terça-feira, 26 de junho de 2007

CFP Visible Evidence - Alemanha

Visible Evidence XIV ¬ Call for Papers

Visible Evidence, the ambulatory international conference on
documentary,will hold its 14th edition in Bochum, Germany,
from December 18th through 22nd, 2007.

Hosted by the Krupp professorship for the history and theory of
documentary forms at the University of Bochum, together with the Haus des
Dokumentarfilms Stuttgart, and dokumentarfilminitiative NRW, Visible
Evidence XIV marks the first time that the conference takes place in

Check the conference website www.visible-evidence.org for travel and
accomodation information.

This year's conference will address current issues in documentary
filmmaking as well as questions of documentary and history,
documentary images in museums and art contexts, and documentary images
and science (among others).

We invite paper proposals on all topics and current issues relating to
documentary film and filmmaking.

Open call paper proposals (300 words, one page) should be submitted
by June 30.

Final notification of acceptance will follow in the first week of July.

Please submit proposals by e-mail to vinzenz.hediger@rub.de

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