quinta-feira, 1 de julho de 2010

6th European Symposium on Gender and ICT - call for contributions

First call for contributions:

6th European Symposium on Gender & ICT - Feminist Interventions in Theories and Practices

Umeå University, Sweden, March 8 - 10, 2011

Information Technology is everywhere, shaping the way we experience our lives, the world and each other. Some digital transformations reveal new possibilities for improving social conditions, while others suggest that social inequality may be increasing. In a changing society, understandings of digitalization and politics become important. Also, the performative and co-constructive nature of gender-technology-work relations points to the importance of paying attention to many kinds of actors (elements) in understanding ICT. As such one of the pressing questions to contemporary gender and feminist research is: How does gender and feminist research intervene in and contribute to new directions and sustainable futures of ICT-based practices?

The 6th European Gender and ICT Symposium we will take a closer look at some of the challenges emerging in contemporary society related to new configurations of bodies and technologies. The conference reflects the diversity of gender studies, incorporating interdisciplinary perspectives on information and communication technologies, digital artefacts and systems. Once central focus is on the ways imagination, knowledge and politics intervene with gendered practices in contemporary societies. The theme for the symposium is Feminist Interventions in Theories and Practices seeking contributions that advance our understanding of how gender and feminist research can contribute to sustainable futures of ICT-based practices.We invite you to share your experiences!

Submission of abstracts    by October 1, 2010.
Submission of full papers    by January 15, 2011

For more details, see http://gict2011.informatik.umu.se

Program chair
Dr. Anna Croon Fors

Conference organisation
Anna Croon Fors, Karin Danielsson Öberg, Pirjo Elovaara, Maria Jansson, Annakarin Nyberg, Christina Mörtberg, Johanna Sefyrin, Eva Svedmark Ikonomidis

Department of Informatics
Umeå University
+46 90 786 61 35
Fax +46 90 786 65 50

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