terça-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2010

CFP: IJEI special issue 'Digital technologies and educational integrity'

Call for papers:
'Digital technologies and educational integrity'
A special issue of the online refereed journal IJEI

Edited by Chris Moore and Ruth Walker
University of Wollongong

This special issue of the International Journal for Educational
Integrity (IJEI) seeks articles that address the impact of digital
technologies on educational integrity. Many different terms have
emerged in an attempt to capture the shifting terrain of media use and
users in various networked environments: 'social', 'participatory',
'user-generated' or simply 'new' media. Common to the online
interactive spaces of Web2.0 is the challenge of technologies and
practices that are capable of changing the way we teach, learn, and
share knowledge. How can we best engage and support students and
colleagues coming to terms with the dynamics of these technologies and
the development of new literacies?

We are particularly interested in innovative research from scholars in
cultural and media studies and/or the scholarship of teaching and
learning, and welcome interest from other disciplinary researchers,
who might consider a broad range of questions about digital
technologies that critically unpack the conversation about academic
integrity and go beyond a preoccupation with plagiarism and research
. Critical voices of concern, examples of best practice and
consideration of the perceived impact of digital technology on
institutional boundaries are keenly sought as is research exploring
the collaborative approaches to social and participatory media that
challenge conceptions about authorial identity and scholarly writing
practices. Research examining the development of new literacies that
celebrate the appropriation, adaptation and transformation of source
material would fit well within the scope of this special issue. We
also welcome reviews of relevant books or publications.

Abstracts (max 500 words) due date: 31st March 2010
Full papers (3-6000 words) due date: 1st July 2010
Book reviews (1000 words) due date: 1st September 2010
Special issue release date: December 2010

Please send all enquiries and abstracts to the editors at

International Journal for Educational Integrity:

Submission style guide:

About the editors:

Chris Moore is a father, gamer and lecturer in Digital Communications,
Games and Media Studies at the University of Wollongong. Currently
researching Australian gamers and their cultural, economic and social
contributions, this focus has emerged from analysis of the
complementary and alternative regimes of intellectual property
generation and management, including the Open Source movement and
digital games modification sub-cultures and online learning practices.

Ruth Walker teaches a range of academic writing programs in the
Faculties of Creative Arts and Law at the University of Wollongong.
Her research interests take a cultural and media studies approach to
academic integrity, particularly regarding the impact of media
technologies on critical writing practices. She is currently the
deputy chair of the Asia Pacific Forum for Educational Integrity

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