quinta-feira, 1 de julho de 2010

CFP: e-Science 2010 (deadline approaching)



Scientific research is increasingly carried out by communities of researchers that span disciplines, laboratories, organizations, and national boundaries. The e-Science 2010 conference is designed to bring together leading international and interdisciplinary research communities, developers, and users of e-Science applications and enabling IT technologies. The conference serves as a forum to present the results of the latest research and product/tool developments and to highlight related activities from around the world.

Building on last year's emphasis, we are particularly interested in advances in the application of technology in a particular discipline. Accordingly, significant advances in practice will be considered as important as the development of new technologies themselves. Further, we welcome contributions in educational activities under any of these disciplines.

As a result, the conference will be structured around a number of e-Science themes, shown below:

Arts, Humanities and e-Social Science
Bioinformatics and Health
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Climate & Earth Sciences
Research Tools, Workflow and systems, novel infrastructure
Digital Repositories and Data Management
and e-Science practice
It is expected that the proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press, USA and will be made available online through the IEEE Digital Library.


Authors are invited to submit papers with unpublished, original work of not more than 8 pages of double column text using single spaced 10 point size on 8.5 x 11 inch pages, as per IEEE 8.5 x 11 manuscript guidelines.

Templates are available from here: http://www.ieee.org/web/publications/pubservices/confpub/AuthorTools/conferenceTemplates.html.

Authors should submit a PDF or PostScript (level 2) file that will print on a PostScript printer. Papers conforming to the above guidelines can be submitted through the e-Science 2010 paper submission system.

It is expected that the proceedings will be published by the IEEE CS Press, USA and will be made available online through the IEEE Digital Library.

It is a requirement that at least one author of each accepted paper attend the conference.

Papers should be submitted to: https://cmt2.research.microsoft.com/ESCIENCE10/


Papers Due: Friday 16th July 2010

Notification of Acceptance: 3rd September 2010

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