quinta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2009
O blog do MDCL entra em férias a partir de hoje, o que diminuirá o número e frequência das postagens. Desejamos a todos excelentes votos e felicidades para 2010. Até o ano que vem!
X Ciclo Nacional de Pesquisa em Ensino de Jornalismo
O Fórum Nacional dos Professores de Jornalismo (FNPJ) está convidando professores, pesquisadores, jornalistas e estudantes para o IX Ciclo Nacional de Pesquisa em Ensino de Jornalismo,. Será em Recife, Pernambuco, entre 21 e 23 de abril de 2010. As inscrições começam em 1° de janeiro e seguem até 1° de março.
O Ciclo conta com seis Grupos de Pesquisa e as modalidades de apresentação de trabalho, com como informações complementares podem ser encontradas no site de Fórum. É importante lembrar que as inscrições para o IX Ciclo, uma das atividades centrais do Encontro Nacional de Professores de Jornalismo, são feitas diretamente com os coordenadores dos GPs, pelos seus e-mails.
Fonte: blog do Nupejor
Abertas inscrições para o Programa Vanier de Bolsas de Estudo de Pós-Graduação no Canadá
Estão abertas as inscrições para o Programa Vanier de Bolsas de Estudo de Pós-Graduação no Canadá. O programa faz parte da estratégia de desenvolvimento científico-tecnológico e econômico do Canadá e visa atrair estudantes de doutorado que se destaquem por realizações em pesquisas de pós-graduação nas áreas de ciências sociais e humanas, ciências naturais, engenharia e saúde.
A bolsa é de 50 mil canadenses anuais, com duração de, no máximo, três anos. O processo de seleção está aberto a candidatos canadenses e internacionais. Para concorrer uma bolsa, os estudantes devem ter sua candidatura apresentada por uma universidade canadense que tenha cotas do Programa Vanier de Bolsas de Estudo de Pós-Graduação do Canadá.
Os estudantes internacionais que não estejam matriculados em uma universidade canadense deverão escolher em qual departamento e em qual universidade canadense, que esteja inserida no programa de cotas do Programa Vanier, desejam realizar seu doutorado e fazer contato com os responsáveis e professores do departamento, manifestando seu interesse em candidatar-se à bolsa.
Os candidatos serão avaliados pelo seu desempenho acadêmico e profissional, verificado por meio dos resultados acadêmicos, prêmios e distinções, programa de estudo e potencial contribuição para o avanço do conhecimento, experiências profissionais e acadêmicas relevantes, envolvimento com a comunidade, publicações, apresentações em conferências e cartas de recomendação.
Para mais informações acesse o site.
fonte: site da CAPES
A bolsa é de 50 mil canadenses anuais, com duração de, no máximo, três anos. O processo de seleção está aberto a candidatos canadenses e internacionais. Para concorrer uma bolsa, os estudantes devem ter sua candidatura apresentada por uma universidade canadense que tenha cotas do Programa Vanier de Bolsas de Estudo de Pós-Graduação do Canadá.
Os estudantes internacionais que não estejam matriculados em uma universidade canadense deverão escolher em qual departamento e em qual universidade canadense, que esteja inserida no programa de cotas do Programa Vanier, desejam realizar seu doutorado e fazer contato com os responsáveis e professores do departamento, manifestando seu interesse em candidatar-se à bolsa.
Os candidatos serão avaliados pelo seu desempenho acadêmico e profissional, verificado por meio dos resultados acadêmicos, prêmios e distinções, programa de estudo e potencial contribuição para o avanço do conhecimento, experiências profissionais e acadêmicas relevantes, envolvimento com a comunidade, publicações, apresentações em conferências e cartas de recomendação.
Para mais informações acesse o site.
fonte: site da CAPES
Revista Punto Cero faz chamada de trabalhos
Fonte: Eptic On Line
A revista Punto Cero, publicação científica da Faculdade de Ciências da Comunicação da Universidade Católica Boliviana San Pablo, convoca os pesquisadores e pesquisadoras do campo da Comunicação e, em geral, das Ciências Sociais a enviar trabalhos para a próxima edição do periódico.
Os interessados podem enviar textos que apresentem resultados de pesquisa, estudos de caso, ensaios argumentativos, artigos de reflexão e/ou revisão temática, que abordem temas da comunicação e a sua relação com a cultura, a política, a educação e o desenvolvimento.
Os artigos podem ser enviados até o dia 10 de fevereiro de 2010. Para conhecer as regras de submissão e o perfil da revista acesse: http://www.ucbcba.edu.bo e clique no link “Publicaciones”, do menu principal. Dúvidas podem ser tiradas através do e-mail: puntocero@ucbcba.edu.bo/.
Prêmio SAV de Pesquisa em Cinema e Audiovisual aceita inscrições até 18 de dezembro
O Ministério da Cultura, por intermédio da Secretaria do Audiovisual (SAv/MinC), e a Iniciativa Cultural - Instituto das Indústrias Criativas, abrem inscrições para o Prêmio SAV para Publicação de Pesquisa em Cinema e Audiovisual (2009-2010), que irá selecionar pesquisas e estudos acadêmicos ou independentes sobre cinema e audiovisual brasileiro.
As inscrições ficarão abertas de 20 de novembro a 18 de dezembro. Na primeira edição do prêmio poderão se inscrever pós-graduandos, pós-graduados, bem como pesquisadores independentes sem vinculação ou titulação acadêmica. O prêmio pretende incentivar a produção científica e cultural do país.
As três pesquisas selecionadas receberão como prêmio a publicação de um livro, com tiragem de 1.500 exemplares. As áreas a serem contempladas são: prêmio para melhor pesquisa em língua portuguesa resultante de Tese de Doutorado em cinema e audiovisual brasileiro; prêmio para melhor pesquisa em língua portuguesa resultante de Dissertação de Mestrado em cinema e audiovisual brasileiro e prêmio para melhor Pesquisa ou Estudo sem vínculo acadêmico, em cinema e audiovisual brasileiro, em língua portuguesa.
A seleção dos projetos, em todas as modalidades, será realizada de 11 de janeiro a 8 de março de 2010. O resultado será divulgado no dia 8 de março do mesmo ano.
Mais informações estão disponíveis no site www.cenacine.com.br ou pelo e-mail info@iniciativacultural.org.br.
Docentes da UFRJ lançam livro sobre retórica e mídia
Acaba de sair pela Editora Insular a coletânea Retórica e Mídia: estudos ibero-brasileiros, organizada por Fernanda Lima Lopes e Igor Sacramento (ambos da UFRJ).
O livro reúne textos de autores espanhóis, brasileiros e portugueses que estudam processos, práticas e produtos midiáticos a partir da Retórica.
As contribuições foram organizadas em três partes: Fundamentos da Retórica, A Retórica Midiatizada e A Retórica Jornalística. O lançamento do livro ocorrerá no dia 8 de dezembro, a partir das 19h, na Livraria Prefácio (Rua Voluntários da Pátria, 39, Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro/RJ).
As encomendas podem ser feitas pelo site da editora Insular: http://www.insular.com.br/
Livro da Rede de Pesquisa OBITEL NACIONAL
Caros colegas,
como resultado de trabalhos desenvolvidos nos anos de 2008 e 2009, a rede de pesquisa OBITEL NACIONAL, formada por pesquisadores brasileiros de ficção televisiva, lançou no último dia 16 de novembro durante o II Encontro do Obitel Nacional, o livro colaborativo "Ficção televisiva no Brasil: temas e perspectivas" (São Paulo: Ed. Globo, 2009, 438 p.), com 10 textos de grupos de pesquisa e por mim coordenado.
Comunico que o livro pode ser solicitado, sem ônus, por quem tiver interesse pelo tema, diretamente ao CETVN - Centro de Estudos de Telenovela da ECA-USP. Propomo-nos a atender, dentro do estoque disponível, aos pedidos feitos no endereço: telenovela@usp. br
Um forte abraço,
Forte abraço,
Caros colegas,
O Departamento de Relações Públicas da Faculdade de Comunicação Social da UERJ oferece 01 vaga para Professor Adjunto 40h na área de Teoria de Opinião Pública e Pesquisa de Opinião e de Mercado. As inscrições vão de 11 de janeiro a 9 de fevereiro.
O edital e detalhes estão no link: http://www.srh.uerj.br/docente/saida.asp
Fernando Gonçalves.
O Departamento de Relações Públicas da Faculdade de Comunicação Social da UERJ oferece 01 vaga para Professor Adjunto 40h na área de Teoria de Opinião Pública e Pesquisa de Opinião e de Mercado. As inscrições vão de 11 de janeiro a 9 de fevereiro.
O edital e detalhes estão no link: http://www.srh.uerj.br/docente/saida.asp
Fernando Gonçalves.
Trajectoires diasporiques, processus communicationnels et construction identitaire : éléments d’articulation
Le Groupe d’études et de recherches axées sur la communication
internationale et interculturelle (GERACII) de l’Université du Québec à
Montréal (UQAM) a le plaisir de vous inviter au colloque
Trajectoires diasporiques, processus communicationnels et construction
identitaire : éléments d’articulation
Dans le cadre du 78e congrès de l'ACFAS qui se tiendra à l’Université de
Montréal (Québec, Canada) le 12 mai 2010.
Appel à communication
Le volume et la nature de la recherche en communication internationale
et interculturelle sont en constante évolution. Face à l'afflux des
multiples travaux dans ce domaine autour de sujets aussi divers que la
communication internationale et le développement, les approches
médiatiques transnationales, la communication et la diversité
culturelle, la communication interculturelle et l’intégration, il est
nécessaire de revoir les pistes relatives au rapport à Soi et à
l’Autre dans le monde complexe de la diaspora.
Sous quelles formes se présentent les identités diasporiques et quels
rapports entretiennent-elles avec leurs milieux « d’origine », réel ou
imaginé, et avec leur milieu d’accueil. Et comment la communication,
dans toutes ses facettes, permet-elle à ces formes de prendre vie ?
Dans un monde ethno-identitaire qui entretient un discours « une
position d’énonciation » (Hall, 2008), vis-à-vis de ses sujets (citoyens
possédant une identité « autre »), au nom de valeurs suprêmes (telles la
démocratie, la liberté d’expression et de croyance, l’égalité hommes
femmes, la tolérance et ainsi de suite), et qui entretient, en même
temps, le contraire de ce qu’il réclame : un appel à l’identification,
se pose la question de la place et du rôle des identités diasporiques
qui opèrent dans le dedans et le dehors de ce monde.
C’est dans ce rapport à l’autre empreint de contradictions discursives
que ces identités se développent, se maintiennent et se consolident.
Mais c’est aussi dans un “rapport à soi” empreint de cristallisations
identitaires, d’ambiguïtés et d’ambivalences (Augé, 1994) que ces mêmes
identités se replient, s’effacent ou se projettent.
Dans le même temps, l’idée de diaspora entraîne de nombreux réflexes :
la mise en place de garde-fous afin d'identifier et garder des liens
avec le pays d’origine (argent ou réseaux) ou des mesures
gouvernementales d'aide au retour (mesures de protection locale,
charters et associations diverses). Face à ces enjeux, deux
questionnements guident le colloque : Quelles représentations, quels
cadres théoriques et méthodologiques nourrissent les travaux existants ?
Quelles sont les formes de communication relatives aux diasporas ?
Ce colloque, s'il permet d'affirmer que ce champ de recherche – la
diaspora - est important sur le plan quantitatif, il ouvre, en même
temps, des questionnements théoriques significatifs. On peut ainsi
observer l'existence de « modes » tant épistémologiques que
méthodologiques, non nécessairement reliées entre elles, qu'il est
nécessaire d'expliquer. On s'interrogera aussi sur l'existence de
structures, d'attitudes et de références, qui relient les membres des
diasporas à leurs pays d’origine ainsi qu’à leurs sociétés d’accueil à
travers l’idée d’une « communauté imaginée » (Anderson, 1996). Enfin on
portera un regard critique sur l'articulation difficile entre des
contextes spécifiques, c’est-à-dire un terrain dont l'attrait est peu
explicité – sinon compris – et sur une réalité qui défie le temps et
Dans cette perspective, nous aimerions solliciter des propositions
(résultats de recherches, pistes de réflexion, etc.) touchant,
spécifiquement mais non exclusivement, les thèmes suivants :
- La réflexion communicationnelle autour des diasporas et de
leurs identités;
- L’identification à un ici et à un ailleurs;
- Les rapports entre sociétés d’accueil et pays d’origine;
- La diaspora, la mondialisation et le développement endogène;
- L’usage des médias et des TIC par les diasporas; etc.
Votre proposition doit inclure les éléments suivants :
- Un titre de 150 caractères maximum, espaces compris
- Un résumé de 1500 caractères ou moins, espace compris
- La liste des auteurs et des co-auteurs (prénom, nom, statut,
- Les coordonnées des auteurs (adresses, courriel, téléphone,
Les propositions de communications devront parvenir au comité
organisateur du Colloque sous forme numérique au plus tard le 25 janvier
2010 à l’adresse suivante : agbobli.christian@uqam.ca
Les frais d’inscription au colloque sont ceux prévus pour tous les
participants à l’ACFAS. Les frais de déplacement et d’hébergement ne
sont pas pris en charge. Des actes de colloque seront publiés.
Comité organisateur
Christian Agbobli
Gaby Hsab
Oumar Kane
Comité scientifique
Andi Bakti, Pancasila University, Indonésie
Paul Carr, Yougnstown State University, USA
Riadh Ferjani, Institut de Presse et des Sciences de l'Information
(IPSI), Tunisie
Myria Georgiou, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE),
Tristan Mattelart, Paris 8, France
Mohammed ElHajji, UFRJ, Brésil
Lilyane Rachédy, UQAM, Canada
Gina Stoiciu, UQAM, Canada
internationale et interculturelle (GERACII) de l’Université du Québec à
Montréal (UQAM) a le plaisir de vous inviter au colloque
Trajectoires diasporiques, processus communicationnels et construction
identitaire : éléments d’articulation
Dans le cadre du 78e congrès de l'ACFAS qui se tiendra à l’Université de
Montréal (Québec, Canada) le 12 mai 2010.
Appel à communication
Le volume et la nature de la recherche en communication internationale
et interculturelle sont en constante évolution. Face à l'afflux des
multiples travaux dans ce domaine autour de sujets aussi divers que la
communication internationale et le développement, les approches
médiatiques transnationales, la communication et la diversité
culturelle, la communication interculturelle et l’intégration, il est
nécessaire de revoir les pistes relatives au rapport à Soi et à
l’Autre dans le monde complexe de la diaspora.
Sous quelles formes se présentent les identités diasporiques et quels
rapports entretiennent-elles avec leurs milieux « d’origine », réel ou
imaginé, et avec leur milieu d’accueil. Et comment la communication,
dans toutes ses facettes, permet-elle à ces formes de prendre vie ?
Dans un monde ethno-identitaire qui entretient un discours « une
position d’énonciation » (Hall, 2008), vis-à-vis de ses sujets (citoyens
possédant une identité « autre »), au nom de valeurs suprêmes (telles la
démocratie, la liberté d’expression et de croyance, l’égalité hommes
femmes, la tolérance et ainsi de suite), et qui entretient, en même
temps, le contraire de ce qu’il réclame : un appel à l’identification,
se pose la question de la place et du rôle des identités diasporiques
qui opèrent dans le dedans et le dehors de ce monde.
C’est dans ce rapport à l’autre empreint de contradictions discursives
que ces identités se développent, se maintiennent et se consolident.
Mais c’est aussi dans un “rapport à soi” empreint de cristallisations
identitaires, d’ambiguïtés et d’ambivalences (Augé, 1994) que ces mêmes
identités se replient, s’effacent ou se projettent.
Dans le même temps, l’idée de diaspora entraîne de nombreux réflexes :
la mise en place de garde-fous afin d'identifier et garder des liens
avec le pays d’origine (argent ou réseaux) ou des mesures
gouvernementales d'aide au retour (mesures de protection locale,
charters et associations diverses). Face à ces enjeux, deux
questionnements guident le colloque : Quelles représentations, quels
cadres théoriques et méthodologiques nourrissent les travaux existants ?
Quelles sont les formes de communication relatives aux diasporas ?
Ce colloque, s'il permet d'affirmer que ce champ de recherche – la
diaspora - est important sur le plan quantitatif, il ouvre, en même
temps, des questionnements théoriques significatifs. On peut ainsi
observer l'existence de « modes » tant épistémologiques que
méthodologiques, non nécessairement reliées entre elles, qu'il est
nécessaire d'expliquer. On s'interrogera aussi sur l'existence de
structures, d'attitudes et de références, qui relient les membres des
diasporas à leurs pays d’origine ainsi qu’à leurs sociétés d’accueil à
travers l’idée d’une « communauté imaginée » (Anderson, 1996). Enfin on
portera un regard critique sur l'articulation difficile entre des
contextes spécifiques, c’est-à-dire un terrain dont l'attrait est peu
explicité – sinon compris – et sur une réalité qui défie le temps et
Dans cette perspective, nous aimerions solliciter des propositions
(résultats de recherches, pistes de réflexion, etc.) touchant,
spécifiquement mais non exclusivement, les thèmes suivants :
- La réflexion communicationnelle autour des diasporas et de
leurs identités;
- L’identification à un ici et à un ailleurs;
- Les rapports entre sociétés d’accueil et pays d’origine;
- La diaspora, la mondialisation et le développement endogène;
- L’usage des médias et des TIC par les diasporas; etc.
Votre proposition doit inclure les éléments suivants :
- Un titre de 150 caractères maximum, espaces compris
- Un résumé de 1500 caractères ou moins, espace compris
- La liste des auteurs et des co-auteurs (prénom, nom, statut,
- Les coordonnées des auteurs (adresses, courriel, téléphone,
Les propositions de communications devront parvenir au comité
organisateur du Colloque sous forme numérique au plus tard le 25 janvier
2010 à l’adresse suivante : agbobli.christian@uqam.ca
Les frais d’inscription au colloque sont ceux prévus pour tous les
participants à l’ACFAS. Les frais de déplacement et d’hébergement ne
sont pas pris en charge. Des actes de colloque seront publiés.
Comité organisateur
Christian Agbobli
Gaby Hsab
Oumar Kane
Comité scientifique
Andi Bakti, Pancasila University, Indonésie
Paul Carr, Yougnstown State University, USA
Riadh Ferjani, Institut de Presse et des Sciences de l'Information
(IPSI), Tunisie
Myria Georgiou, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE),
Tristan Mattelart, Paris 8, France
Mohammed ElHajji, UFRJ, Brésil
Lilyane Rachédy, UQAM, Canada
Gina Stoiciu, UQAM, Canada
Webjornalismo. Política e jornalismo em tempo real
Para os que não puderam ir ao lançamento no Museu da República comunico que haverá amanhã, em Botafogo, outro evento de divulgação do livro Webjornalismo: política e jornalismo em tempo real. Ele será lançado agora no IUPERJ, onde a tese foi defendida, junto com outros trabalhos também produzidos no mesmo instituto.
Para os que não puderam ir ao lançamento no Museu da República comunico que haverá amanhã, em Botafogo, outro evento de divulgação do livro Webjornalismo: política e jornalismo em tempo real. Ele será lançado agora no IUPERJ, onde a tese foi defendida, junto com outros trabalhos também produzidos no mesmo instituto.
O livro é fruto da tese de doutorado em comunicação política defendida no IUPERJ e esclarece como as mudanças trazidas pelo webjornalismo afetam a comunicação política. O trabalho mapeia o processo de elaboração da informação nos webjornais – da definição de pautas à publicação da notícia – considerando as novas rotinas profissionais, a interação com o jornal impresso. A pesquisa avalia o funcionamento dessas mídias a partir de três momentos políticos distintos: as acirradas eleições presidenciais de 2002; os cem primeiros dias do governo Lula; e a reforma de Previdência implementada em seu primeiro mandato.
O resultado desse estudo evidencia como o webjornalismo produz notícias com perfil diferente e deslocamentos editoriais significativos em relação à mídia impressa. Esses fatores contribuem para dar visibilidade a novos cenários e seus respectivos protagonistas, mesmo quando tratamos de veículos empresariais, como O Globo e Jornal do Brasil, objetos da pesquisa.
Quinta-feira, 17 de dezembroRua da Matriz, 82 - Botafogo, a partir das 19 horas (informações em anexo)
Contatos para vendas / Fax. (21) 2533-7917
(25% de desconto para alunos)
E-mail: vendas@apicuri.com.br
O livro também pode ser adquirido diretamente pela internet:
Juliano Borges
1st OR 3rd of February 2010: Young People in a Digital World 2010 - Preparing, Supporting and Inspiring
*With apologies for cross-posting*
*Formal Registration Now Open* - see <http://www.wisekids.org.uk/conf2010>
Dear Colleagues,
WISE KIDS is pleased to announce that we are organising two one-day
Conferences in Wales together with the Wales Internet Safety Partnership
(WISP) entitled Young People in a Digital World 2010 - Preparing, Supporting
and Inspiring, on the 1st and 3rd of February at the Swansea DVLA Richard
Ley Building and the Technium Cast Bangor respectively. These conferences
are also held in part to support European Safer Internet Day which is on the
9th of February 2010.
The conferences will have similar, though not identical programmes. Whilst
covering some awareness issues, they will focus on implementation: what
government, industry and professionals are doing to prepare, support and
inspire young people as they live in an increasingly digitally connected
world; to ensure that they are able to use these technologies effectively,
innovatively and safely.
In particular, we want to explore:
* how the different sectors (industry, youth, LSCBs and education) can
work together, and what support they need, to help young people in their use
of Internet and Mobile technologies;
* what the knowledge and skills gaps are for professionals who work
with young people in this area;
* what good practices and programmes already exist that can inspire
others to ensure that young people get the most from these technologies, are
digitally literate and able to manage their personal data, identities and
online interactions.
The conferences will also cover some of the safeguarding issues that
schools, youth and other organisations need to address, to minimise risk
caused by misuse of these media, and truly prepare and support young people.
The key strands will be around innovative use of technology in the education
and youth sector, children's experiences in virtual worlds and online games,
digital literacy, e-safety and good practice guidelines. As with previous
conferences, it is hoped these conferences will stimulate discussion, ideas
and concrete action points that can help the sector move forward as a whole.
Target Audience and Speakers
These exciting, cross-sector conferences are aimed at training officers,
policy makers, opinion formers, educators, researchers, ICT coordinators,
local authorities, schools, colleges, LSCBs, libraries, youth organisations,
community groups, media companies, and other public and private sector
organisations interested in young people's use of Internet and mobile
technologies in formal and non-formal settings. Speakers include Leighton
Andrews AM, Minister for Children, Education and Lifelong Learning,
Professor Tanya Byron, author of Safer Children in a Digital World (“the
Byron Review”), John Davitt, WISE KIDS, Rebecca Newton, BECTA, Ofcom,
eModeration and more. Young people will also be involved in presentations, a
panel session, and a drama performance.
We wish to acknowledge and thank our key sponsors for these conferences: BT,
Ofcom, the Nominet Trust and the Welsh Assembly Government.
To find out more OR to register for this conference, please visit:
<http://www.wisekids.org.uk/conf2010> http://www.wisekids.org.uk/conf2010.
The conference registration fee is £87 per delegate.
Also, please feel free to circulate this notice to any of your colleagues
who may be interested to attend.
Best wishes,
Sangeet Bhullar
*Formal Registration Now Open* - see <http://www.wisekids.org.uk/conf2010>
Dear Colleagues,
WISE KIDS is pleased to announce that we are organising two one-day
Conferences in Wales together with the Wales Internet Safety Partnership
(WISP) entitled Young People in a Digital World 2010 - Preparing, Supporting
and Inspiring, on the 1st and 3rd of February at the Swansea DVLA Richard
Ley Building and the Technium Cast Bangor respectively. These conferences
are also held in part to support European Safer Internet Day which is on the
9th of February 2010.
The conferences will have similar, though not identical programmes. Whilst
covering some awareness issues, they will focus on implementation: what
government, industry and professionals are doing to prepare, support and
inspire young people as they live in an increasingly digitally connected
world; to ensure that they are able to use these technologies effectively,
innovatively and safely.
In particular, we want to explore:
* how the different sectors (industry, youth, LSCBs and education) can
work together, and what support they need, to help young people in their use
of Internet and Mobile technologies;
* what the knowledge and skills gaps are for professionals who work
with young people in this area;
* what good practices and programmes already exist that can inspire
others to ensure that young people get the most from these technologies, are
digitally literate and able to manage their personal data, identities and
online interactions.
The conferences will also cover some of the safeguarding issues that
schools, youth and other organisations need to address, to minimise risk
caused by misuse of these media, and truly prepare and support young people.
The key strands will be around innovative use of technology in the education
and youth sector, children's experiences in virtual worlds and online games,
digital literacy, e-safety and good practice guidelines. As with previous
conferences, it is hoped these conferences will stimulate discussion, ideas
and concrete action points that can help the sector move forward as a whole.
Target Audience and Speakers
These exciting, cross-sector conferences are aimed at training officers,
policy makers, opinion formers, educators, researchers, ICT coordinators,
local authorities, schools, colleges, LSCBs, libraries, youth organisations,
community groups, media companies, and other public and private sector
organisations interested in young people's use of Internet and mobile
technologies in formal and non-formal settings. Speakers include Leighton
Andrews AM, Minister for Children, Education and Lifelong Learning,
Professor Tanya Byron, author of Safer Children in a Digital World (“the
Byron Review”), John Davitt, WISE KIDS, Rebecca Newton, BECTA, Ofcom,
eModeration and more. Young people will also be involved in presentations, a
panel session, and a drama performance.
We wish to acknowledge and thank our key sponsors for these conferences: BT,
Ofcom, the Nominet Trust and the Welsh Assembly Government.
To find out more OR to register for this conference, please visit:
<http://www.wisekids.org.uk/conf2010> http://www.wisekids.org.uk/conf2010.
The conference registration fee is £87 per delegate.
Also, please feel free to circulate this notice to any of your colleagues
who may be interested to attend.
Best wishes,
Sangeet Bhullar
CfP: Online social networks, communication practice and public relations
Just a reminder that the following CfP is still active. Please feel free to forward it to any colleagues who may be interested.
Call for Papers: Online social networks, communication practice, and public relations
The social networking emerging online is now seen as one of the defining characteristics of Web 2.0 and beyond. From virtual worlds to microblogging, individuals and groups are forming diverse and sometimes apparently novel ways of building and maintaining social bonds. These mediated exchanges between individuals and groups who may never physically meet challenge our current understandings of friendship, communication, and belonging.
For communication and public relations scholars and practitioners, such interactions pose a number of significant questions. How do researchers explore the nebulous social connections people forge in online spaces? How do we re-evaluate what it means to be an individual and part of a group in this context? Do these new channels of communication change the way we present ourselves and our ideas?
This special 2010 edition of PRism online public relations and communication journal (http://praxis.massey.ac.nz/prism_on-line_journ.html) seeks papers which discuss and explore ways in which to approach, study, and account for the diversity of online social experience, particularly in regard to communication practice and issues of public relations. Possible topics include:
* methodological frameworks for studying online social behaviours
* theory building (normative or critical) regarding the social web as part of communications or public relations practice
* ways of conceptualizing the online self and society, such as; performance, identity, network theory, and their implications for organisational communication and public relations
* issues and ethics in online data collection on social networking sites
* case studies exploring the impact of multimodal (online/offline) social ties in research
* opinion pieces on using social networks in public relations
* critically informed speculation on the future of communication practice in social media (beyond ‘Web3’)
* multimedia submissions on a related topic
Papers are welcome from all disciplinary areas. Full papers will be due by Friday 5th of February, 2010 and will be peer reviewed. Academic papers should be 5,000 words and practitioner papers between 2,500-3,000 words maximum. Style should follow house guidelines:http://praxis.massey.ac.nz/fileadmin/Praxis/Files/Journal_Files/Prism_House_Style.pdf See also the PRism submission guidelines at:http://praxis.massey.ac.nz/sub_guide.html
Enquiries are welcome and should be directed to Erika Pearson (erika.pearson@otago.ac.nz)
Call for Papers: Online social networks, communication practice, and public relations
The social networking emerging online is now seen as one of the defining characteristics of Web 2.0 and beyond. From virtual worlds to microblogging, individuals and groups are forming diverse and sometimes apparently novel ways of building and maintaining social bonds. These mediated exchanges between individuals and groups who may never physically meet challenge our current understandings of friendship, communication, and belonging.
For communication and public relations scholars and practitioners, such interactions pose a number of significant questions. How do researchers explore the nebulous social connections people forge in online spaces? How do we re-evaluate what it means to be an individual and part of a group in this context? Do these new channels of communication change the way we present ourselves and our ideas?
This special 2010 edition of PRism online public relations and communication journal (http://praxis.massey.ac.nz/prism_on-line_journ.html) seeks papers which discuss and explore ways in which to approach, study, and account for the diversity of online social experience, particularly in regard to communication practice and issues of public relations. Possible topics include:
* methodological frameworks for studying online social behaviours
* theory building (normative or critical) regarding the social web as part of communications or public relations practice
* ways of conceptualizing the online self and society, such as; performance, identity, network theory, and their implications for organisational communication and public relations
* issues and ethics in online data collection on social networking sites
* case studies exploring the impact of multimodal (online/offline) social ties in research
* opinion pieces on using social networks in public relations
* critically informed speculation on the future of communication practice in social media (beyond ‘Web3’)
* multimedia submissions on a related topic
Papers are welcome from all disciplinary areas. Full papers will be due by Friday 5th of February, 2010 and will be peer reviewed. Academic papers should be 5,000 words and practitioner papers between 2,500-3,000 words maximum. Style should follow house guidelines:http://praxis.massey.ac.nz/fileadmin/Praxis/Files/Journal_Files/Prism_House_Style.pdf See also the PRism submission guidelines at:http://praxis.massey.ac.nz/sub_guide.html
Enquiries are welcome and should be directed to Erika Pearson (erika.pearson@otago.ac.nz)
terça-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2009
2nd CFP: AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM 2010)
4th Int'l AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media
May 23-26, 2010
George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
Sponsored by the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
The International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media is a unique forum
that brings together researchers from the disciplines in computer science,
linguistics, communication, and the social sciences. The broad goal of
ICWSM is to increase understanding of social media in all its incarnations.
Submissions describing research that blends social science and technology
are especially encouraged.
The 2010 meeting will be held in Washington D.C. In addition to the
usual program of contributed technical talks, tutorials and invited
presentations, ICWSM 2010 will include a session of invited talks from
prominent social scientists that are studying social media, and a set of
talks from leaders of government projects who are experimenting with
social media platforms for various purposes, e.g. to increase
transparency and better engage the citizenry.
- Paper Submission: January 8, 2010
- Poster/Demo Submission: January 8, 2010
- Paper Acceptance: March 3, 2010
- Poster/Demo Acceptance: March 3, 2010
- Workshop Submission: March 1, 2010
- Camera Ready Copies: March 12, 2010
Keynote Speakers:
- Robert E. Kraut, Carnegie Mellon Universirty,
"Designing Online Communities from Theory"
- Michael Kearns, Computer and Information Science, Univ. of Pennsylvania,
"Behavioral Experiments in Strategic Networks"
Speakers in Special Sessions:
- Nicole Ellison, Dept. of Telecommunication, Information Studies
and Media, Michigan State Univ.
- James Pennebaker, Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Texas, Austin
- S. Craig Watkins, Dept. of Radio, TV and Film, Univ. of Texas, Austin
- Don Burke, CIA Directorate of Science and Technology, Intellipedia
- Haym Hirsh, National Science Foundation IIS Division Director
- Macon Phillips, U.S. White House, Head of New Media
Tutorial Speakers will include:
- Jake Hofman, Yahoo! Research,
"Large-scale social media analytics with Hadoop"
- Cindy Chung and James Pennebaker, Univ. Texas,
"Using LIWC to uncover social psychology in social media"
More specifically, ICWSM welcomes submissions from researchers in a number
of disciplines:
- Computational Linguistics/NLP
- Text Mining/Data Mining/Machine Learning
- Psychology
- Sociology (including Social Network Analysis)
- Anthropology, Communications, Media Studies
- Visualization
- Graph theory, concrete analysis and simulation of graphical models
Submissions are welcome that study a broad array of types social data,
- Weblogs, including comments
- Social Networking Sites
- Microblogs
- Wikis (wikipedia)
- Forums, usenet
- Community media sites: youtube, flickr
Technical topics of interest include:
- Psychological, personality-based and ethnographic studies of social media
- Analyzing the relationship between social media and mainstream media
- Qualitative and quantitative studies of social media
- Centrality/influence of social media publications and authors
- Ranking/relevance of blogs; web page ranking based on blogs
- Social network analysis; communities identification;
expertise and authority discovery; collaborative filtering
- Trust; reputation; recommendation systems
- Human computer interaction; social media tools; navigation and
- Subjectivity in textual data; sentiment analysis; polarity/opinion
identification and extraction
- Text categorization; topic recognition; demographic/gender/age
- Trend identification and tracking; time series forecasting;
measuring predictability of phenomena based on social media
- New social media applications; interfaces; interaction techniques
Author registration:
Authors must register at the ICWSM-10 web-based technical paper
submission site (http://icwsm10.confmaster.net). The software will assign
a password, which will enable the author to log on to submit an abstract
and paper. In order to avoid a rush at the last minute, authors are
encouraged to register as soon as possible, and well in advance of
the January 8, 2010 submission deadline.
Abstract and paper submission:
Electronic abstract and paper submission through the ICWSM-10
paper submission site (http://icwsm10.confmaster.net) is required on or
(preferably) before January 8. We cannot accept submissions by
e-mail or fax.
Papers must be in high resolution PDF format, formatted for US Letter
(8.5" x 11") paper, using Type 1 or TrueType fonts. Papers should be
at most 8 pages, including references (technical paper), or 4 pages
(poster or demo description), and formatted in AAAI two-column,
camera-ready style (see the author instructions page). Please note
that these formatting instructions are for final, accepted papers;
no additional pages can be purchased at the review stage. In addition,
the copyright slug may be omitted in the initial submission phase.
Authors will receive confirmation of receipt of their abstracts or
papers, including an ID number, shortly after submission.
AAAI will contact authors again only if problems are encountered
with papers. Inquiries regarding lost papers must be made no later
than January 15, 2010.
Submissions to other conferences or journals:
ICWSM-10 will *not* accept any paper that, at the time of submission,
is under review for or has already been published or accepted for
publication in a journal or another conference. This restriction
does not apply to submissions for workshops and other venues with
a limited audience.
All accepted papers and extended abstracts will be published in the
conference proceedings. At least one author must register for the
conference by the deadline for camera-ready copy submission.
The registered author must attend the conference to present
the paper in person.
All accepted papers and abstracts will be allocated up to 8 (eight)
pages in the conference proceedings. Authors will be required to
transfer copyright of their paper to AAAI.
ICWSM-10 is hosting its traditional data challenge featuring
freely-available datasets and a half-day workshop at the end of
the conference. Data for 2010 includes last year's blog collection
from Spinn3r.com, multiple derived datasets including a searchable
Lucene index, and an annotated blog sentiment dataset (mentions,
coreference, meronymy and sentiment targeting) from
J.D. Power and Associates described by Kessler and Nicolov at
ICWSM-09. We are especially interested in mashups of multiple
datasets. Details on datasets and solicited topics may be found
on the data challenge website, http://www.icwsm.org/2010/data.shtml.
Papers for the data challenge workshop are due March 1st, 2010 and
should follow the ICWSM main conference formatting guidelines for
technical papers (8 pages max in the specified format).
General Chair:
Marti Hearst, UC Berkeley School of Information
Program Chairs:
William Cohen, CMU Computer Science
Samuel Gosling, U Texas Dept of Psychology
Data challenge chairs:
Ian Soboroff, NIST
Akshay Java, Microsoft
Tutorials Chair:
Chris Diehl, Lawrence Livermore National Labs
Publicity Chair:
Nicolas Nicolov, J.D.Power and Associates/McGraw-Hill
Sponsorship Chair:
Matthew Hurst, Microsoft
Senior Program Committee Members:
- Lada Adamic, Univ. of Michigan
- Eugene Agichtein, Emory Univ.
- danah boyd, Microsoft Research
- Claire Cardie, Cornell Univ.
- Kathleen Carley, Carnegie Mellon Univ.
- Cindy Chung, Univ. of Texas at Austin
- Scott Counts, Microsoft Research
- Chris Diehl, Lawrence Livermore National Labs
- Nicole Ellison, Dept of Telecommunication, Information Studies and Media,
Michigan State University
- Tim Finin, UMBC
- Evgeniy Gabrilovich, Yahoo! Research
- Lise Getoor, Univ. of Maryland
- Kristina Lerman, ISI-USC
- Jure Leskovec, Carnegie Mellon Univ.
- Winter Mason, Yahoo! Research
- Gilad Mishne, Yahoo! Labs
- Kate Neiderhoffer, Dachis Corporation
- Bo Pang, Yahoo! Research
- Marc Smith, Telligent Systems
For more info: icwsm10@aaai.org
May 23-26, 2010
George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
Sponsored by the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
The International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media is a unique forum
that brings together researchers from the disciplines in computer science,
linguistics, communication, and the social sciences. The broad goal of
ICWSM is to increase understanding of social media in all its incarnations.
Submissions describing research that blends social science and technology
are especially encouraged.
The 2010 meeting will be held in Washington D.C. In addition to the
usual program of contributed technical talks, tutorials and invited
presentations, ICWSM 2010 will include a session of invited talks from
prominent social scientists that are studying social media, and a set of
talks from leaders of government projects who are experimenting with
social media platforms for various purposes, e.g. to increase
transparency and better engage the citizenry.
- Paper Submission: January 8, 2010
- Poster/Demo Submission: January 8, 2010
- Paper Acceptance: March 3, 2010
- Poster/Demo Acceptance: March 3, 2010
- Workshop Submission: March 1, 2010
- Camera Ready Copies: March 12, 2010
Keynote Speakers:
- Robert E. Kraut, Carnegie Mellon Universirty,
"Designing Online Communities from Theory"
- Michael Kearns, Computer and Information Science, Univ. of Pennsylvania,
"Behavioral Experiments in Strategic Networks"
Speakers in Special Sessions:
- Nicole Ellison, Dept. of Telecommunication, Information Studies
and Media, Michigan State Univ.
- James Pennebaker, Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Texas, Austin
- S. Craig Watkins, Dept. of Radio, TV and Film, Univ. of Texas, Austin
- Don Burke, CIA Directorate of Science and Technology, Intellipedia
- Haym Hirsh, National Science Foundation IIS Division Director
- Macon Phillips, U.S. White House, Head of New Media
Tutorial Speakers will include:
- Jake Hofman, Yahoo! Research,
"Large-scale social media analytics with Hadoop"
- Cindy Chung and James Pennebaker, Univ. Texas,
"Using LIWC to uncover social psychology in social media"
More specifically, ICWSM welcomes submissions from researchers in a number
of disciplines:
- Computational Linguistics/NLP
- Text Mining/Data Mining/Machine Learning
- Psychology
- Sociology (including Social Network Analysis)
- Anthropology, Communications, Media Studies
- Visualization
- Graph theory, concrete analysis and simulation of graphical models
Submissions are welcome that study a broad array of types social data,
- Weblogs, including comments
- Social Networking Sites
- Microblogs
- Wikis (wikipedia)
- Forums, usenet
- Community media sites: youtube, flickr
Technical topics of interest include:
- Psychological, personality-based and ethnographic studies of social media
- Analyzing the relationship between social media and mainstream media
- Qualitative and quantitative studies of social media
- Centrality/influence of social media publications and authors
- Ranking/relevance of blogs; web page ranking based on blogs
- Social network analysis; communities identification;
expertise and authority discovery; collaborative filtering
- Trust; reputation; recommendation systems
- Human computer interaction; social media tools; navigation and
- Subjectivity in textual data; sentiment analysis; polarity/opinion
identification and extraction
- Text categorization; topic recognition; demographic/gender/age
- Trend identification and tracking; time series forecasting;
measuring predictability of phenomena based on social media
- New social media applications; interfaces; interaction techniques
Author registration:
Authors must register at the ICWSM-10 web-based technical paper
submission site (http://icwsm10.confmaster.net). The software will assign
a password, which will enable the author to log on to submit an abstract
and paper. In order to avoid a rush at the last minute, authors are
encouraged to register as soon as possible, and well in advance of
the January 8, 2010 submission deadline.
Abstract and paper submission:
Electronic abstract and paper submission through the ICWSM-10
paper submission site (http://icwsm10.confmaster.net) is required on or
(preferably) before January 8. We cannot accept submissions by
e-mail or fax.
Papers must be in high resolution PDF format, formatted for US Letter
(8.5" x 11") paper, using Type 1 or TrueType fonts. Papers should be
at most 8 pages, including references (technical paper), or 4 pages
(poster or demo description), and formatted in AAAI two-column,
camera-ready style (see the author instructions page). Please note
that these formatting instructions are for final, accepted papers;
no additional pages can be purchased at the review stage. In addition,
the copyright slug may be omitted in the initial submission phase.
Authors will receive confirmation of receipt of their abstracts or
papers, including an ID number, shortly after submission.
AAAI will contact authors again only if problems are encountered
with papers. Inquiries regarding lost papers must be made no later
than January 15, 2010.
Submissions to other conferences or journals:
ICWSM-10 will *not* accept any paper that, at the time of submission,
is under review for or has already been published or accepted for
publication in a journal or another conference. This restriction
does not apply to submissions for workshops and other venues with
a limited audience.
All accepted papers and extended abstracts will be published in the
conference proceedings. At least one author must register for the
conference by the deadline for camera-ready copy submission.
The registered author must attend the conference to present
the paper in person.
All accepted papers and abstracts will be allocated up to 8 (eight)
pages in the conference proceedings. Authors will be required to
transfer copyright of their paper to AAAI.
ICWSM-10 is hosting its traditional data challenge featuring
freely-available datasets and a half-day workshop at the end of
the conference. Data for 2010 includes last year's blog collection
from Spinn3r.com, multiple derived datasets including a searchable
Lucene index, and an annotated blog sentiment dataset (mentions,
coreference, meronymy and sentiment targeting) from
J.D. Power and Associates described by Kessler and Nicolov at
ICWSM-09. We are especially interested in mashups of multiple
datasets. Details on datasets and solicited topics may be found
on the data challenge website, http://www.icwsm.org/2010/data.shtml.
Papers for the data challenge workshop are due March 1st, 2010 and
should follow the ICWSM main conference formatting guidelines for
technical papers (8 pages max in the specified format).
General Chair:
Marti Hearst, UC Berkeley School of Information
Program Chairs:
William Cohen, CMU Computer Science
Samuel Gosling, U Texas Dept of Psychology
Data challenge chairs:
Ian Soboroff, NIST
Akshay Java, Microsoft
Tutorials Chair:
Chris Diehl, Lawrence Livermore National Labs
Publicity Chair:
Nicolas Nicolov, J.D.Power and Associates/McGraw-Hill
Sponsorship Chair:
Matthew Hurst, Microsoft
Senior Program Committee Members:
- Lada Adamic, Univ. of Michigan
- Eugene Agichtein, Emory Univ.
- danah boyd, Microsoft Research
- Claire Cardie, Cornell Univ.
- Kathleen Carley, Carnegie Mellon Univ.
- Cindy Chung, Univ. of Texas at Austin
- Scott Counts, Microsoft Research
- Chris Diehl, Lawrence Livermore National Labs
- Nicole Ellison, Dept of Telecommunication, Information Studies and Media,
Michigan State University
- Tim Finin, UMBC
- Evgeniy Gabrilovich, Yahoo! Research
- Lise Getoor, Univ. of Maryland
- Kristina Lerman, ISI-USC
- Jure Leskovec, Carnegie Mellon Univ.
- Winter Mason, Yahoo! Research
- Gilad Mishne, Yahoo! Labs
- Kate Neiderhoffer, Dachis Corporation
- Bo Pang, Yahoo! Research
- Marc Smith, Telligent Systems
For more info: icwsm10@aaai.org
domingo, 13 de dezembro de 2009
e-misférica 7.1 — Visuality & Performance / Visualidad y Performance / Visualidade e Performance
*e-misférica 7.1 — Visuality & Performance / Visualidad y Performance /
Visualidade e Performance*
*books for review/ libros para reseñar/ livros para resenha*
The following are a selection of books open for review for the forthcoming
issue of *e-misférica*,
which will focus on the topic of Visuality and Performance. They represent
an interdisciplinary cross section of texts from performance, history,
anthropology, literature, and more. We welcome additional suggestions,
particularly of books published in Latin America, as well as proposals for
reviews of films and performances dealing with related themes. Books and
reviews can be in Spanish, English, and Portuguese. Contact
*December 21, 2009* to propose a review. Reviews will be due *March 1, 2010*.
Please consult www.emisferica.org for review guidelines and to read past
issues of *e-misférica*.
Lo siguiente es una selección de libros abiertos para reseñar para el
próximo número de
al tema de Visualidad y Performance. Representan una variedad
interdisciplinaria de textos de los campos de performance, historia,
antropología, literatura y más. Estamos interesados en recibir sugerencias
adicionales, especialmente de libros publicados en América Latina, así como
también propuestas para reseñas de films y performances que tocan temas
relacionados. Los libros y reseñas pueden ser en español, inglés y
portugués. Comuníquese con
*21 de diciembre de 2009 *para proponer una reseña. Las reseñas deberán ser
entregadas antes del *1º de marzo de 2010*. Por favor consulte
www.emisferica.org para pautas de reseñas y para leer números anteriores de
Uma seleção de livros disponíveis para resenha para o próximo número de *
e-misférica*, cujo
tema é Visualidade e Performance, segue abaixo. Estes representam uma
variedade de textos interdisciplinares nos campos da performance, história,
política, antropologia, literatura etc.
Demais sugestões são bem vindas,
especialmente de livros publicados na América Latina, bem como propostas de
resenha de filmes e performances que tocam nos temas relacionados. Livros e
resenhas podem estar escritos em inglês, português e espanhol. Favor
comunicar-se com
o dia
*21 de dezembro 2009* para propor uma resenha. Os textos finais deverão ser
entregues até o dia *1º de março 2010*. Para diretrizes de publicação e para
ler edições anteriores de e-misférica, favor consultar www.emisferica.org.
Alia, Valerie. *The New Media Nation: Indigenous Peoples and Global
Communication.* Berghahn Books, 2009.
Anker, Susan and David Yager. *Visual Culture and Bioscience*. Center for
Design and Visual Culture, UMBC, 2009.
Apel, Dora and Shawn Michelle Smith. *Lynching Photographs*. University of
California Press, 2008.
Asselin, Oliver, et.al (eds.) *Precarious Visualities: New Perspectives on
Identification in Contemporary Art and Visual Culture*. McGill-Queen’s
University Press, 2008.
Azoulay, Ariella. *The Civil Contract of Photography*. Zone Books, 2008.
Barnhurst, Kevin (ed.). *MediaQ:Media/Queered: Visibility and its
Discontents. *Peter Lang Publishers, 2007.
Baron, Cynthia and Sharon Marie Carnicke. *Reframing Screen Performance*.
University of Michigan Press, 2009.
Beckman, Karen and others (eds.) *Still Moving: Between Cinema and
Photography*. Duke University Press, 2008.
Bentkowska-Kafel, Anna and others (eds.). *Digital Visual Culture: Theory
and Practice*, Intellect Ltd., 2009.
Bronfen, Elisabeth. *Crossmappings: Essays on Visual Culture*. Verlag
Scheidegger and Schleiss, 2009.
Cale, Luisa and Patrizia del Bello (eds.). *Illustrations, Optics and
Objects in Nineteenth-Century Literary and Visual Culture*. Palgrave
Macmillan, 2010 (January).
Camnitzer, Luis. *On Art, Artists, Latin America, and Other Utopias*.
University of Texas Press, forthcoming October 2009.
Crowther, Paul. *Phenomenology of the Visual Arts (Even the Frame)*.
Stanford University Press, 2009.
De Tacca, Fernando. *Imagens do sagrado: Entre Paris Match e o Cruzeiro*.
Editora da UNICAMP, 2009.
Debroise, Olivier and others (eds.). *La era de la discrepancia: Arte y
cultura visual en México 1968-1997*. Turner, Ediciones S.A., 2007.
* *
Devalle, Verónica. *La travesía de la forma: emergencia y consolidación del
Diseño Gráfico*. Paidós, 2009.
Dixon, Steve. *Digital Performance: A History of New Media in Theater,
Dance, Performance Art, and Installation*. MIT Press, 2007.
Edwards, Elizabeth and Kaushik Bhaumik (eds.). *The Visual Sense: A Cultural
Reader*. Berg Publishers, 2008.
Finn, Jonathan. *Capturing the Criminal Image: From Mug Shot to Surveillance
Society*. University of Minnesota Press, 2009 (Forthcoming in October).
Fox, William L. *In the
Desert of
Desire: Las Vegas and the Culture of
Spectacle. *University of Nevada Press, 2007.
Friedlander, Jennifer. *Feminine Look: Sexuation, Spectatorship, Subversion*.
State University of New York Press, 2009.
Gabara, Esther. *Errant Modernism: The Ethos of Photography in Mexico and
Brazil*. Duke University Press, 2008.
Garoian, Charles A. and Yvonne M. Gaudelius. *Spectacle Pedagogy: Art,
Politics, and Visual Culture*. State University of New York Press, 2008.
Green, Jeffrey Edward. *The Eyes of the People:
Democracy in an Age of
Spectatorship*. Oxford University Press, 2009 (to be released in
Grossman, Alan and Aine O'Brien (eds.). *Projecting Migration: Transcultural
Documentary Practice. *Wallflower Press, 2007.* *
Guinta, Andrea. *Avant-Garde, Internationalism, and Politics: Argentine Art
in the Sixties*. Duke University Press, 2007.
Guinta, Andrea. *Post-crisis. Arte argentino después del 2001.* Siglo XXI,
Hallas, Roger. *Reframing Bodies: AIDS, Bearing Witness, and the Queer
Moving Image*. Duke University Press, 2009.
Harries, Martin. *Forgetting Lot's Wife: On
Destructive Spectatorship*.
Fordham University Press, 2007.
Harris, Jonathan (ed.). *Dead History, Live Art? Spectacle, Subjectivity and
Subversion in Visual Culture since the 1960s.* Liverpool University Press,
Hedges, Chris. *Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of
Spectacle. *Nation Books, 2009.
Hershfield, Joanne. *Imagining la Chica Moderna: Women, Nation, and Visual
Culture in Mexico, 1917-1936*. Duke University Press, 2008.
Indych-López, Anna. *Muralism without Walls: Rivera, Orozco, and Siqueiros
in the United States, 1927-1940. *University of Pittsburgh Press, 2009.
Kammen, Michael. *Visual Shock: A History of Art Controversies in American
Culture*. Knopf Doubleday Publishing, 2009.
Keeling, Kara. *The Witch's Flight: The Cinematic, the Black Femme, and the
Image of Common Sense. *Duke University Press, 2007.
Kilpp, Suzana. *Audiovisualidades do voyeurismo televisivo: Apontamentos
sobre a televisão*. Editora Zouk, 2008.
Koepnick, Lutz and Sabine Eckmann (eds.). *Caught by Politics: Hitler Exiles
and American Visual Culture*. Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
Kozel, Susan. *Closer: Performance, Technologies, Phenomenology*. The MIT
Press, 2008.
Kuppers, Petra. *The Scar of Visibility: Medical Performances and
Contemporary Art*. University of Minnesota Press, 2007.
Lambert-Beatty, Caroline. *Being Watched: Yvonne Ranier and the 1960s*. The
MIT Press, 2008.
Larson, Barbara and Fae Brauer. *The Art of Evolution: Darwin, Darwinisms,
and Visual Culture*. University Press of New England, 2009.
Ledesma, María y Paula Siganovich (compiladoras). *Piquete de ojo.
Visualidades de la crisis: Argentina 2001-2003. *Ediciones FADU: Nobuku,
Lee, Anthony W. and Richard Meyer. *Weegee and* *Naked City. *University of
California Press, 2008.
Lim, Bliss Cua. *Translating Time: Cinema, the Fantastic, and Temporal
Critique*. Duke University Press, 2009.
Lindner, Christoph. *Globalization, Violence and the Visual Culture of
Cities*. Routledge, 2009.
Lomas, Laura. *Translating Empire: José Martí, Migrant Latino Subjects, and
American Modernities*. Duke University Press, 2008.
Long, Rose-Carol Washton and others (eds.). *Jewish Dimensions in Modern
Visual Culture: Antisemitism, Assimilation, Affirmation*. Brandeis
University Press, 2009 (December).
Longoni, Ana y otros (compiladores). *El Siluetazo*. Adriana Hidalgo
Editora, 2008.
* *
Martínez Pérez, Ana. *La antropología visual. *Editorial Síntesis, 2009.
Mason, Rachel and Torres Pereira Teresa de Eca (eds.). *International
Dialogues about Visual Culture, Education and Art*. Intellect, Ltd., 2008.
Miller, Monica L. *Slaves to Fashion: Black Dandyism and the Styling of
Black Diasporic Identity*. Duke University Press, 2009.
Morris, Rosalind (ed.). *Photographies East: The Camera and Its Histories in
East and Southeast Asia*. Duke University Press, 2009.
Mraz, John. *Looking for Mexico: Modern Visual Culture and National Identity
*. Duke University Press, 2009.
* *
Nakamura, Lisa. *Digitizing Race: Visual Cultures of the Internet*.
University of Minnesota Press, 2007.
Nugent, Stephen. *Scoping the Amazon: Image, Icon, and Ethnography. *Left
Coast Press, 2007.
Pajackowska, Claire and Ivan War. *Shame and Sexuality: Psychoanalysis and
Visual Culture*. Routledge, 2008.
Deborah. *Selenidad: Selena, Latinos, and the Performance of Memory
*. Duke University Press, 2009.
Pelger-Gordon, Ann. *In Sight of America: Photography and the
Development of
U.S. Immigration Policy*. University of California Press, 2009.
Pick, Zuzana M. *Constructing the Image of the Mexican Revolution: Cinema
and the Archive*. University of Texas Press, forthcoming January 2010.
Potter, Russell A. *Arctic Spectacles: The Frozen North in Visual Culture,
1818-1875. *University of Washington Press, 2007.* *
Poulter, Gillian. *Becoming Native in a Foreign Land: Sport, Visual Culture,
and Identity in Montreal, 1840-85. *University of British Columbia Press,
Rawlinson, Mark. *American Visual Culture*. Berg, 2009.
Rohs, Stephen. *Eccentric Nation: Irish Performance in Nineteenth-Century
New York City*. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2009.
* *
Sarlo, Beatriz. *La ciudad vista: mercancías y cultura urbana. *Siglo
Veintiuno Editores, 2009.
Schor, Mira. *A
Decade of Negative Thinking: Essays on Art, Politics, and
Daily Life*. Duke University Press, 2009.
See, Sarita Echavez. *The
Decolonized Eye: Filipino American Art and
Performance*. University of Minnesota Press, 2009.
Segre, Erica. *Intersected Identities: Strategies of Visualisation in
Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Mexico*. Berghahn Books, 2007.
Shih, Shu-mei. *Visuality and Identity: Sinophone Articulations across the
Pacific*. University of California Press, 2007.
Smith, Marguard. *Visual Culture Studies: Interviews with Key Thinkers*.
Sage Publications, 2008.
Springgay, Stephanie. *Body Knowledge and Curriculum: Pedagogies of Touch in
Youth and Visual Culture*. Peter Lang: 2008.
Sturken, Marita and Lisa Cartwright. *Practices of Looking: An Introduction
to Visual Culture*. Oxford University Press, 2009.
Szaniecki, Barbara. *Estética da multidão. *Editora Civilização Brasileira,
Tagg, John. *The Disciplinary Frame: Photographic Truths and the Capture of
Meaning*. University of Minnesota Press, 2009.
Thompson, Kirsten Moana and Roger Hallas (eds.). *The Image and the Witness:
Trauma, Memory and Visual Culture*. Wallflower Press, 2007.
Thompson, Krista A. *An Eye for the Tropics: Tourism, Photography, and
Framing the Caribbean Picturesque*. Duke University Press, 2009.
Wilson, Pamela and others (ed). *Global Indigenous Media: Cultures, Poetics,
and Politics*. Duke University Press, 2008.
Wood, Amy Louise. *Lynching and Spectacle: Witnessing Racial Violence in
America, 1890-1940. *The* *University of North Carolina Press, 2009.
Wright, Terence. *Visual Impact: Culture and the Meaning of Images*. Berg
Publishers, 2008.
Visualidade e Performance*
*books for review/ libros para reseñar/ livros para resenha*
The following are a selection of books open for review for the forthcoming
issue of *e-misférica*
which will focus on the topic of Visuality and Performance. They represent
an interdisciplinary cross section of texts from performance, history,
anthropology, literature, and more. We welcome additional suggestions,
particularly of books published in Latin America, as well as proposals for
reviews of films and performances dealing with related themes. Books and
reviews can be in Spanish, English, and Portuguese. Contact
*December 21, 2009* to propose a review. Reviews will be due *March 1, 2010*.
Please consult www.emisferica.org for review guidelines and to read past
issues of *e-misférica*.
Lo siguiente es una selección de libros abiertos para reseñar para el
próximo número de
al tema de Visualidad y Performance. Representan una variedad
interdisciplinaria de textos de los campos de performance, historia,
antropología, literatura y más. Estamos interesados en recibir sugerencias
adicionales, especialmente de libros publicados en América Latina, así como
también propuestas para reseñas de films y performances que tocan temas
relacionados. Los libros y reseñas pueden ser en español, inglés y
portugués. Comuníquese con
*21 de diciembre de 2009 *para proponer una reseña. Las reseñas deberán ser
entregadas antes del *1º de marzo de 2010*. Por favor consulte
www.emisferica.org para pautas de reseñas y para leer números anteriores de
Uma seleção de livros disponíveis para resenha para o próximo número de *
tema é Visualidade e Performance, segue abaixo. Estes representam uma
variedade de textos interdisciplinares nos campos da performance, história,
política, antropologia, literatura etc.
Demais sugestões são bem vindas,
especialmente de livros publicados na América Latina, bem como propostas de
resenha de filmes e performances que tocam nos temas relacionados. Livros e
resenhas podem estar escritos em inglês, português e espanhol. Favor
comunicar-se com
o dia
*21 de dezembro 2009* para propor uma resenha. Os textos finais deverão ser
entregues até o dia *1º de março 2010*. Para diretrizes de publicação e para
ler edições anteriores de e-misférica, favor consultar www.emisferica.org.
Alia, Valerie. *The New Media Nation: Indigenous Peoples and Global
Communication.* Berghahn Books, 2009.
Anker, Susan and David Yager. *Visual Culture and Bioscience*. Center for
Design and Visual Culture, UMBC, 2009.
Apel, Dora and Shawn Michelle Smith. *Lynching Photographs*. University of
California Press, 2008.
Asselin, Oliver, et.al (eds.) *Precarious Visualities: New Perspectives on
Identification in Contemporary Art and Visual Culture*. McGill-Queen’s
University Press, 2008.
Azoulay, Ariella. *The Civil Contract of Photography*. Zone Books, 2008.
Barnhurst, Kevin (ed.). *MediaQ:Media/Queered: Visibility and its
Discontents. *Peter Lang Publishers, 2007.
Baron, Cynthia and Sharon Marie Carnicke. *Reframing Screen Performance*.
University of Michigan Press, 2009.
Beckman, Karen and others (eds.) *Still Moving: Between Cinema and
Photography*. Duke University Press, 2008.
Bentkowska-Kafel, Anna and others (eds.). *Digital Visual Culture: Theory
and Practice*, Intellect Ltd., 2009.
Bronfen, Elisabeth. *Crossmappings: Essays on Visual Culture*. Verlag
Scheidegger and Schleiss, 2009.
Cale, Luisa and Patrizia del Bello (eds.). *Illustrations, Optics and
Objects in Nineteenth-Century Literary and Visual Culture*. Palgrave
Macmillan, 2010 (January).
Camnitzer, Luis. *On Art, Artists, Latin America, and Other Utopias*.
University of Texas Press, forthcoming October 2009.
Crowther, Paul. *Phenomenology of the Visual Arts (Even the Frame)*.
Stanford University Press, 2009.
De Tacca, Fernando. *Imagens do sagrado: Entre Paris Match e o Cruzeiro*.
Editora da UNICAMP, 2009.
Debroise, Olivier and others (eds.). *La era de la discrepancia: Arte y
cultura visual en México 1968-1997*. Turner, Ediciones S.A., 2007.
* *
Devalle, Verónica. *La travesía de la forma: emergencia y consolidación del
Diseño Gráfico*. Paidós, 2009.
Dixon, Steve. *Digital Performance: A History of New Media in Theater,
Dance, Performance Art, and Installation*. MIT Press, 2007.
Edwards, Elizabeth and Kaushik Bhaumik (eds.). *The Visual Sense: A Cultural
Reader*. Berg Publishers, 2008.
Finn, Jonathan. *Capturing the Criminal Image: From Mug Shot to Surveillance
Society*. University of Minnesota Press, 2009 (Forthcoming in October).
Fox, William L. *In the
Desert of
Desire: Las Vegas and the Culture of
Spectacle. *University of Nevada Press, 2007.
Friedlander, Jennifer. *Feminine Look: Sexuation, Spectatorship, Subversion*.
State University of New York Press, 2009.
Gabara, Esther. *Errant Modernism: The Ethos of Photography in Mexico and
Brazil*. Duke University Press, 2008.
Garoian, Charles A. and Yvonne M. Gaudelius. *Spectacle Pedagogy: Art,
Politics, and Visual Culture*. State University of New York Press, 2008.
Green, Jeffrey Edward. *The Eyes of the People:
Democracy in an Age of
Spectatorship*. Oxford University Press, 2009 (to be released in
Grossman, Alan and Aine O'Brien (eds.). *Projecting Migration: Transcultural
Documentary Practice. *Wallflower Press, 2007.* *
Guinta, Andrea. *Avant-Garde, Internationalism, and Politics: Argentine Art
in the Sixties*. Duke University Press, 2007.
Guinta, Andrea. *Post-crisis. Arte argentino después del 2001.* Siglo XXI,
Hallas, Roger. *Reframing Bodies: AIDS, Bearing Witness, and the Queer
Moving Image*. Duke University Press, 2009.
Harries, Martin. *Forgetting Lot's Wife: On
Destructive Spectatorship*.
Fordham University Press, 2007.
Harris, Jonathan (ed.). *Dead History, Live Art? Spectacle, Subjectivity and
Subversion in Visual Culture since the 1960s.* Liverpool University Press,
Hedges, Chris. *Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of
Spectacle. *Nation Books, 2009.
Hershfield, Joanne. *Imagining la Chica Moderna: Women, Nation, and Visual
Culture in Mexico, 1917-1936*. Duke University Press, 2008.
Indych-López, Anna. *Muralism without Walls: Rivera, Orozco, and Siqueiros
in the United States, 1927-1940. *University of Pittsburgh Press, 2009.
Kammen, Michael. *Visual Shock: A History of Art Controversies in American
Culture*. Knopf Doubleday Publishing, 2009.
Keeling, Kara. *The Witch's Flight: The Cinematic, the Black Femme, and the
Image of Common Sense. *Duke University Press, 2007.
Kilpp, Suzana. *Audiovisualidades do voyeurismo televisivo: Apontamentos
sobre a televisão*. Editora Zouk, 2008.
Koepnick, Lutz and Sabine Eckmann (eds.). *Caught by Politics: Hitler Exiles
and American Visual Culture*. Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
Kozel, Susan. *Closer: Performance, Technologies, Phenomenology*. The MIT
Press, 2008.
Kuppers, Petra. *The Scar of Visibility: Medical Performances and
Contemporary Art*. University of Minnesota Press, 2007.
Lambert-Beatty, Caroline. *Being Watched: Yvonne Ranier and the 1960s*. The
MIT Press, 2008.
Larson, Barbara and Fae Brauer. *The Art of Evolution: Darwin, Darwinisms,
and Visual Culture*. University Press of New England, 2009.
Ledesma, María y Paula Siganovich (compiladoras). *Piquete de ojo.
Visualidades de la crisis: Argentina 2001-2003. *Ediciones FADU: Nobuku,
Lee, Anthony W. and Richard Meyer. *Weegee and* *Naked City. *University of
California Press, 2008.
Lim, Bliss Cua. *Translating Time: Cinema, the Fantastic, and Temporal
Critique*. Duke University Press, 2009.
Lindner, Christoph. *Globalization, Violence and the Visual Culture of
Cities*. Routledge, 2009.
Lomas, Laura. *Translating Empire: José Martí, Migrant Latino Subjects, and
American Modernities*. Duke University Press, 2008.
Long, Rose-Carol Washton and others (eds.). *Jewish Dimensions in Modern
Visual Culture: Antisemitism, Assimilation, Affirmation*. Brandeis
University Press, 2009 (December).
Longoni, Ana y otros (compiladores). *El Siluetazo*. Adriana Hidalgo
Editora, 2008.
* *
Martínez Pérez, Ana. *La antropología visual. *Editorial Síntesis, 2009.
Mason, Rachel and Torres Pereira Teresa de Eca (eds.). *International
Dialogues about Visual Culture, Education and Art*. Intellect, Ltd., 2008.
Miller, Monica L. *Slaves to Fashion: Black Dandyism and the Styling of
Black Diasporic Identity*. Duke University Press, 2009.
Morris, Rosalind (ed.). *Photographies East: The Camera and Its Histories in
East and Southeast Asia*. Duke University Press, 2009.
Mraz, John. *Looking for Mexico: Modern Visual Culture and National Identity
*. Duke University Press, 2009.
* *
Nakamura, Lisa. *Digitizing Race: Visual Cultures of the Internet*.
University of Minnesota Press, 2007.
Nugent, Stephen. *Scoping the Amazon: Image, Icon, and Ethnography. *Left
Coast Press, 2007.
Pajackowska, Claire and Ivan War. *Shame and Sexuality: Psychoanalysis and
Visual Culture*. Routledge, 2008.
Deborah. *Selenidad: Selena, Latinos, and the Performance of Memory
*. Duke University Press, 2009.
Pelger-Gordon, Ann. *In Sight of America: Photography and the
Development of
U.S. Immigration Policy*. University of California Press, 2009.
Pick, Zuzana M. *Constructing the Image of the Mexican Revolution: Cinema
and the Archive*. University of Texas Press, forthcoming January 2010.
Potter, Russell A. *Arctic Spectacles: The Frozen North in Visual Culture,
1818-1875. *University of Washington Press, 2007.* *
Poulter, Gillian. *Becoming Native in a Foreign Land: Sport, Visual Culture,
and Identity in Montreal, 1840-85. *University of British Columbia Press,
Rawlinson, Mark. *American Visual Culture*. Berg, 2009.
Rohs, Stephen. *Eccentric Nation: Irish Performance in Nineteenth-Century
New York City*. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2009.
* *
Sarlo, Beatriz. *La ciudad vista: mercancías y cultura urbana. *Siglo
Veintiuno Editores, 2009.
Schor, Mira. *A
Decade of Negative Thinking: Essays on Art, Politics, and
Daily Life*. Duke University Press, 2009.
See, Sarita Echavez. *The
Decolonized Eye: Filipino American Art and
Performance*. University of Minnesota Press, 2009.
Segre, Erica. *Intersected Identities: Strategies of Visualisation in
Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Mexico*. Berghahn Books, 2007.
Shih, Shu-mei. *Visuality and Identity: Sinophone Articulations across the
Pacific*. University of California Press, 2007.
Smith, Marguard. *Visual Culture Studies: Interviews with Key Thinkers*.
Sage Publications, 2008.
Springgay, Stephanie. *Body Knowledge and Curriculum: Pedagogies of Touch in
Youth and Visual Culture*. Peter Lang: 2008.
Sturken, Marita and Lisa Cartwright. *Practices of Looking: An Introduction
to Visual Culture*. Oxford University Press, 2009.
Szaniecki, Barbara. *Estética da multidão. *Editora Civilização Brasileira,
Tagg, John. *The Disciplinary Frame: Photographic Truths and the Capture of
Meaning*. University of Minnesota Press, 2009.
Thompson, Kirsten Moana and Roger Hallas (eds.). *The Image and the Witness:
Trauma, Memory and Visual Culture*. Wallflower Press, 2007.
Thompson, Krista A. *An Eye for the Tropics: Tourism, Photography, and
Framing the Caribbean Picturesque*. Duke University Press, 2009.
Wilson, Pamela and others (ed). *Global Indigenous Media: Cultures, Poetics,
and Politics*. Duke University Press, 2008.
Wood, Amy Louise. *Lynching and Spectacle: Witnessing Racial Violence in
America, 1890-1940. *The* *University of North Carolina Press, 2009.
Wright, Terence. *Visual Impact: Culture and the Meaning of Images*. Berg
Publishers, 2008.
quarta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2009
CFP - 11a Conferência Internacional da Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR)
Segue a Chamada de Artigos da 11a Conferência Internacional da Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR), que terá lugar entre 21 e 23 de outubro de 2010 em Gothenburg, Suécia.
A data-limite para envio de propostas é 21/02/2010 e não costuma haver prorrogação.
Aproveito para destacar a possibilidade de concorrer ao abatimento de taxas (fee waiver), para o qual são elegíveis estudantes e pesquisadores de países latino-americanos.
Call for Papers
Internet Research 11.0 - Sustainability, Participation, Action
The 11th Annual International and Interdisciplinary Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR)
October 21-23, 2010 University of Gothenburg/Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
The challenge of this conference is to find multiple avenues for participation and action towards a sustainable future. In a society increasingly aware of social and ecological imbalance, many people now see information and communication technologies as key technologies for solving problems associated with an unsustainable future. However, while information technology may solve some problems, it can magnify others. As pointed out by world forums such as the United Nations and the European Commission, use of ICTs contributes to the unsustainable consumption of energy and resources. Similarly, unequal access and exploitative practices remind us that IT is not a utopian answer to complex social problems. A sustainable future is not only about greening processes and products at any cost, but also entails social responsibility, cultural protection and economic growth. Therefore the conference has a multi-dimensional focus, where the Internet is seen as a possible liberating, empowering and greening tool.
The conference will focus on how the Internet can function as a conduit for the development of greater global equality and understanding, a training ground for participation in debates and cross-cultural projects and a tool for mutual action; in short a technology of empowerment. The flip-side of the internet as a tool for empowerment is the issue of exploitation. Exploitation of resources and people is what has led to the current crisis, and issues of exploitation are highly relevant online, from abuse of the commons to censorship, fraud and loss of privacy and the protection of the rights of the individual.
Sustainability, Participation, Action invites scholars to consider issues concerning empowerment and/or exploitation in relation to the Internet. We ask scholars to specifically consider issues concerning integrity, knowledge production, and ethics in relation to the Internet and sustainable development. How do we, as Internet researchers, regard our work in relation to the unsustainable current situation and the possibilities of a sustainable future? How far can we take the Internet, and with it, people, individuals, groups and societies in order to create an arena for participation and action, all key elements in imagining a sustainable future? How can we apply previous knowledge to serve future solutions?
To this end, we call for papers, panel proposals, and presentations from any discipline, methodology, and community, and from conjunctions of multiple disciplines, methodologies and academic communities that address the conference themes, including papers that intersect and/or interconnect the following:
Internet and an equal and balanced society
Internet as an arena for participation
Internet as a tool and arena for action
Internet and an informed knowledge society
Internet and a green society
Internet and e‐commerce, dematerialization and transportation
Internet and security, integrity and surveillance
Internet and a healthy society
Internet as an arena for cultural expressions, and source of a culture of its own.
Sessions at the conference will be established that specifically address the conference themes, and we welcome innovative, exciting, and unexpected takes on those themes. We also welcome submissions on topics that address social, cultural, political, legal, aesthetic, economic, and/or philosophical aspects of the Internet beyond the conference themes. In all cases, we welcome disciplinary and interdisciplinary submissions as well as international collaborations from both AoIR and non‐AoIR members.
We seek proposals for several different kinds of contributions. We welcome proposals for traditional academic conference PAPERS and we also welcome proposals for ROUNDTABLE SESSIONS that will focus on discussion and interaction among conference delegates, as well as organized PANEL PROPOSALS that present a coherent group of papers on a single theme.
Call for Papers Released: 24 November 2009
Submissions Due: 21 February 2010 (Details here)
Notification: 21 April 2010
Full papers due: 21 August 2010
All papers and presentations in this session will be evaluated in a standard blind peer review.
PAPERS (individual or multi-author) - submit abstract of 600-800 words
FULL PAPERS (OPTIONAL): For submitters requiring peer review of full papers, manuscripts of up to 8,000 words will be accepted for review. These will be reviewed and judged separately from abstract submissions
PANEL PROPOSALS - submit a 600-800 word description of the panel theme, plus 250-500 word abstract for each paper or presentation
ROUNDTABLE PROPOSALS - submit a statement indicating the nature of the roundtable discussion and interaction
Papers, presentations and panels will be selected from the submitted proposals on the basis of multiple blind peer review, coordinated and overseen by the Program Chair. Each individual is invited to submit a proposal for 1 paper or 1 presentation. A person may also propose a panel session, which may include a second paper that they are presenting. An individual may also submit a roundtable proposal. You may be listed as co-author on additional papers as long as you are not presenting them.
Selected papers from the conference will be published in a special issue of the journal Information, Communication & Society, edited by Caroline Haythornthwaite and Lori Kendall. Authors selected for consideration for submission to this issue will be contacted prior to the conference.
All papers submitted to the conference system will be available to AoIR members after the conference.
On October 20, 2010, there will be a limited number of pre-conference workshops which will provide participants with in-depth, hands-on and/or creative opportunities. We invite proposals for these pre-conference workshops. Local presenters are encouraged to propose workshops that will invite visiting researchers into their labs or studios or locales. Proposals should be no more than 1000 words, and should clearly outline the purpose, methodology, structure, costs, equipment and minimal attendance required, as well as explaining relevance to the conference as a whole. Proposals will be accepted if they demonstrate that the workshop will add significantly to the overall program in terms of thematic depth, hands on experience, or local opportunities for scholarly or artistic connections. These proposals and all inquiries regarding pre-conference proposals should be submitted as soon as possible to both the Conference Chair and Program Chair and no later than March 31, 2010.
In order to increase the diversity of participation in the AoIR annual Internet Research (IR) conferences, the Association of Internet Researchers will make available up to three conference fee waivers per year. The number of fee waivers will depend first of all upon the ability of the conference budget to sustain such waivers (a judgment to be made by the AoIR Executive Committee upon the advice of the AoIR Treasurer and the local organizing committee) as well as upon the quality of the applications for fee waivers.
Applications for fee waivers are invited from student or faculty authors whose paper or panel proposals have already been accepted via the AoIR IR conference reviewing process. All applications should be directed to the Vice-President of AoIR, and must be received by June 30 of the conference year. Late applications cannot be considered. More information and submission guidelines will be published in a separate announcement.
Program Chair: Torill Elvira Mortensen, Volda University College, Norway. torill.mortensen@gmail.com
Conference Co-Chairs and Coordinators: Ann-Sofie Axelsson, Chalmers University of Technology and Ylva Hård af Segerstad, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Important Dates
Submissions Due 21 February 2010
Notifications of Acceptance 21 Apr 2010
Abstract Revisions Due7 May 2010
Full Papers Due 21 August 2010
Pre-Conference Workshops 20 Oct 2010
Main Conference 21-23 Oct 2010
Segue a Chamada de Artigos da 11a Conferência Internacional da Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR), que terá lugar entre 21 e 23 de outubro de 2010 em Gothenburg, Suécia.
A data-limite para envio de propostas é 21/02/2010 e não costuma haver prorrogação.
Aproveito para destacar a possibilidade de concorrer ao abatimento de taxas (fee waiver), para o qual são elegíveis estudantes e pesquisadores de países latino-americanos.
Call for Papers
Internet Research 11.0 - Sustainability, Participation, Action
The 11th Annual International and Interdisciplinary Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR)
October 21-23, 2010 University of Gothenburg/Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
The challenge of this conference is to find multiple avenues for participation and action towards a sustainable future. In a society increasingly aware of social and ecological imbalance, many people now see information and communication technologies as key technologies for solving problems associated with an unsustainable future. However, while information technology may solve some problems, it can magnify others. As pointed out by world forums such as the United Nations and the European Commission, use of ICTs contributes to the unsustainable consumption of energy and resources. Similarly, unequal access and exploitative practices remind us that IT is not a utopian answer to complex social problems. A sustainable future is not only about greening processes and products at any cost, but also entails social responsibility, cultural protection and economic growth. Therefore the conference has a multi-dimensional focus, where the Internet is seen as a possible liberating, empowering and greening tool.
The conference will focus on how the Internet can function as a conduit for the development of greater global equality and understanding, a training ground for participation in debates and cross-cultural projects and a tool for mutual action; in short a technology of empowerment. The flip-side of the internet as a tool for empowerment is the issue of exploitation. Exploitation of resources and people is what has led to the current crisis, and issues of exploitation are highly relevant online, from abuse of the commons to censorship, fraud and loss of privacy and the protection of the rights of the individual.
Sustainability, Participation, Action invites scholars to consider issues concerning empowerment and/or exploitation in relation to the Internet. We ask scholars to specifically consider issues concerning integrity, knowledge production, and ethics in relation to the Internet and sustainable development. How do we, as Internet researchers, regard our work in relation to the unsustainable current situation and the possibilities of a sustainable future? How far can we take the Internet, and with it, people, individuals, groups and societies in order to create an arena for participation and action, all key elements in imagining a sustainable future? How can we apply previous knowledge to serve future solutions?
To this end, we call for papers, panel proposals, and presentations from any discipline, methodology, and community, and from conjunctions of multiple disciplines, methodologies and academic communities that address the conference themes, including papers that intersect and/or interconnect the following:
Internet and an equal and balanced society
Internet as an arena for participation
Internet as a tool and arena for action
Internet and an informed knowledge society
Internet and a green society
Internet and e‐commerce, dematerialization and transportation
Internet and security, integrity and surveillance
Internet and a healthy society
Internet as an arena for cultural expressions, and source of a culture of its own.
Sessions at the conference will be established that specifically address the conference themes, and we welcome innovative, exciting, and unexpected takes on those themes. We also welcome submissions on topics that address social, cultural, political, legal, aesthetic, economic, and/or philosophical aspects of the Internet beyond the conference themes. In all cases, we welcome disciplinary and interdisciplinary submissions as well as international collaborations from both AoIR and non‐AoIR members.
We seek proposals for several different kinds of contributions. We welcome proposals for traditional academic conference PAPERS and we also welcome proposals for ROUNDTABLE SESSIONS that will focus on discussion and interaction among conference delegates, as well as organized PANEL PROPOSALS that present a coherent group of papers on a single theme.
Call for Papers Released: 24 November 2009
Submissions Due: 21 February 2010 (Details here)
Notification: 21 April 2010
Full papers due: 21 August 2010
All papers and presentations in this session will be evaluated in a standard blind peer review.
PAPERS (individual or multi-author) - submit abstract of 600-800 words
FULL PAPERS (OPTIONAL): For submitters requiring peer review of full papers, manuscripts of up to 8,000 words will be accepted for review. These will be reviewed and judged separately from abstract submissions
PANEL PROPOSALS - submit a 600-800 word description of the panel theme, plus 250-500 word abstract for each paper or presentation
ROUNDTABLE PROPOSALS - submit a statement indicating the nature of the roundtable discussion and interaction
Papers, presentations and panels will be selected from the submitted proposals on the basis of multiple blind peer review, coordinated and overseen by the Program Chair. Each individual is invited to submit a proposal for 1 paper or 1 presentation. A person may also propose a panel session, which may include a second paper that they are presenting. An individual may also submit a roundtable proposal. You may be listed as co-author on additional papers as long as you are not presenting them.
Selected papers from the conference will be published in a special issue of the journal Information, Communication & Society, edited by Caroline Haythornthwaite and Lori Kendall. Authors selected for consideration for submission to this issue will be contacted prior to the conference.
All papers submitted to the conference system will be available to AoIR members after the conference.
On October 20, 2010, there will be a limited number of pre-conference workshops which will provide participants with in-depth, hands-on and/or creative opportunities. We invite proposals for these pre-conference workshops. Local presenters are encouraged to propose workshops that will invite visiting researchers into their labs or studios or locales. Proposals should be no more than 1000 words, and should clearly outline the purpose, methodology, structure, costs, equipment and minimal attendance required, as well as explaining relevance to the conference as a whole. Proposals will be accepted if they demonstrate that the workshop will add significantly to the overall program in terms of thematic depth, hands on experience, or local opportunities for scholarly or artistic connections. These proposals and all inquiries regarding pre-conference proposals should be submitted as soon as possible to both the Conference Chair and Program Chair and no later than March 31, 2010.
In order to increase the diversity of participation in the AoIR annual Internet Research (IR) conferences, the Association of Internet Researchers will make available up to three conference fee waivers per year. The number of fee waivers will depend first of all upon the ability of the conference budget to sustain such waivers (a judgment to be made by the AoIR Executive Committee upon the advice of the AoIR Treasurer and the local organizing committee) as well as upon the quality of the applications for fee waivers.
Applications for fee waivers are invited from student or faculty authors whose paper or panel proposals have already been accepted via the AoIR IR conference reviewing process. All applications should be directed to the Vice-President of AoIR, and must be received by June 30 of the conference year. Late applications cannot be considered. More information and submission guidelines will be published in a separate announcement.
Program Chair: Torill Elvira Mortensen, Volda University College, Norway. torill.mortensen@gmail.com
Conference Co-Chairs and Coordinators: Ann-Sofie Axelsson, Chalmers University of Technology and Ylva Hård af Segerstad, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Important Dates
Submissions Due 21 February 2010
Notifications of Acceptance 21 Apr 2010
Abstract Revisions Due7 May 2010
Full Papers Due 21 August 2010
Pre-Conference Workshops 20 Oct 2010
Main Conference 21-23 Oct 2010
Call for Papers - revista Logos n. 32
Caros colegas,
Segue abaixo call for papers da Revista Logos no 32, 1o. semestre de 2010.
Um abraço,
Erick Felinto
Call for papers – Logos no 32
A Revista Logos, do PPGC-UERJ, constitui um espaço para reflexões teórico-metodológicas sobre práticas comunicacionais ligadas a dispositivos relacionais e midiáticos na atualidade. A Logos conta com a colaboração de pesquisadores nacionais e estrangeiros, além de editores convidados, e publica artigos inéditos resultantes de pesquisa científica e/ou resenhas. Atualmente está recebendo contribuições para a edição no. 32 (2010/1) sobre a temática Comunicação e Audiovisual. Esta edição dará ênfase a estudos sobre conexões dos vários campos da audiovisual e das teorias da imagem com atividades e estudos na área de comunicação, reunindo trabalhos de pesquisa que privilegiem a análise e a articulação entre estética, tecnologia e percepção. A edição também dará destaque às tecnologias digitais, às relações entre imagem e cultura e à criação multimidiática.
Serão aceitos textos inéditos em Português, Inglês, Francês e Espanhol. Os textos deverão ser encaminhados para o seguinte endereço eletrônico:
Logos no 32 – 1o semestre de 2010 – Tema: Comunicação e Audiovisual
Prazo para recebimento de textos: 31/03/2010
As normas de publicação podem ser encontradas em:
http://www.logos.uerj.br <http://www.logos.uerj.br/>
Erick Felinto
(Editor Logos No. 32 – Comunicação e Audiovisual)
Segue abaixo call for papers da Revista Logos no 32, 1o. semestre de 2010.
Um abraço,
Erick Felinto
Call for papers – Logos no 32
A Revista Logos, do PPGC-UERJ, constitui um espaço para reflexões teórico-metodológicas sobre práticas comunicacionais ligadas a dispositivos relacionais e midiáticos na atualidade. A Logos conta com a colaboração de pesquisadores nacionais e estrangeiros, além de editores convidados, e publica artigos inéditos resultantes de pesquisa científica e/ou resenhas. Atualmente está recebendo contribuições para a edição no. 32 (2010/1) sobre a temática Comunicação e Audiovisual. Esta edição dará ênfase a estudos sobre conexões dos vários campos da audiovisual e das teorias da imagem com atividades e estudos na área de comunicação, reunindo trabalhos de pesquisa que privilegiem a análise e a articulação entre estética, tecnologia e percepção. A edição também dará destaque às tecnologias digitais, às relações entre imagem e cultura e à criação multimidiática.
Serão aceitos textos inéditos em Português, Inglês, Francês e Espanhol. Os textos deverão ser encaminhados para o seguinte endereço eletrônico:
Logos no 32 – 1o semestre de 2010 – Tema: Comunicação e Audiovisual
Prazo para recebimento de textos: 31/03/2010
As normas de publicação podem ser encontradas em:
http://www.logos.uerj.br <http://www.logos.uerj.br/>
Erick Felinto
(Editor Logos No. 32 – Comunicação e Audiovisual)
segunda-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2009
Revista Anagrama - Lançamento e Call for Papers
Prezados professores e graduandos:
Informamos que o novo número da REVISTA ANAGRAMA já foi lançado!
Visitem nosso site em: www.usp.br/anagrama ou http://www.revistas.univerciencia.org/index.php/anagrama/index.
Graduandos, continuem a mandar os seus artigos. O próximo número
sairá em Março.
Mais informações: www.usp.br/anagrama ou anagrama@usp.br.
Informamos que o novo número da REVISTA ANAGRAMA já foi lançado!
Visitem nosso site em: www.usp.br/anagrama ou http://www.revistas.univerciencia.org/index.php/anagrama/index.
Graduandos, continuem a mandar os seus artigos. O próximo número
sairá em Março.
Mais informações: www.usp.br/anagrama ou anagrama@usp.br.
Intercom abre inscrições para cursos de férias sobre a área da comunicação
Você quer ser professor de comunicação? Quer melhorar seu desempenho na sala de aula? Pretende avançar no campo da pesquisa? Então, participe do INTERCOM JOVEM 2010.
A Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação dá continuidade ao “PROGRAMA INTERCOM JOVEM”, destinado a Novos Docentes e a Pesquisadores do Futuro.
Em janeiro de 2010 uma equipe de primeira linha, integrada por pesquisadores seniores, mas também incluindo jovens talentos, vai socializar conhecimentos e repartir informações sobre o campo acadêmico da comunicação. Trata-se de um grupo plural e diversificado, de várias correntes e distintas gerações, convergentes na missão de formar ou aperfeiçoar os professores/pesquisadores do futuro.
O número de vagas é limitado, dando-se preferência aos primeiros inscritos. Já estão programados 2 módulos do INTERCOM JOVEM, agendados para a segunda quinzena de janeiro. Novos módulos serão divulgados oportunamente.
Módulo 1. Campo da Comunicação: Iniciação Crítica
Período: 18 a 22 de janeiro de 2010
Dia 18 – Segunda
9h - 12h – Epistemologia e Taxionomia da Comunicação – Anamaria Fadul
14h - 17h – Teorias da comunicação: Forâneas e Mestiças – Antonio Hohlfeldt
9h - 12h – Epistemologia e Taxionomia da Comunicação – Anamaria Fadul
14h - 17h – Teorias da comunicação: Forâneas e Mestiças – Antonio Hohlfeldt
Dia 19 – Terça
9h - 12h - Correntes metodológicas da pesquisa em comunicação – Maria Immacolata V. Lopes
14h - 17h – Pedagogia da Comunicação: Ensino/Aprendizagem – José Marques de Melo
9h - 12h - Correntes metodológicas da pesquisa em comunicação – Maria Immacolata V. Lopes
14h - 17h – Pedagogia da Comunicação: Ensino/Aprendizagem – José Marques de Melo
Dia 20 - Quarta
9h - 12h – O estudo da Propaganda – Adolpho Queiroz
14h - 17h – O estudo do Audiovisual: Cinema e Televisão - Patricia Moran
9h - 12h – O estudo da Propaganda – Adolpho Queiroz
14h - 17h – O estudo do Audiovisual: Cinema e Televisão - Patricia Moran
Dia 21 – Quinta
9h - 12h – O estudo do Jornalismo – Carlos Chaparro
14h - 17h – O estudo da Comunicação Organizacional: Relações Públicas – Margarida Kunsch
9h - 12h – O estudo do Jornalismo – Carlos Chaparro
14h - 17h – O estudo da Comunicação Organizacional: Relações Públicas – Margarida Kunsch
Dia 22 – Sexta
9 - 12h – O estudo da Editoração: Livro e Multimídia – Sandra Reimão
14h - 17h – O estudo do Radio e da Mídia Sonora – Antonio Andrade
9 - 12h – O estudo da Editoração: Livro e Multimídia – Sandra Reimão
14h - 17h – O estudo do Radio e da Mídia Sonora – Antonio Andrade
Módulo 2. Introdução ao Pensamento Comunicacional Brasileiro
Período: 25 a 29 de janeiro de 2010
Dia 25 - segunda-feira
9h - 12h – Itinerário do Pensamento Comunicacional Brasileiro – Francisco de Assis
14h - 17h – O Pensamento Paulofreireano – Cicilia Peruzzo
9h - 12h – Itinerário do Pensamento Comunicacional Brasileiro – Francisco de Assis
14h - 17h – O Pensamento Paulofreireano – Cicilia Peruzzo
Dia 26 - Terça-feira
9h - 12h – O Pensamento Pauloemiliano – Ismail Xavier
14h - 17h – O Pensamento Beltraniano – Cristina Schmidt
9h - 12h – O Pensamento Pauloemiliano – Ismail Xavier
14h - 17h – O Pensamento Beltraniano – Cristina Schmidt
Dia 27 - Quarta-feira
9h - 12h – O Pensamento Flusseriano – Norval Baitello Junior
14h-17h – Leituras Interdisciplinares de Isaac Epstein – Arquimedes Pessoni
9h - 12h – O Pensamento Flusseriano – Norval Baitello Junior
14h-17h – Leituras Interdisciplinares de Isaac Epstein – Arquimedes Pessoni
Dia 28 - Quinta-feira
9h - 12h – Leituras Midiocêntricas de Marques de Melo – Maria Cristina Gobbi
14h - 17h – Leituras Semióticas de Lúcia Santaella – Antonio Adami
9h - 12h – Leituras Midiocêntricas de Marques de Melo – Maria Cristina Gobbi
14h - 17h – Leituras Semióticas de Lúcia Santaella – Antonio Adami
Dia 29 - Sexta-feira
9h-12h – Leituras Sistêmicas de Gaudêncio Torquato – Rose Vidal
14h-17h – Leituras Antropocêntricas de Muniz Sodré – Osvando Morais
9h-12h – Leituras Sistêmicas de Gaudêncio Torquato – Rose Vidal
14h-17h – Leituras Antropocêntricas de Muniz Sodré – Osvando Morais
Os cursos de férias do PROGRAMA INTERCOM JOVEM 2010 são de Extensão universitária, em nível de pós-graduação, tendo como público alvo os Novos Docentes e Pesquisadores do Futuro.
Está confirmada a participação da grande maioria dos docentes indicados no programa. Eventuais substituições, por conflito de agenda, serão comunicadas antecipadamente.
A carga horária de cada módulo é de 30 h/a e o número de vagas previsto é de 30 alunos por módulo. Os alunos que comparecerem a 80% das aulas receberão certificados de participação.
Taxa de inscrição: R$ 600,00 (por módulo) – Associados da Intercom em dia com a anuidade 2009 usufruem o benefício de 50% de abatimento. O pagamento poderá ser feito em duas parcelas: a primeira no ato da inscrição (até o dia 21 de dezembro) e a segunda na matrícula (até o dia 13 de janeiro). O interessado deverá preencher a ficha (download .doc) e efetuar um depósito identificado (com o nome) no Banco do Brasil, Ag. 3559-9, C.c. 38400-3. O comprovante e a ficha preenchida deverão ser enviados para o e-mail: intercomjovem@intercom.org.br. Não aceitaremos depósitos efetuados em caixas eletrônicos.
As aulas serão ministradas no auditório da INTERCOM Brigadeiro Av. Brigadeiro Luis Antonio, 2050 - sala 36 – São Paulo/SP.
Informações e inscrições com a gestora do programa, Jovina Fonseca - Email: intercomjovem@intercom.org.br
Atenção: até o dia 18/12/2009, informações pelo telefone (11) 3892-7558. De 21/12/2009 a 08/01/2010, atenderemos nos telefones (11) 2574-8477 e 3596-4747. E a partir do dia 11/01/2010, novamente no telefone (11) 3892-7558.
Observatório lança publicação sobre Convergência e Direito à Comunicação
Fonte: Eptic On Line
O Observatório do Direito à Comunicação divulgou no último dia 25 a publicação virtual “A Convergência Tecnológica e o Direito à Comunicação”. O trabalho é o primeiro de uma série de especiais que serão realizados pelo Observatório como forma de contribuir para a reflexão sobre grandes temas do setor, em especial, neste momento que antecede a realização da I Conferência Nacional de Comunicação (Confecom).
De acordo com Jonas Valente, um dos coordenadores do projeto, a publicação pretende, de maneira didática, apresentar o novo momento das comunicações no Brasil e pontuar alguns desafios relativos a ele no tocante à promoção do direito humano à comunicação.
O especial traça um histórico do processo de convergência tecnológica e ressalta que este vai além das novas funcionalidades técnicas que a cada dia se apresentam aos usuários – produtores e consumidores – das várias mídias.
O trabalho ressalta que a convergência envolve a reconfiguração completa das comunicações e dos processos de produção, armazenamento e circulação da informação e da cultura.
Clique aqui para acessar a publicação. O Observatório do Direito à Comunicação é coordenado pelo Coletivo Brasil de Comunicação Social (Intervozes).
Obrigatoriedade do diploma de jornalismo é tema de livro comemorativo
Acaba de ser lançada a edição comemorativa do livro O papel do jornal e a profissão de jornalista, de Alberto Dines pela Summus Editoral.
A obra - revista, ampliada e atualizada - reúne informações sobre as três revoluções na comunicação, a TV e o renascimento do jornal diário, os compromissos da imprensa como empresa privada, o jornalista como centro do processo da empresa jornalística, os componentes objetivos e subjetivos da profissão, a responsabilidade e os códigos de ética. O autor aborda também fatos que marcaram o desenvolvimento da imprensa no Brasil, incluindo a censura, a crise do papel e a função do jornal.
O livro traz vários textos originalmente publicados no site "Observatório da Imprensa" - projeto desenvolvido por Dines. Além de captar dados fundamentais do momento histórico, o autor interpreta sistematicamente as variáveis da conjuntura e articula-as com as tendências observadas no movimento da imprensa brasileira. Dessa forma, identifica traços capazes de explicar sua trajetória recente e as projeções perceptíveis. Realiza, assim, um trabalho de cientista do jornalismo. Singular pela sua proposta crítica, a obra é indispensável para as novas gerações de jornalistas.
A edição comemorativa presta uma homenagem ao patrono do jornalismo brasileiro, Hipólito da Costa, fundador do Correio Braziliense, primeiro periódico a circular no Brasil, em junho de 1808.
Alberto Dines é um dos mais respeitados jornalistas brasileiros e discute há décadas o papel da imprensa no desenvolvimento do país – em jornais, livros, na internet e em seu programa “ Observatório da Imprensa”.
A obra já está à venda nas livrarias.
Para mais informações sobre o livro, acesse o endereço:
Para ler as primeiras páginas do livro, acesse o endereço: http://www.gruposummus.com.br/indice/10653.pdf.
Maiores informações pelo telefone (11) 3865-9890
Revista Punto Cero faz chamada de trabalhos
Fonte: Eptic On Line
A revista Punto Cero, publicação científica da Faculdade de Ciências da Comunicação da Universidade Católica Boliviana San Pablo, convoca os pesquisadores e pesquisadoras do campo da Comunicação e, em geral, das Ciências Sociais a enviar trabalhos para a próxima edição do periódico.
Os interessados podem enviar textos que apresentem resultados de pesquisa, estudos de caso, ensaios argumentativos, artigos de reflexão e/ou revisão temática, que abordem temas da comunicação e a sua relação com a cultura, a política, a educação e o desenvolvimento.
Os artigos podem ser enviados até o dia 10 de fevereiro de 2010. Para conhecer as regras de submissão e o perfil da revista acesse: http://www.ucbcba.edu.bo e clique no link “Publicaciones”, do menu principal. Dúvidas podem ser tiradas através do e-mail: puntocero@ucbcba.edu.bo/.
terça-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2009
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