quinta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2009

New Journal: Policy and Internet

Dear friends and colleagues,   
We are really pleased to be able to tell you that the OII is establishing a new journal, Policy and Internet, with the Policy Studies Organization and Berkeley Electronic Press. It will be the first major peer-reviewed journal to investigate the policy effects of the Internet and related technologies. We hope that you will circulate this call among your networks, and, most importantly, consider submitting an article to the new journal.   
With best wishes,   
Professor Helen Margetts, Editor in Chief   
David Sutcliffe, Managing Editor   
Policy and Internet   
1. Policy and Internet: Call for Papers   
2. Editorial Board   
1. Policy and Internet: Call for Papers   
The Oxford Internet Institute (OII), the Policy Studies Organization (PSO), and Berkeley Electronic Press are proud to announce Policy and Internet, the first major peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary journal investigating the implications of the Internet and associated technologies for public policy.   
The Internet is now embedded in social, economic and political life, bringing with it new practices, norms and structures. The societal shift enabled by the Internet enables new kinds of policy innovation and creativity: and raises new challenges and risks for policy-making and analysis. It requires rigorous empirical investigation, theoretical development and methodological innovation across academic disciplines. Policy and Internet will become the premier arena for advancing policy research and shaping the policy agenda in the digital era.   
Policy and Internet invites papers reporting world class research and scholarship on any aspect of the relationship between the Internet and public policy. The journal is fully multi-disciplinary in scope. Topics will range across policy sectors and regions of the world, including generalised, sectoral or country-specific policy effects.   
Find further details and make submissions at:   
Call for Papers (pdf, 30kb):   
2. Editorial Board   
Professor Helen Margetts, Editor in Chief (OII)   
David Sutcliffe, Managing Editor (OII)   
Andreas Busch (University of Gottingen)   
Manuel Castells (Open University of Catalonia)   
Paul DiMaggio (Princeton University)   
Patrick Dunleavy (LSE)   
Nicholas Economides (New York University)   
Hernan Galperin (University of Southern California)   
Andrew Graham (University of Oxford)   
Robert Hahn (American Enterprise Institute)   
Matthew Hindman (Arizona State University)   
Sonia Livingstone (LSE)   
Lee W. McKnight (Syracuse University)   
Milton Mueller (Syracuse University)   
Howard Rheingold (UC Berkeley)   
Angela Sasse (UCL)   
AnnaLee Saxenian (UC Berkeley)   
Stuart Shulman (UMass, Amherst)   
J.P. Singh (Georgetown University)   
Joseph Straubhaar (University of Texas)   
Hal Varian (UC, Berkeley)   
Thierry Vedel (Sciences Po - IEP)   
Philip Weiser (University of Colorado)   
Jonathan Zittrain (Harvard University)   
Policy and Internet   
Oxford Internet Institute   
University of Oxford   
1 St Giles Oxford OX1 3JS   
United Kingdom   
Tel: +44 (0)1865 287210   
Fax: +44 (0)1865 287211   
Email: enquiries@oii.ox.ac.uk   
Web: http://www.oii.ox.ac.uk

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