sexta-feira, 29 de maio de 2009

CFP: Popularizing research

Call for papers: Popularizing Research

I am inviting chapter proposals for an edited book that will show and tell
ways that scholars can make research more popular to larger lay, media,
and other popular audiences.

Much too often research in the social sciences and humanities suffers from
an ivory tower complex, the symptoms of which prevent wide audiences from
fully enjoying the processes or appreciating the value and utility of
research. As a result, research is often destined for and consumed by a
small cadre of readers who have access to both the narrowly accessible media
in which research is published, and the difficult lexicon that characterizes
academic writing.

As new, experimental, blurred genres of research, as well as new
distribution media, new academic imperatives, and new ideas and wills
emerge, the need to popularize academic research grows. How to popularize
research is, however, neither always clear nor easy. Students and scholars
often lack a comprehensive vision of the contemporary possibilities
available and the procedures involved. The goal of this book is to provide
students and scholars with such a broad and thorough overview and serve as a
companion for any research method course or as a handy reference for career

Since the goal is to make research popular, the means themselves should
abide by that principle. Therefore, I am not interested in editing a dry,
tedious , abstract book. I am seeking witty, fun, funny, enthusiastic,
thrilling, suspenseful, dramatic, performative, artistic, documentary,
provocative, innovative, sensual, sexy, genre-blurring, multi-modal,
multi-media, charismatic, experimental, funky, cool essays (each essay
doesn't have to ALL of that, but should include at least SOME -). In other
words, I am seeking to collect examples and reflections of ways in which
research in the social sciences and humanities can be more like popular
(albeit without abandoning itself its trashy tendencies).

Interest from a highly established publisher has already been expressed. The
book will include up to 25 chapters. If you are interested in contributing
please do not send me an abstract. Abstracts and executive summaries are
nasty to write and awful to read. Just send me an email and capture my
fancy. This call for papers has no true deadline, as I'll close the doors
when I have collected enough interesting stuff. Hence, do not delay getting
a hold of me! Please forward this call to all your friends and colleagues
whom you think might be interested. First drafts of chapters will be due in
the fall of 2010.

Essays will need to be short and to the point (5000 words), and include both
a general body of references to an established or new way of doing research
(a particular genre, or medium, or strategy, etc.) and one (or more)
examples of the writer's own innovative and creative ways of popularizing
research. Email me at <

Phillip Vannini, PhD
Associate Professor
School of Communication and Culture
2005 Sooke Road
Royal Roads University
Victoria BC V9B 5Y2
Phone: (250) 391-2600 ext. 4477
Fax: (250) 391-2694

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