enrich our democracy?
*What and where are the interfaces,
what methods can be used to
integrate E-participation in present
politics public administration
*How can we ensure that the greatest
number of people are reached and
are able to use the means of participation?
*How can the modern media support
political education?
*How can the Internet increase
participation in political
*What are the limitations and
the risks of E-Democracy?

We are looking for contributions on
all areas and levels of electronic
democracy and participation systems,
precedence will be given to those
contributions which include national
and/or international experiences.
Concrete projects can also be submitted,
and, if accepted, would be
presented as examples of *hands-on*
demonstrations of E-Democracy
and E-Participation.

Deadline for papers : 15. May 2008
Call for Papers and further information:
Contact: noella.edelmann@donau-uni.ac.at

I look forward to hearing from you,
Kind regards
Noella Edelmann

Noella Edelmann BA, MSc, MAS

Academic Staff
Course Director Executive MBA in ICT

Centre for E-Government
Danube University Krems
Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Strasse 30
3500 Krems

Tel.: +43 2732 893 2303
E-Mail: noella.edelmann@donau-uni.ac.at
( http://www.donau-uni.ac.at/egov )

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