sexta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2009

War, conflict and reconciliation on the Internet

Dear all,

You are cordially invited
to the research symposium,War, conflict and
reconciliation on the Internet, on Wednesday the 21 of
January, at 4-6pm, Liverpool John Moores Universitym Dean Wwalters
Building, room 103. The event is free and open to all. For more details
and directions, please visit our website

War, conflict and
reconciliation on the Internet

Lucy Noakes, University
of Brighton,"'Websites of Remembrance: British Memories of the Second
World War
on the Internet‘"
Evropi Chatzipanagiotidou, Sussex University, "The new faces of Cyprus
on Facebook: the Internet as a tool for peace and reconciliation"
Adi Kuntsman, LJMU, "Cyberwars and cyberhate: Islamophobia,
anti-Semitism and homophobia on the Russian-language Internet"

Look forward
to seeing you there

Adi Kuntsman
Lecturer in Internet and Communication
Schoolof Media,
Critical and Creative

LiverpoolJohn Moores University
1 St. James Road, Liverpool , L1 7BR
Tel 0151 231 5035
Email Web

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